18505451? ago

That'll cost them in potential revenue. Marketing your product to such a narrow market and ticking off the majority of potential buyers. I make it a point not to buy any product that promotes an agenda. And I'm sure many others do as well.

18504615? ago

guess i've purchased my final volvo...

18502879? ago

Don’t buy the one in the USA, looks like you would get rear ended.

18501151? ago


18499959? ago

I quit watching television several years ago. A couple of months back I was bored one evening and flipped it on and skimmed through some shows trying to find something of interest.

I noticed a ton of these PC type things have been forced into the script. Where it doesn’t even add to the story at all. It’s just gratuitous. Once you recognize that it’s a formula you can see through the television “programming.”

The “programs” are spells cast to alter perceptions to create the reality they seek to employ for the purposes of enslaving the public to their agenda.

These creatures have crawled up from under the surface where they have hidden for millennia.

The bible talks about them. Creatures of instinct. Brute beasts, devoid of the spirit. They are uprooted trees, twice dead, casting up their shame like sea foam. They cause division and are habitual grumblers and complainers.

18499935? ago

Only fags and women drive Vulvas

18499886? ago

They’ve been doing this for a long time. When my dad was living i used to go walk with him at the mall early mornings. I started noticing so many stores how they would hang pictures of “family groups” on posters. Fashion model types. What I started noticing was NONE of them ever portrayed a normal family of a man, a woman and some kids. It was always two men, or two women, or a woman and a kid or a man and a kid. But never heterosexual couples or families with kids.

I also noticed lots of one-eye symbolism. Cosmetic and fashion stuff will very often show one eye so that one of their bangs, or a hand, or anything else will cover one eye. It is so pervasive we basically don’t even notice.

So for years they have been subliminally programming the subconscious of our society to the agenda. That’s why they hate Trump so vociferously. Because the voodoo witch was supposed to be elected and they were going to bring on the luciferian NWO and send all the patriots, conservative people, and most of all, followers of Christ, to her “fun camps.” There to be executed.

God had other things in mind. Give thanks to Him, for He is good!

18499066? ago

I seem to remember a study that indicated if you are gay you would likely own a Subaru or Volvo - can't remember which. So I am thinking they might know who their customer base is and are pandering to them, like a worthless American democrat..

18499268? ago

I remember hearing Les-baru

18497827? ago

Angela Merkel. She's throwing shit over the the fences of the USA and Poland. She'll then lie and say she found out through the MSM like she did when they fudged the emission tests in March 2017. I believe she is also jealous of our relationship with Poland. Merkel is watching the destruction of their counter-part in the USA IE real Nazis and knows it's a matter of time when she and her 2-childhood girl friends are next. May, has been taking multiple ass shots lately.

18497816? ago

Done with gays and jews. Especially jews since they are the origin of all schizophrenia, gayness, treachery and murder. Plus they look dumb as fuck.

18496638? ago

I’m so fucking sick of it!!!

18496168? ago

Volvo is made by China

18496084? ago

And on the left picture, the kid in the car is probably a tranny.

18495671? ago

so in poland are volvos not for fags?

18495614? ago

two pedophiles lusting after a child, i understand your message volvo.

18495605? ago

just say no to volvo

18495311? ago

All this does is prove NWO is overrun by faggots, trannies and pedos with severe mental issues.

18494928? ago

I never did like volvo.

18494489? ago

Romans 1:21-32.

18494211? ago

Siiick! and the are both looking at that little girl... perverts.

18494185? ago

Fucking disgusting.

18494166? ago

Looks fake. I checked out volvo cars twitter. https://twitter.com/volvocars?lang=en

I'm no fan of volvo, but I went to verify it. I couldn't find it.

Also looking at their twitter, they don't have drawings in their tweets. It's all photos, videos.

It looks like disinfo, unless someone can post the actual link of the tweet, would be great to verify

18512320? ago

Yes thanks Patriot. Verified.

18500041? ago

Thanks a lot for verification! I too didn't expect that they really did that. On their fb they're censoring a lot.

This one they didn't detect:

Douglas Bailey: That’s great Volvo. It is. But if I ever get in a Volvo and am faced with choices like this. Your safety rating and I will be out the window. http://magaimg.net/img/7xjx.png

The picture shows 3 versions of safety belts, but surely we'll only the male/female version...

A great idea to circumvent the censorship!

18512361? ago

lol! Good pickup. I read through their post, great pickup by you! I didn't even pick it up that they were censoring. Makes sense now.

