18139077? ago

Does anyone else find it a little odd that a MAJOR US port, transacting over 8 million international cargo containers per year, is solely under the ownership, operation and direction of the City of Long Beach and its' Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners?

Is there no Federal oversight of this international operation?


The Port of Long Beach is a public agency managed and operated by the City of Long Beach Harbor Department. The Port is governed by the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners, whose five members are appointed by the mayor of Long Beach and confirmed by the City Council. The Board creates policies and appoints the Port Executive Director, the top official at the 400-employee Harbor Department. Harbor Commission members can serve a maximum of two six-year terms.


Besides State of CA funds, how much money does the rest of this country provide to this facility? Somewhere in their website, it states it operates on its' own revenue. Could be, but is it true? And, if true, does that elude any Federal involvement?

18141003? ago

Very odd indeed. How did this ever happen and if it happened at this port, where else is it happening?

18141746? ago

A year or two ago, the Port of Houston management contract was going to be let to a Chinese company. There was an uproar, but do not know how it turned out. I recall at the time thinking, "How can a major US port of entry be operated by a Chinese company?" There's just something wrong with that.

18141594? ago

The port near Minneapolis, and I understand, one around NYC.

18130232? ago

Mario Cordero is a member of the ICFT JPA governing Board and also serves as the Executive Director for the Port of Long Beach. Mr. Cordero is an international maritime industry leader, Long Beach resident, and attorney. http://corderoassociates.com/ Follow the corp.

18129665? ago

As in David Spade the actor?

18130619? ago

Kate Spade, connected to HRC and Haiti, David Spade's sister, fashion designer, who was suicided by red scarf and door knob.

18144524? ago

Wow, she's got "skills"... how the hell do you hang yourself from a door knob?

Thanks for the info, anon.

18129690? ago

I wasn't sure either but I assume so.

18129517? ago

I did a dig a couple years ago and what I found was that Obama was part owner of the Standard hotel. Didn't save any of it though cuz at that time it wasn't as prominent as it is now. Wish I would have...

18129639? ago

I had similar experiences. Even after I started with Q I did not save all my info. Early on I figured this whole thing would be wrapped up more quickly so I was not as diligent. Now, if its important, I keep it. Hindsight.]

18129687? ago

Yep, me too. Right now, EVERYTHING is important. Thanks for the reply Patriot!

18129736? ago

You bet.

18129163? ago

Damn, that's some final form level autism. Excellent post.

18129212? ago

Some of them on 8chan are just incredible.