18476957? ago

Didn't Bronfman hire Avenatti? I wonder who Avenatti really works for?

This is looking like a big week!

18463529? ago

It takes a special kind of stupid to not realize why dem leadership is fighting tooth / nail to keep the wall from coming up. Either they hate America or they’re on the take. As soon as it came out that Mexico’s President was bribed, it was clear as day that Pelosi and others were as well. (Not porn vvvvvv) https://imgur.com/a/NaHUbE2

18462639? ago

You act as if this is like, news, or something.

18462277? ago

I can't fucking wait for them to bring Schumer in for soliciting human trafficking.

18462172? ago

These people are sick!

18460778? ago

If all of these BOMBSHELLS were actually BOMBSHELLS, then that would be proof positive that this is a psy-op, frog in a boiling pot scenario.

18460376? ago

Says he was recruited by Roger Stone in 2007!

18459938? ago

You forgot the word "BREAKING" in your title.

18458924? ago

It's times like this I wonder how much the sex doll industry itself is going to clean the shit out of the human trafficking industry. You may laugh now, but very soon in the future the sex bots will be so lifelike that it becomes possible to fool people during specific lengths of time. Wouldn't that be funny to be a human trafficking network that was brought down because the Feds or police managed to secretly switch a victim with a robot to track the activity? And end to human trafficking might be in sight forever in the near future. I'm okay with that.

18460723? ago

"Hey Joe, whaddya know?"

18459979? ago

Put down the science fiction.

18461875? ago

that is a video and contains no 'intelligence'.

When the machine displaying the video can charge itself and operate outside of its programme on its own decision then we can talk 'intelligence'.

No matter how hard 'he' tries; Man can never rival God.

18467460? ago

Have you not figured out that each of us already can rival God? We are unlimited, every day, every minute. You can start something that changes everything forever by anonymously uploading an essay containing an idea to the internet. Do you know that your phone would be considered a "magical object" to the human beings that existed before cities and civilizations evolved so fast? Believe me, we haven't even come close to the Godly power that we will all eventually have. Science is turning the impossible into the mundane on a near daily basis. They used to say that wireless transmission of energy was impossible and would never be possible. Now, most current generation phones come with cables or base stations to charge your phone externally.

18467831? ago

Have you not figured out that each of us already can rival God?

Finite beings can never rival the infinite God.

A mans Ego is where false comparisons breed, be careful.

18468541? ago

Believe me, I removed my Ego a long time ago. 3 massive business failures and lot of failed relationships have taught me the definition of patience and appreciation. There is only one God, but in allowing us free will, God allowed us to pursue the ultimate Truth. And that truth is only through hardship and embracing God during our perilous times will we be allowed to break through and learn the secrets of the Universe.

Inside each one of us IS a God. He exists in our hearts and minds when we pick up a weapon to defend our family and our homeland. We seek his guidance at every turn, and through learning about him, we learn about ourselves. I treat my body as though it is God's vessel. I learn more about the world every day I can, so I can do it again faster and better tomorrow. And the whole point of human existence is to add more good deeds to the long chain that binds all of humanity together. To be successful and to keep all the money that you earn, you must operate by the Golden Rule, you must give more than you receive. And you will always receive more.

18468642? ago

I agree.

The Great Awakening.

Many agree with you/us.

18459676? ago

Feds and police are probably running sex trafficking networks though. They could bring any number of them down any time they wanted, but there's too many big names to do so. Also I don't think we'll have Westworld-like sex dolls any time soon.

18460513? ago

Less than 20 years. There's simply too much money behind the porn industry for things like this to stop any time soon.

18461889? ago

Are you not 'awakening'?

I 'gave up' porn a long time ago; Many are/have.

Understanding, with no action/change (((Give up porn))) , is what feeds the 'swamp'.

18461915? ago

Are you serious? Look, I get how people want to be Godly and all that shit. But give up porn and stuff is like saying you need to eliminate all vices and really Old Testament. I want to be a better person, but trust me, I've made way better decisions than many of the people I know, who I can honestly say are better people than me. I think with all the stuff I've avoided doing in my life, God can let me have one or two vices as long as I control them and don't turn them into major sins.

And the whole idea that the porn feeds the Swamp is just fucking nuts. They have more than one stream of income.

18464666? ago

while you may be right that porn may not feed the swamp -- it definitely provides orgone energy to the adversary.

the other day i had a groin muscle pull and had to stop during sex with my wife, and finished using the self-service pump (a weird al reference). did THAT provide energy to the adversary? confusing world we live in

18461969? ago

I think with all the stuff I've avoided doing in my life, God can let me have one or two vices as long as I control them

Sorry brother; we both know it doesn't work like that.

Turn to Jesus Christ if you are serious about quashing SIN. He paid the fine for you on the cross.

There are non 'Good' but God. Jesus the 'Good' Shepherd.

Did you know:

'The noun good means morally correct behaviour'

Are you striving for 'goodness' when watching porn?

18457923? ago

This is so much bigger than any of us comprehend.

18472791? ago

this i read are a smaller version of what goes on in Moron churches, castings at hollyweird, the Masonic groups etc Their ambitions were big and international, he also branded them ... https://voat.co/v/anon/3070669 Rituals, initiation into the Occult ...before it was kind fringe, underground but Everywhere you watch, the cremony, the music teens & kids go to, its everywhere now? In the movies in the Tv shows?

18475525? ago

Awesome link. Yep, it's all rituals for these sick bastards

18456566? ago

It’s all real folks. Buckle up.

18461017? ago


18458761? ago

My thoughts exactly!