18369330? ago

I have long suspected epochtimes of being a front or CIA/ISRAEL interests. This report just goes to prove, that they are covering for them.

If you are a legitimate source of news, you cannot talk about the MB without mentioning their most famous attack, it was called "The Lavon Affair" Why would Joshua Phillips not mention that? Probably because that scandal almost brought down Israel, as the bombing was the work of the "Muslim Brotherhood" it was uncovered the perpetrators , were actually working for Mossad.



18369631? ago

Probably didn't mention it because it wasn't the point of the article. This article wasn't about Israel.

18369017? ago

The "Epochtimes" is yet another news organization who appears very professional, and newsworthy. Yet they will never disclose the root cause of any of these groups, or whom is behind them.

Because of the name of this shadow organization "#Muslims_brotherhood", which includes the word "Muslims", the world is being programmed to believe Muslims around the world are the same as all these psychopathic private mercenaries involved in this group.

Well take this in to account before judging.

  • The Muslim Brotherhood kills Muslims and Christians, but not Jews.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t care for, or represent Muslims by any mean.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood doesn't follow anything that Islam says it does,
  • The Muslim Brotherhood instead enforces what Israel wants.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood kills whomever is against Israel.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood members don't have Christian friends unlike true Muslims do.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood only protect their none Muslim members.
  • Unlike Egyptians, #Muslims and #Christians protect each other.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood are hired terrorists to advance Zionism, true Muslims are not.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood was created to let #US Citizens and the wider world think that the Zionist puppet Obama is fighting terrorism, while he is actually invading countries and killing innocent people for Jewish Zionism and ultimately Israel.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood was created by Jewish Zionism to allow their puppet Obama to gain control over the Arab world for Israel.

18366216? ago

Epoch Times has ties to Soros, CIA, Foulon Gong.

18367224? ago


18368702? ago

Did you seriously just cite Buzzfeed?? GTFO.

18369214? ago

Did you seriously attack the credibility of something without attacking the message? Where have I seen that playbook before.

18365097? ago


Surely we all get this don't we? All collectivist ideologies are socialist. That includes Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Islam.


18362436? ago

FFS, this article has nothing to do with Israel and doesn't even mention it. It's about the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood and it's ties to the communist movement spreading in the Middle East. Calm down.

18369125? ago

The MB works for Israel. They got caught when they bombed American property (The Lavon affair) and it was discovered the MB were in fact, agents of Israel.



18362687? ago

The Commos were Jews, they are behind the push for global communism and are the ones responsible for the Church burnings, not limited to Notra Dame Cathedral.

"Jews Engineered the 1917 Russian Revolution, they killed 66 million Christians burnt their churches & built synagogues, at no other time in the history of the world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as the Soviet Union 1917 to 1953!

You must understand the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians they hated Russians, they hated Christians, driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

It cannot be overstated, Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time, the fact that the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 200 years together.

The desecration and destruction of Christian edifices across Europe resonates with Russia post the Jew inspired sham 1917 Revolution, where the emptying of churches was accomplished by the simply expedient of burning them down—thousands of them—and building synagogues. The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of their Churches, by Lasha Darkmoon.

The Communist / Bolshevik was movement completely devised and executed by Jewish master minds, or partly Jewish like Lenin to full Jewish like so many of the Secret Police Chiefs all the way to Marx & Trosky, Dietrich Bronder.

Jew Lazar Kaganovich was the real master of the Kremlin during the Stalin era .. Jews usurped the political structure of both countries then set the Russian and German ppl against each other in WW2, as part of a master plan that includes the extermination of the white race.

Jews put corrupt gentiles like Bush, Obama and Donald Trump into nominally powerful positions, then surround them with their people who wield the real power, so when things go south they can scapegoat their Gentile puppets for their sordid malfeasances.

Adolf Hitler and all of the senior Nazis were Jews.

18363950? ago

Thank you anon. Based. And thank you for being aware of the AshkeNAZIs. Its not just a holohoax, the jews were literally in control of the whole damn thing.

Judaism is terrorism.