18386705? ago

Seriously? WWI/II is nothing but lies, bullshit, collusion, interference, unjustified, etc. Nearly everything that happened is skewed, a misdirection, outright lied about, fabricated, and bullshit.

18383529? ago

Bitchute link - https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/ The YouTube link doesn't work

18384469? ago

Thank you! YouTube was blocked by PBS/BBC.

18380676? ago


Let's focus on them, shall we?

18386068? ago

yeah, we know, jews, that's who we're talking about here, we're agreeing.

18380198? ago

Europa the Last Battle

18376731? ago

Nazis never defeated. Funded, protected. Hitler alive in 1955, s-am. The typical Paperclip trail, etc..

18376728? ago

You guys are being brainwashed. THINK.

18375721? ago

So one of the things Q said in #1957 was: Buy a history book published 20 years ago. Buy a history book published 10 years ago. Buy a history book published this year. Compare. Focus on WWI/WWII Something ALARMING will be discovered.

Not having history books from those periods, what "alarming" thing was he pointing to?

18375376? ago

It's already discovered. One just has to connect the dots. There are a lot of evidence.

18375149? ago

Prophecies fulfilled.

18374806? ago

secret space programs and bad Et deals were made. capitol fly over event look it up. Not weather balloons but Nazis in the sky people had heart attacks and died when they started shooting at them. No damage at all. Investigate further vrill society maria orsic

18372418? ago

Q said liberals are currently trying to rewrite history books. The old history books are correct.

The holocaust was real. Listen to interviews with WWII vets about what they found.

18386557? ago

People died, yes, just not the way fakes news says they did.

18386090? ago

yeah, death-rollercoasters, and masturbation-machines that masturbated the jews to death, and also turned them into soap and lampshades,!!!!

all 100% legit too!!

18382541? ago

Watch Europa and you'll see the truth about those interviews...

18372236? ago

The Wars are MASSIVE blood Sacrifices to their Gods and then they get to harness all of the Terror, Fear, Horror energy of all those the died and of those who are still living via their little stone Obelixes/Antennas that are unwittingly charged up by those who Attend the Remembrance Services....

18372184? ago

Do you think Q is talking about the attempted Communist revolution in the interwar period between WW1 and WW2 in Germany? The one that nobody ever talks about? The one that immediately preceded putting prisoners in detainment camps?

How Antifa uses the exact same flag today as they did then?

18372086? ago

There wasn't even 6 Million Jews in Europe at the time.

In 1933 Zionist Jews were moved to Palestine with the help of Hitler.

18371715? ago

Albert pike ww3

18371677? ago

This series is on genyoutube.com, it is worth the investment of time for all 10 parts...understanding the true genisis of our enemy is classic art of war....make no mistakes we are at war with pure EVIL. Thank you patriot for this post, prepare for major redpilling.....

18371377? ago

Once you wake up and go down the WW1/WW2 rabbit hole, you will never view things the same way again.

18386242? ago

My heart goes out to those who served in the cabal's wars. At some point they will come to the conclusion they were used. My father is old and I hope he never learns the truth.

18389466? ago

Tell that nigger the truth so he can make peace with those he condemned to a future of slavery (ie us, the following generations)

18371668? ago

Once you understand the "Mood Flood" theory going around, it gets even stranger.

18372213? ago

What's the "mood flood" theory? Please elaborate

18376065? ago

"Mud Flood", not mood, My bad. Need to edit after this post.

Basically, there's pretty strong evidence(Ancient maps among others) that there used to be a Global Power(hence NEW World Order, which suggests there was an OLD world order) This civilization had the name of Tartaria. It allegedly had powers that make our modern day to day life seem, pathetic in comparison. Free Energy, the ability to build incredible works of architecture and art, beauty that many have attempted to imitate.