18493817? ago

Even in the Poland ad, they used a darker skin tone for the man than the woman or the USA dude.

18496530? ago

Could be that or could just be the basic coloring habit. Men skin tone is usually painted darker than women. That's a rule in Asian art, and from what I've seen of Western art, that's also the custom.

18494541? ago

That's the migrant that Poland won't let inside the country, they want to try ads to brainwash the people that 'migrants are good'

18493685? ago

I really don't understand why these companies are advertising so hard for 2% of the population. And actually it's probably closer to 1%. You know, I could understand if 2%, or maybe 5%, or even 10% of the commercials were geared towards the homosexual community... but it's every frickin one these days. And if you are a hetero male - then you get served uncooked tripe like the gilette commercial or get dumped on with something even worse. What is wrong with these ad agencies? Are they all staffed by gays and feminists? Some advice to them... stop alienating the part of the population which produces more than half of the wealth.

18496632? ago

With the rape culture that is theirs, I'm thinking the gay community has been growing exponentially. Since I started getting that little boys being molested or raped as a first sexual experience tend to become gay because they just become obsessed with the same sex, and girls being molested or raped young also can develop a preference for women because they are terrified of men... And these cabal scum target kids younger and younger to fuck up their minds, all in secrecy, profiting from a growing human trafficking...

18495185? ago

Because these companies aren't chasing profit, they've been hijacked and serve an agenda.

18499905? ago

A Jewish agenda.

18493446? ago

I’d rather see this than the daily nigger with the white whore.

18494120? ago

Wouldn't it be better just to see dead jews?

18494430? ago


18493321? ago

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

18499141? ago


18501044? ago

I'm not, that is a crowley quote or law though. He was a magician.

18493224? ago

Do t buy Volvo.

18492622? ago

Yeah it's becoming sickening, all the mixed race couples and same sex couples...JUST GIVE IT A FUCKING BREAK ALREADY! I'm not buying the shit you're promoting and I'm especially not interested in the social preaching. I wouldn't buy a Volvo now if was $20.

18503211? ago

Apparently doing this 24/7 on networks & streaming programs was not enough to get through to you.

18497925? ago

I would buy a Volvo for $20 if it runs. I need a second car, and $20 running cars are hard to come by.

18497794? ago

I don't care what faggots do. Stop programming niggers with white women.

18496971? ago

18496198? ago

Apparently they dont care if u want their car cuz theyve deemed their.more valuable market to be gays ... so, good business perhaps knowing your clientele... or is it A CONSPIRACY!

18493738? ago

it's so fucked up. every gd commercial has some kind of forced interracial or gay couple. At first i thought they were pandering but now i feel there's a bigger agenda, like normalization. This direction is coming from the top. It's as if they're erasing history. And don't get me started on all the products either in several languages or Spanish only. Total bs.

18499016? ago

Why are you still watching TV? Gave in up in '05.

But it's still on the web and in magazines, I know.

18495331? ago

Tv execs will have a lot to answer for in the Great Reckoning.

18499890? ago

(((TV Execs)))

18505820? ago

Yup, add to the list.

18496603? ago

i pray, patriot. i pray.

18493637? ago

Why no Open Borders for Saudi and Israel?

18499017? ago

or Japan & China

18492460? ago

People who own Volvo's are shitty people. Always. Without exception.

18493510? ago

What if the Volvo I own is an excavator?

18494685? ago

No excuses. Sell that junk, and get something else. But NOT a John Deer.

18493437? ago

Fuck you. I own one because the new ones are fucking nice. And I despise liberals. Subaru’s on the other hand..

18499918? ago

Paint it pink and drive that Vulva with your gay pride!

18504093? ago

I have a wife AND a live in girlfriend and 5 kids. I’m straighter than you pal. The Volvo is my second wife’s.

18519131? ago

Sounds like a real normal family. Are you going to fuck up your kids too?

18494706? ago

Subaru, Volvo...Both cuckmobiles.

18495768? ago

at least subarus are not made in an islamic country

18492734? ago

And the worst drivers to boot!

18492367? ago

pedos getting ready for a gangrape. prove me wrong

18492252? ago

fucking faggots

18491996? ago

My god that is fucked. And they just pretend that that is normal, and it totally isn't.

18493104? ago

A Babylon Moongod, Haiti, Swedistan, Epstein Island...is there a connection?

18493115? ago

I believe it's the jew.


18496981? ago

Total cohencidence. ;)