QRV has been dying on the vine for quite some time. They have lost their effectiveness and just regurgitates headlines in most cases from other sources. I find very little true research and discussion and most of the research is farmed off to 8 channel and the bakers anyway. Very little of that research ever returns back to the board. I can pretty much find easily the same information by reading sites like Breitbart that I read daily.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
Although new beginnings are usually preferred over endings, we should remember that every new beginning requires an ending.
18317494? ago
Shill or No-Shill, I’m convinced by this post and outta here!!
I suggest everyone else do the same, QRV is done. Unless you cherish regular updates on Gangster Livin and Lord Stevens Impressive Concave Anus. Cya!
18314723? ago
Effectiveness? This place is full of retards and mental gymnasts. 8ch is the only place where things happen. QRV is a bunch of dummies who think they are special agents.
18311125? ago
This sub's turned into a total trash pit.
18310831? ago
It appears we've garnered the attention of a much more sophisticated clown. Next level shilling.
18323385? ago
18315722? ago
You can use the word shill and lets see if you can define the word. I only challenged you to actually think about what you are posting. Are you taking the easy way out and just posting crap you read and mimicking Breitbart or some other site.
18310707? ago
I value QRV as a source of info. Yes, a lot of times I see headlines from the news here. I cannot possibly weed through all the news and headlines in any given day. There is not enough time in a day to check into all of it. QRV participants draw attention to the important headlines that we would otherwise miss from various MSM. We need to read MSM headlines and articles not for the purpose of buying into their fake stories but to stay AWARE of what they, our enemies, are doing. QRV encapsules and highlights those important developments by many people weeding through the news.
18310462? ago
This place is a resounding success. The real cats hang on qresearch and havent lost a single bit of focused. you faggots are busy being retarded and complaining about muh timeline or muh jews or muh larp. So it works perfect. fuck you nigger faggots.
18310004? ago
I think this was just meant to be a place for people to go after getting dumped by Reddit. Didn't want people shitting up the chans, if they could figure it out at all. Have something "easier" for people to latch on to and follow.
Q has been quite a successful psyop nonetheless. Notice how the more mainstream it's gotten it's become more about posting headlines and tweets of Republican talking points and dumb platitudes and less about pretending to be secret intelligence being kept intentionally vague.
Q is for the ones who know something is wrong and won't believe anything from the mainstream. Q leads people down the nice rabbit trail, but ultimately right back onto the plantation.
This will make a great topic in a college psychology class one day.
18310043? ago
But I thought it was a basement larper =[ can’t cal it a larp anymore when you KNOW the POTUS is in on it I guess =[[[
18310108? ago
Yeah since Trump is in on it, it graduated from LARP to psyop.
Elect Trump and vote Republican 2020 to finally see arrests and real immigration control! Replacement migration hasn't hit critical mass yet so elections still kinda matter
18310129? ago
So in other words all the times yo and everyone cried LARP you were wroooooooong lolololololololololol DJT Q + 2020
18310474? ago
yeppp exactly. some still hang on to last months shill speak but the smart ones have moved on. Makes no difference. what can they do? discourage grandma for another month or so?
18309990? ago
No, far from done.
This site remains important for those who seek the truth until someday when MSM reports truth again.
The site is acting as a news aggregator during periods of no Q drops. News is linked and discussed by Qanons who research for truth. Those who were recently red pilled ask questions other anons can easily answer. Other Qanons read past drops and extract new revelations to reveal to the Qanon community. New Q drops are immediately discussed and analyzed, explained to the masses so we understand the scope and nuance of what Q is telling us. This is incredibly important to the Qarmy.
In the meantime the shit posters, shills and clowns try to put these discussions in the weeds as often as possible. They try to discourage truth seekers with disgusting pornographic links, name calling, threats and misleading information. We are over the sensitive DS targets, otherwise why do they fight back against us day after day?
18310602? ago
This is the best answer on this thread.
18310471? ago
Usually the easy answer is not the right one. It is nice to think you are over the target if you get resistance. This is where life gets tricky. Have you discerned if it is really a target or the target, they want you to be over?
I’ve always been fascinated by the methods used by illusionists. Along with millions of people I watched David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty disappear. Last month I went to his Vegas show again and became a participate in one of his tricks. The trick is not as interesting to me than as the methods he uses to get an audience looking at what he wants you to see.