The Mud Flood occured roughly 100 or so, possibly more, years ago. Entire cities were covered in about 40 feet of mud. They literally just built over them, many modern buildings at the time were just the fourth or fifth floor of a given place and was remodeled. But because history, particularly the last centuries history, is so filled with obfuscation and bullshit, we never even hear of "Tartaria", we just have this idea that Europe has been around in these extremely divided and angry city states, warring for what seems to be a thousand years, only "recently" unifying.

Doesn't sit right when you know the truth about WW1 and WW2 being wars to try and beat the German out of the Germans. Makes you wonder what they were trying to hide, makes you wonder about the Russians(Who, according to these ancient maps, held Territory that used to be named Tartaria, the evidence is all across the Internet, but there are a number of Youtube based scholars that have chronicled the evidence to suggest our history has not only been hidden form us, but the one we've been given(Think Shindler's List) has been literally pulled from fictitious books. Think the "Lord of the Rings" style Universe, only expanded and expounded and offered up as legitimate historical Fact.

That is the world we currently live in, one purely based on Fiction.

18374972? ago

I think it is "Mud Flood"..., theory...

18375906? ago

You'd be correct and I'd be retarded. Don't ask me why "Mud" and "Mood" both made sense to me at the time.

18375984? ago

Yea, it is kind of like being able to read a sentence even when some of the words are all "jumbled up". It happens:)

18375159? ago

Is that another name for the Kalergi plan?

18371361? ago

I know I get kvetched at all the fucking time for posting these pastas, but they explain exactly what is happening and why. This is all part of the #WhiteGenocide being perpetrated by the Jews.

What is #WhiteGenocide?

Why do they want Whites gone? It goes back a long long way. http://magaimg.net/img/7nf1.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7ntm.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7ntk.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7phu.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7txl.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7txn.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7txt.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7txv.jpg

The term genocide was coined, ironically, by a Jew named Raphael Lemkin in the 1940s. He was the founder of the Genocide Convention.  http://magaimg.net/img/7q4k.jpg

This legitimized The Great Replacement under the guise of fixing a declining white European population  http://magaimg.net/img/7ivr.jpg

However, the replacement plan has been much longer in the making in the Kalergi Plan.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gu1.jpg

You can see how it's utterly changed the demographics of Europe and the U.S.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gco.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbu.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7q4o.jpg

What lead to the decline in birth rates and set the stage for the immigration Trojan horse? That plan has been long in the making too. A 1969 paper written by Planned Parenthood VP Jaffe outlined their strategy.  http://magaimg.net/img/7r3d.jpg

Encourage increased homosexuality  http://magaimg.net/img/7r3f.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7bjv.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7imw.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7imq.jpg

Compulsory schooling that destroys creativity, intelligence, and rewards obedience.  http://magaimg.net/img/7r3m.jpg  https://archive.fo/b14ez  https://archive.fo/140U6  https://archive.fo/jr1ui

Decrease the average family size so we are no longer replacing ourselves.  http://magaimg.net/img/7ney.jpg

Change the immigration laws designed and intended by the founding fathers so that only Europeans can immigrate... http://magaimg.net/img/7egi.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7egt.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7gbu.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7egy.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7egp.jpg

 ...to Import exclusively non European races that reproduce much faster and are a much greater burden on society (i.e. the white tax payer)  http://magaimg.net/img/7iew.png  http://magaimg.net/img/2ck3.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7rqu.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7rqz.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7rr0.jpg

They destroy our families  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfe.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1u.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1z.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7c1u.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t20.jpg

They distract and weaken our men  http://magaimg.net/img/7rra.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1w.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1x.jpg

They turn our women into degenerate, childless whores  http://magaimg.net/img/7rrf.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7rrj.jpg

They permanently Maim and kill our children  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1q.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1r.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1s.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1t.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7t1y.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7td0.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7td1.png

They constantly push propaganda that demoralizes and instills guilt and shame in our people  http://magaimg.net/img/7rrh.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7f2e.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfc.png  http://magaimg.net/img/5vrf.png  http://magaimg.net/img/5wm7.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7nid.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7rrq.png

