18510337? ago

I would be surprised if Q Team didn't have access to this level of tech. It has to be at least 20+ years, since I saw a revealing 60 Minutes/2020 type report on technology that our gov't uses. They were attaching shit to flies, and rocks, and hooking them to suspects' cars, throwing them on lawns, etc. Now, you find the shit in refrigerators, TV's, phones, alarm clocks, etc. We are under 24 hr. surveillance. Yes, some of this causes negative emotions in people, bad dreams, etc., unexplainable anger/rage. We have very little electronic crap in our house, and it's all dumb tech; nothing smart here.

18510277? ago

The downvotes tell a neat story, don't they? :)

18509328? ago

Remote mind? That's where you are reading too much into this. Your imagination can mess with you.

18509621? ago

Believe it or not, I got a "demo" from (((Q))) team.

18510388? ago

On remotely affecting someone's mind? That is what you imply on your post.

18509312? ago

Cool story bro, it needs more dragons and shit.

18509658? ago

Already made into a TV show also. No dragons though.


They use people as surveillance cameras though. Actual cameras not needed.

18509283? ago

Get off the psychs dude

18509634? ago

Good thing I am not on "psychs" otherwise they would be able to fully "control" me too. Right now they can only surveil...

18509258? ago


18509520? ago


OP is https://voat.co/u/vtusr, spamming here and in v/GreatAwakening

18509285? ago

Nope. Just posting this here too for more visibility. Don't you think this information should be posted to as many places as possible? Probably not if you are a (((Q))) team member yourself.

18509354? ago

Private companies and intelligence agencies worldwide have access to that tech. Attributing it to "(((Q)))" is disingenuous at best.

And with 8ch down for maintenence, youve come here to earn your shekels.

18509587? ago

I'm happy I'm not the only one who noticed this.

18509577? ago

Private companies and intelligence agencies worldwide have access to that tech.

And it's totally fine if true, right? You don't mind them watching you poop or have sex?