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18390395? ago

I do this shit all the fucking time. I just have one account, and no one ever really notices. You must be really proud of yourself, being one notch above the idiot boomers.

18390601? ago

The "idiot" boomers know about your jew tricks already. Gass yourself.

18390913? ago

Jew tricks? This was someone trying to manipulate voat to hate Jews. It was a bad effort by a low IQ simpleton, not some Jew trick.

18390969? ago

Your post is the jew trick, you dumb jew faggot.

18390997? ago

Nobody believes you anymore. The game is over. You lose.

18391014? ago

The goyim knows you stupid sand nigger. lol.

18391039? ago

Nobody is falling for it. Your squirming is amusing.

Do you think this will cost you your job, or will they just dock your pay?

18391049? ago

Indeed. Nobody is falling for your gay jew false flag. I wish I would get paid to kill you retards. You would all be dead in a week.

18391068? ago

Let me talk to your supervisor.

18391078? ago

I tell God you said hi, you satanic piece of trash.

18391111? ago

Is your supervisor available?