They push for multiculturalism and race mixing in white countries only. Diversity is a Trojan horse designed to destroy us from within. http://magaimg.net/img/7gcn.png http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7tcx.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7tcy.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7tcz.jpg

The media, in all its forms, is their greatest weapon. It is so powerful, it has convinced us to hate our own people. http://magaimg.net/img/7cso.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7c1s.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7c1t.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7c1u.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7c1v.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7c1w.jpg http://magaimg.net/img/7c1q.jpg

They systematically destroy the institutions our society was built upon  http://magaimg.net/img/7nv1.jpg  https://archive.is/1yS1l  http://magaimg.net/img/7t20.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7c1u.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7tn6.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7imw.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7tn7.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7tn9.jpg

The summary http://magaimg.net/img/7tzu.jpg

18389435? ago

I upvote every one of your posts I come across. People are paying attention

18389673? ago

I'm glad people are waking up. There's been an awful lot of kvetching about my posts

18374128? ago

This all needs to be organized in to a book which should be required reading in school.

18376282? ago

Thx fren. Just pass it along wherever you can. We need to wake people up.

18373174? ago

i, for one, am in your corner as i see many others are also. Here's the deal. Jews themselves aren't the issue. It's Jew the collective that's fucking dangerous, which i might add, goes for all the other races. It's the pack mentality. At least with Americans - those who support, protect and serve it - have no color. Fundamentally, Americans are welcoming. Unfortunately, many have used this to their advantage.

18376251? ago

No. Whites are welcoming. Try moving into a black our Hispanic neighborhood. You'll find out real such your aren't welcome. Whites have been so Carter and sedated we let our women be raped by these savages without consequence. It ends now

18378667? ago

Churchill talking about “Germans”: “You either have them at your feet or at your throat”. Napoleon (140 years before) said the same a little bit different.

It’s the pack thing. Which is logical: When you have a crowd you need to find consensus. The consensus won’t be on the level of the brightest mind. It will be at best average or slightly lower. Which is exactly why SJW bs is so easily dismissed. It relies on group think.

And: These folks are mainly white. So tell me again about how welcoming whites are.

Just making sure we’re not barking up the wrong tree.

18389485? ago

White people used to be +30% of the world population in 1900. Now they are around 13% and shrinking. Jews can only become the dominant peoples with world genocide. They are not white.

18386027? ago

jews aren't white.

their skin might be light, but they're of an entirely different race from 'whites'

18388543? ago

And where is it that I lost a single word about jews?

I don’t give a crap about jews. My whole point is that it’s a mistaken perspective to try to identify a problem by “jews”, “blacks”, “whites”, “muh”, “blah”, ...

It’s collectivist thought and a lack of inner center (i.e. homegrown own opinion independent from and most likely contrary to a crowd). And it comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Your own lack of character isn’t imprinted in your genome. It’s a bad conditioning process happened in your childhood. Sometimes to the point that it is seen as a cultural thing. Like “You either have them at your feet or at your throat”.

When I wrote the word “white” I referred to SJW. Who are NOT welcoming. Their thinking is limited to power and control. And they are mostly white. But they could also be black, jewish, catholic, muslim, big, small, beautiful or ugly, ...

it’s mostly a personality disorder of the narcissistic spectrum. The individual perspective is underdeveloped and stuck at an emotional age of +/- 3. An age in which the protection by and conformity with the group is paramount. The disorder starts when more complex topics are translated into that framing.

Which is why politics and politicians often appear so stupid. Be it jewish, catholic, muslim, black, brown, white, female, male, or whatever intersectional constellation you can come up with.

It’s not THE jews. It’s a poorly developed character. Aka personality disorder. Aka incentivized dickish behavior.

18388980? ago

'no, it's the internet-jerks that is the real jews'

18378963? ago

18372492? ago




They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.




Sanhedrin 55b

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.



Sanhedrin 54b

Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.



Ketubot 11b

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye




[NSFW] Pics for sharing




We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



The ancient method of performing metzitzah—metzitzah b'peh, or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut.


Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.



