18264101? ago

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18264034? ago

You all should look at this book in this bullet... Not a fucking joke.

18267207? ago

Yes, just looking at the link. It jumped out at me from the list. Though the rest of the list is also way above my "pay grade."

18286332? ago

I'm just a type monkey. Pay no attention to me or anyone else. If any of it is true, they'd obviously know who was reading what materials already and also anticipate the materials being released.

Much like the FBI use to track and record the books people read in public libraries.

I'm just another monkey throwing shit at the wall like any other bunch.

18265863? ago

can you summarize why you think she's legit?

I'm a Q follower and open minded but honestly the post seems like schizophrenic gibberish

18286301? ago

No. I will not make an opinion-based statement when she sources her material with references.

CIA Crest Library contains much declassified information as well.

18289466? ago

Lol k.

What you mentally ill kids don’t recognize is responsible adults won’t read your random shit when you approach it like that. And this is part of the reason even if there was any truth in this content, you are blantantly wasting your own time.

I pray you find the help you need and start investing your time into things that will actually help you.

18379176? ago

You should rest. You're mind and heart are in a terrible place. Praying what save you from your ignorance. Only accepting the facts of what humans have done to one another while you turned a blind eye.

18262294? ago

Given the replies I'd say the clowns are here trying to keep this info out of the spotlight. Thanks for the post OP.

18257599? ago

This is schizophrenia folks! Batshit crazy, as IN LOON!

18265256? ago

Yeah I mean real talk, I'm saying this as someone who has followed Q and has spent redonkulous amounts of time researching some of these topics while my peers specialized in other things... this is really weird and schizophrenia is the only word that pops to mind.

Like, preface your "points" with something. Nobody knows wtf you're talking about and it's a blatant waste of our time unless you specify some thesis or articulate.

That having been said, this doesn't take away credence if something is there. A quick internet search of Elana Freeland has peeked my interest, but why should we take you at face value that she's legit and not making money just ghostwriting on taboo topics?

If you're going to spend as much time as you do on areas like this, expand your points or be prepared to be called the shill bitch you may or may not be.

18261031? ago

nice straw man. make a REAL argument

18261202? ago

Yawn. You people are so lost, so fucked up you aren't even at square one with reality. I know you think you are, but THAT is why you are crazy. You believe all this bullshit. Poor dumb hick.

18265727? ago

Nah, you're just sore folks don't believe your bullshit. People are here to discuss ideas. And you're here just to tell them how crazy they are, because that's something an intelligent person would be doing?

18261221? ago

You cannot form a coherent argument. Dumb hick? I am an EE with a Master's. Try harder, shill.

18267996? ago

The 'elite' love to think of the working, thinking, questioning people as 'Hicks'. I also am an EE. Must the EMF I work around that is scrambling my brain?

18274112? ago

Haha! That must be the case for us.

18261793? ago

Coherant argument? As if believing some anonymous guy on , of all things 8/chan KNOWN for hoaxes, idiocy and insanity is coherant? That PROVES the problem, you are a complete idiot! HILARIOUS! Laughably fucking stupid burn out , defective brain> YOU ARE A STUPID HICK! LOL why on earth do you idiots think I CARE AT ALL what you think of me? Too funny.

18262057? ago


I called out your poor debate skills and you throw a fit. You're making an inference that I support Qanon. I never said I did. You're very lost.

18262151? ago

LOL Poor stupid fuck. BYE BYE GOMER!!! But thanks for the laughter you psycho!

18262188? ago

Thanks for the chuckle

18261456? ago

Then you know OP is right, Correct? ME? Op is correct, the syntax is a result of translation.I have read both books by author

18258055? ago


Fuck off, gaslightfag. Let the anon post. The fact (you) don't understand it doesn't make it invalid, nor worthy of insult.

18259612? ago

LOL Such ignorance, such stupidity. LOL

Typical of the Q bullshit, poor POOR stupid hillbillies!

18259629? ago


18257535? ago


18257346? ago

That's... So many bullets.

agitation is vibration

All human consciousness can be understood through the analogy of vibration. The analysts, in this case (C_A) were attempting to weaponize resonance. The (accurately) found that agitated humans are vulnerable to the (low dimensional) vibration that clowns, themselves produce.

Trolls feed off of the loosh generated by triggerings/agitation.

Also, (we) are more than the code, we are the keystone.

18267968? ago

I work for an electric utility. Our company was chosen as a 'model' for future grid security - starting with critical substations. We are installing a massive fiber optic backbone. What struck me at the last meeting was that they are installing gun shot detection / triangulation now and in the future ways to disable attackers or trespassers with sound waves and what amounts to microwaves. The presentation said that the microwave would burn of a couple layers of skin and disable someone for several hours. So this technology is available for private companies AND they think they have the right to use it at their own discretion. They also spoke about using AI on employees in regards to security. The AI knows your job specs and builds a profile on what you work on in critical areas. If it detects you deviating from your normal routine or job spec it will lock down the station, computer (work laptop) and company vehicle until you can prove why you deviated from it's prediction. Glad I'm retiring very soon.

18267239? ago

Trolls feed off of the loosh generated by triggerings/agitation.

Yes! That's why the Luciferians want us divided!

Quantum heart energy is key to defeating them.


The real Great Awakening.

18264788? ago

Using Scalar Waves and Josephson junction, correct?

If so, OP provided that.