It is the same methods or similar methods used by having you over a target that in the end is meaningless to the battle. Receiving flak does not mean you are over a good target.
18311478? ago
What better mechanism is there than a self directed group of honest, talented, intelligent individuals burning with the desire to discover through exhaustive documented research the underlying truth? Nothing is considered truth without the hard evidence necessary to validate the facts. Slight of hand and illusion work well for MSM where most people digesting their product assume they are being told truth by those they trust. Qanons mistrust those who make assertions without documented evidence supporting the assertion. An illusionist may try to fool the Qarmy but our relentless researchers will get to the truth of the matter and expose those attempting to mislead us. I can't think of a better human mechanism to discover truth other than God himself telling us.
Now, as for being over the right targets. Q has introduced us into this target rich environment and helped us to open our eyes. Ask the right questions. Research to find documented answers. Watch the wives. These people are stupid. Their symbolism will be their downfall. Q is telling us it is all out there, we only need to find the pieces and assemble each puzzle that shows a complete thread of sedition, treason, slavery, sex trafficking, blackmail or unimaginable levels of corruption right in front of us. An illusionist may misdirect us briefly but thanks to the relentless research by the Qarmy, misdirection is quickly discovered and remedied as we proceed along the hidden and intentionally obfuscated path to the truth. Sure, we may not be over all the important targets yet, but given a little more time and guidance by Q, we will discover all the targets that truly matter. We have more than we know. Nothing will stop what is about to happen.
18309946? ago
the better question is: has QRV exhausted its usefulness?
18310450? ago
Nope. I gather info here all the time and red pill people constantly.
There is going to be no digital ghetto free from fecal clouds. Shit is part of free speech and you have to dig, Anon. When you stop having to dig you are being fed crap
18309945? ago
The subscriber numbers have been steadily increasing and a constant rate.
18310035? ago
14658 subscribers. Wait for one month from today and check back at that number.
18310149? ago
18310521? ago
The graft shows 16,000 subscribers. Today you have less than 15,000 Does that mean the graft should show have a dip? Just asking questions
18310664? ago
There are currently 16004 QRV subscribers.
Here, check for yourself: https://voat.co/v/QRV
18317011? ago
You got me and I will admit I used theawakening sub numbers by mistake. Even the 16004 is deceiving when you look at the numbers that actually log in on a daily basis. During the beginning of the conversation less than 500 people were logged in. Right now, when I post this only about 1,050 are logged in. Would you consider it is more important that people actually log in than be registered? Is the number who log in a truer test of the effectiveness of the sub?
How many stories of fake twitter followers have you read over the years?
18327436? ago
Do you ever stop lying?
We usually have between 1000 - 3000 users online during the day, much higher after Q drops new posts.
Most people have jobs and work and only check in once a day at most.
It's reasonable to guess we get between 5000 to 10,000 unique visits per day given people only visit briefly to browse.
18330237? ago
Look at the right sidebar it shows the number of active users who have signed in. Where is the sauce. Where is your magical graph.
18330260? ago
Why do you think the numeric vertical axes is marked "QRV Subscribers"?
What do you think that means? /s
18330734? ago
Still waiting for the charts on daily unique users?
18330744? ago
You have my permission to make you dream come true and make whatever charts you want.
18309919? ago
Is this the new direction for shilling? Oh woe is us, our forum is crap we need to stop visiting QRV.
Step 1: Shill the crap out of the Q sub
Step 2: make posts about how the Q sub is full of shills and we should abandon it.
18310115? ago
Every rock has a shill underneath it. Do you stay awake at night worried about shills? Scan down the latest posts and count the research posts or just grabbing headlines form other sources. If you want to see what real research looks like go to 8ch anons. When was the last post that was from 8ch research on this board? Open your eyes.
18311510? ago
Shilling levels have risen dramatically both here and on 8chan. Even there only about one in 50 submissions has any content on it.
Over the target.
18330243? ago
Finally someone who understands the issue. Everyone wants to make excuses or take it personally. The later is why we are in trouble in this country.
18316614? ago
The real target or the false one? That is always the real question is it not?
18310061? ago
Yup not a new direction they’ve been doing it since the start! Lol “we need moderation and name tags!”
18309879? ago
QRV relentlessly sabotages itself by refusing to face the enemy we're facing, as we suffer from cognitive dissonance as we are confronted with the fact that we have to change our core beliefs in order to be able to accept a hard and difficult reality.