Keep preaching patriot !

18386159? ago

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye.

And everyone wants a finger poked into their eye. These people are sick. An act that provokes uncontrollable rage in most is fine with them.

18383744? ago


How is this the first time I've heard of this?


18389663? ago

Because you have been under (((their))) rule since birth. Look into Rockefeller and national education

18376212? ago

Love this pasta. Thank you for dumping it.

18389666? ago

But wait there’s more


[NSFW] Pics for sharing




We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



The ancient method of performing metzitzah—metzitzah b'peh, or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut.


Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.



Full Talmud PDFs for even more translations



MSM / Corporate Control








Banking Control


Government Control



World Control






Bolshevik Revolution








Communism / German Revolution







18391197? ago

Based post. Thx for the dump fren

18389681? ago

Here is my running list on "The Lobby" in both The U.K and United States.**

Here is their undercover expose on The Israel Lobby's Influence In The U.K.

The Israel Project(TIP) is a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-government organization. The Israel Project is not affiliated with any government, and according to the organization's website, it has a team with decades of experience in media, government, policy institutes, research, academia and the military.[1] TIP has offices in the USA and Israel, and regularly hosts press briefings featuring leading Israeli spokespeople and analysts that give journalists an opportunity to get information and answers to their questions face-to-face."[2]

The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment."



Jews attacking The Second Amendment

18373269? ago

Rabbi explains Goyium are their slave.

They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.

18372095? ago

That bit about vampirism...WOW. It actually makes a lot of sense to me. Those myths came about from long forgotten truths over the millennia. Parts of our history that we've forgotten.

18381591? ago

...and the 'vampire cult' creates 'entertainment' for the zombies about zombies and the normies eat it right up. So sick of Normie culture.

18372772? ago

Oh yes. The first time I read it I was stunned. It fits perfectly

18371655? ago

No dude, you post little slices of heaven. keep on

18372746? ago

Thx fren. I post mostly for lurking newfags, but there's been a lot of reeeeing lately saying to stop. Good to know they are being used. I'll keep on.

18372409? ago

everyone here is as scared of the Jews as the liberals are of russia.

how can you guys be so easy to distract?

18373246? ago

We came to the conclusion of Jews through severe research. Leftists came to the conclusion of Russia because CNN said so.

Nice try😘

18372515? ago

The evidence is posted above and yet you ignore it. Fucking jew

18371161? ago

Not if you already know about the wooden doors. Then all that's left is cleaning house.

18370953? ago

Those familiar with the plan said it aims to bring a non-traditional approach to addressing the seemingly intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict by including a robust economic development package for the Palestinian people and seeking to address political elements of the conflict. Jared Kushner.

18370930? ago

And after watching Europa, no one is mentioning the goals of the Jews, the same goals the Rothschild wanted, the same goals Jared Kushner ( A ROTHCHILD) is achieving. wake up man. use any source you want https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-administration-preparing-roll-kushners-israeli-palestinian-peace/story?id=62317060 they All show the same thing. The plan you trust is The master plan.

18371699? ago

so you're saying, Barry Hussein was a good guy?

18375788? ago

Not all gay people are perverts. This is true of straight people too. You do not know most the time when you meet someone if they are gay. If you can tell someone is gay with in 10 minutes of meeting them, then ya they need to be erased.

18387762? ago


18371191? ago

Prove Jard Kushner is a rothschild

18371503? ago

Follow the wives...

18371641? ago

His wife is a Trump.

18375807? ago

You are not looking deep enough, look into Ivanka Trumps past, Look into Jared''s mom, his aunts, his grandmother. You are not trying you are just trolling.

18387748? ago

projection much?

18372444? ago

these shills and detractors are fucking retarded. lol

18375560? ago

They're scraping the bottom of the barrel for trolls now days.

18495709? ago

no no, they convinced me to switch sides

18371162? ago

The plan you trust is The master plan.

Maybe you should Elaborate on this "Master Plan" instead of assuming we're all you and can infer your thoughts telepathically.

