Same Volvo advertisements for US and Poland except for one slight detail. Evidence of creeping cultural Marxism at work. (
submitted 5.6 years ago by 3206765?
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18491996? 5.6 years ago
My god that is fucked. And they just pretend that that is normal, and it totally isn't.
18493104? 5.6 years ago
A Babylon Moongod, Haiti, Swedistan, Epstein there a connection?
18493115? 5.6 years ago
I believe it's the jew.
18496981? 5.6 years ago
Total cohencidence. ;)
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18491996? ago
My god that is fucked. And they just pretend that that is normal, and it totally isn't.
18493104? ago
A Babylon Moongod, Haiti, Swedistan, Epstein there a connection?
18493115? ago
I believe it's the jew.
18496981? ago
Total cohencidence. ;)