18376508? ago

"Culkin, a nursing assistant with mental problems, began cyberstalking and terrorizing Spacey and his team in 2009 after one of her young male patients told her the details of an alleged attack by the American Beauty actor".

"In 2014, she was sentenced to 51 months behind bars after pleading guilty in federal court to sending harassing emails, making fake bomb threats and mailing an envelope containing white powder to Spacey’s associates".

I don't know she seemed nuts.

18378273? ago

I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3144313

18376691? ago

If you don't have the money and backing to fight the media, they can portray you as any kind of a nut they choose. I never read their accounts and believe them without question any more. I woke up back in 2008 when they put the Kenyan imposter on the throne. Their ridicule and destruction of a good patriot, Ron Paul, to make sure he never made an impact on the Republican party and instead we got the RINO no name put the final nail in their coffin for me.

18376195? ago

Isn't Spacey one of the key guys who attends the Bohemian Grove all boys (hint, hint) events in the summer with political elites? Surely he knows their secrets.

So, who is helping protect Spacey?

18378260? ago

What is this image from? Any source on this event / attendees, etc.? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3188136/18315312 Kubrick and the Conspiracies, Occult Symbols...What prompted Rothschild who owns many media companies and banks to poke Prince Charles in the chest?

18378031? ago

Yes, the Rothchilds hammered the worker drones into a debt mold for future generations to be lulled into laziness of mind with interest tacked on accompanied by a ridiculous ammount of lols.

Shilling, I would say this seems so; the narrative has to be worked like a two dollar street merchant but the trolls sometimes bridge the reality gap for added measure and for my part I lurk and watch.

Whst say you, is there anything else, dear Sir, you would like to ask me? :) https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3060680/17019924

18387130? ago

Nope I'm good, continue to lurk and watch.

18376126? ago

On Feb. 25, Culkin was walking to her home when she was mowed down by a Toyota as she stepped into a busy intersection, Quincy Police Capt. John Dougan told Radar. She later died at Boston Medical Center. No charges were filed against the driver, who remained at the scene.

Damn, they aren't even trying to hide it...


18378289? ago

and there are Jesters? hanging from the doorknob is also common? https://voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3059201 Freemason crimes, abuse? Hospitals for Children? The president of the Melha Shriners the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine-Melha Temple in Springfield

18377818? ago

I think this is a bullshit hit piece. Twice the article mentions murder and then it quotes police and medical officials, but look at those quotes. No mention of murder. So what's going on?

Is there any evidence this woman was a "whistleblower?" Check this out? She has been convicted of stalking way back in 1992?

Culkin, who has a criminal history, including multiple stalking convictions in 1992


18380422? ago

My take as well. Further, Boston pedestrians believe they are magic. Step off curb and everyone stops so they get hit a fair amount,

18375791? ago

Trust the plan!

18377998? ago

Knighted by the Queen? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915 Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country?