18372438? ago

they don't know what the fuck they're talking about...

18370890? ago

europa is excellent. just watched part 2 and it describes the planned destruction of our society to a tee...pushing pedo, trans...

18406275? ago

I just attempted to watch Europa, part one. Blocked from YouTube. Is there another website to view it?

18373290? ago

Keep going, 3 is about the rise of Hitler, and 4 is about the Jewish hatred of Germans that preceded the German hatred of Jews.

You’ll probably start to love Hitler, and realize the left is actually pretty accurate when they compare Trump to him, just not in the way they think.

18376635? ago

How could you love ANYONE that murdered children......

18386343? ago

Hitler loved animals. I find it hard to believe he indiscriminately murdered children without reason.

18378893? ago

Who said Hitler murdered children? Oh yeah, it was the Jew controlled Media cabal! Must be true then...

18377253? ago

I don’t, but I do love Hitler.

18377086? ago

Don't believe everything you've been told.

18377120? ago

And CONTINUE to be told.

18370844? ago

Pax Britannia gave way to Pax Americana and Pax Americana gives way to Pax Judica. that is the long and short of it It's what is taking place Read Gen Pattons letters to his wife, proves it all.

18370828? ago

Its just the same old tired boring anti jew bullshit

18372679? ago

Tell me friend, you follow Q, so I assume you accept that main stream media sometimes lies or tries to push narratives?

If so, did you ever think it's strange that WWII, the biggest war in history involving millions of people across the entire planet, is always portrayed as a clear cut battle of good vs evil? Think about how the Nazis are portrayed, they are evil for the sake of being evil, with a worldview based on baseless and illogical hatred...does that make sense? Would you accept that motivation for a villain in a movie or book? If not, why do you accept it for history?

I'm not telling you what to think, I'm encouraging you to do some research. What did the Nazis actually want to accomplish? Why did they want to accomplish it? Why did the Allied powers want to stop them? If the source you are getting this information from explains it as "they wanted to take over the world because they were evil, and the allies wanted to stop them because they are good" ask yourself if that's logical, and if not find a different source.

18386743? ago

We were told from an early age Hitler and the Nazis were evil. I can't even remember when that information first reached my brain but I know it has been repeated 6 million times since. When I finally thought about it the glaring fact that no one ever gave a motive for Germany's actions put the whole narrative into question.

18372143? ago

If you bothered to do the research, you'd wind up anti-joo, too, mate.

18371187? ago

It's decidedly not. Episodes 1-8 should be viewed by anyone with a genuine thirst for Truth. 9 and 10 are up to your personal politics. I don't support the concept of Ethnostates. My people will always lose in those arguments because Our Lands were stolen. But modern whites don't give a fuck about the past, unless it's Their past. I have no interest in Ethnostates. I hold no hatred for races in my heart, my eyes are open wide, I see the evils within INDIVIDUALS within those groups, I am not so foolhardy as to suggest all peoples are amorphous blobs.

Too bad I can't say the same for you, since you didn't look at it and assume to know what it says. The TALMUDIC Jew is monstrous in their belief system, they are matched in bloodthirst by the Islamist.

18386610? ago

How were you lands stolen?

18370873? ago

Lol stay sleepy.

Wouldn't want to have your worldview challenged now, would we?

18370812? ago

Muh Jew bullshit.

18372165? ago

Remember that when your kids get ass raped and you're told that it's perfectly acceptable.

18371210? ago

Talmudic Jews view non Jews as less than human and being worth less than animals. They view us as little more than something to be used, abused and thrown out as needed. If you need evidence of this, just look at how the Bolsheviks treated the German people during World War 2 and how Pattons army _purposely had fuel lines restricted from him so he couldn't capture Berlin for the Allies before the (((Ruskies))) did their (((thing))).

18370920? ago

Let logic dictate you, not your emotions.

18370409? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=ZXOV5nVpfYQ :

EUROPA: The Last Battle | Short Trailer - YouTube

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