18048359? ago

ouch ! exposed

18044982? ago


adam weiskampf

18025272? ago

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

According to RonPaulLibertyReport, the Federal Reserve is NOT "federal" and it has NO "reserves." Is it a public institution? NO. Is it private? NO again. Is it Constitutional? Absolutely NOT. Who owns The Fed, and does it even matter? Watch RonPaulLibertyReport's video at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc

Still according to RonPaulLibertyReport, the Federal Reserve is own by ~3,000 members. Mostly banks, and establishment owns the Federal Reserve stock. But they do NOT control the Federal Reserve. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m20s

Why is the Federal Reserve BAD for working USA citizens?

• The Federal Reserve is rigged for the benefit of its members. For example, the member banks get paid 6% commission. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m54s

• The members of the Federal Reserve get pay dividend, they get special benefits, it is easier for them to get loans. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m20s

• The members can get stock in the Federal Reserve. But you can NOT. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=8m7s

• The Federal Reserve is a deceptive organization. They deceive you the working citizens. For example:

______• The Federal Reserve is NOT there to regulate the economy. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=8m46s What the Federal Reserve really do is making plan for themselves. Not for you. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m14s

______• The members of the Federal Reserve take advantage of you the working citizens. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m28s

______• Federal Reserve first priority is to protect and serve their members. NOT you the working citizens. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m37s

______• The Federal Reserve does trillion of dollars of bailout for their members. Which is related to privatizing the profit for their members, but the Federal Reserve socializing the bailout costs to you the working citizen. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=14m34s

How to resolve those challenges with the Federal Reserve?

Suggested steps:

  1. A total separation of between banking and state. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m15s

  2. A total separation of between corporations and state. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m15s

  3. New ideas. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m25s

  4. A new rule about NO fraud. NO lies about the currency value. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=16m04s

  5. Abolish the Federal Reserve. Get rid of it. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=16m52s

What would NOT resolve those challenges with the Federal Reserve and make the present challenges worst? Take over the Federal Reserve and run it with entrepreneurs. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=17m4s

In the case of the Federal Reserve, owning it and controlling it are two very different thing. The most important questions is who CONTROLS the Federal Reserve?

Archived 1 video at https://archive.fo/Xy3WZ

Archived 2 video at https://web.archive.org/web/20181124105148/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg0aysCJZyc

18024013? ago

MAY day mentioned

18023481? ago

lol i twas exposed long before that

18022273? ago

Brilliant. Oh the things we as a society have forgotten in the last 21 years!

18024575? ago

which came first the Jews or Masonic? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291

18022131? ago

Powerful Information! - This has been going on for decades/centuries. Big take away "If you can get blacks to fight with whites; you can keep the people from getting anything done." They want you DIVIDED is the main core of what Q tells us. This man was wide awake before the saying was even popular. Even in 1998; 3 years before 9/11...they were already getting people ready to harass them at airports for ID, etc.

18021354? ago

That was an interesting video, but he was completely wrong (in 1999) stating Y2K (in the year 2000) would cause a bank run. That didn't happen. Not to say throw out the baby with the bath water, he makes a lot of interesting claims, much of which is true.

18023505? ago

The 911 changed, the 2001 WTC attacks runs came with a War and bush telling America to spend, spend as they borrowed money from Japan, China and other big old bankers, in 2008 with Lehman and bailouts ... there is probably another recession coming with EU slowdown and 'Brexit' before the booms and bust would be 30 yrs, looking at deficit and kicking the can down the road and changing debt ceilings, now they can't even push it past a 4 yr run.

18019517? ago

Other Related Fed Info:

The Federal Reserve, Central banks, World Banks, Creating money from thin air.

The Fed needs to be audited, restructured back into congress' control as per the Constitution.

For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP.

Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!

How long do we work per year just to pay taxes? 4-5 months? What could you do for your family if you could actually save/spend this money how you see fit?


Who Controls the Money Controls the World - 13mins

Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins

Money Masters 1800 ( https:// youtu.be/HBk5XV1ExoQ?t=4503 ) - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.

Can Trump end the FED? - 10mins

97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs

Princes of the Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary – Asian prospective, - 90min

Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.

Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids

You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min

America: Freedom to Fascisim - Aaron Rousso - 2hrs30mins

How Central Bankers reshaped the world economy following the 2008 economic crisis - 25mins

#Qanon, Dollar Collapse, Trump Ending the Fed - with Wayne Jett, Pt. 1 - 41mins

#Qanon, Dollar Collapse, Trump Ending the Fed - with Wayne Jett, Pt. 2 - 40mins


The Value of the Dollar over time.

How much is A Trillion dollars?

The Federal Reserve - History of Lies, Thievery & Deceit

The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF

Andrew Jackson shuts down Second Bank of the U.S. 9-10-1833

Neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/ - long but worthwhile read.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

The Federal Reserve - All the things


12 Federal Reserve Banks

US Fed Wiki

Federal Reserve Research Tool - Create graphs comparing many categories. Great visualizations!


Read this one too. The National Economic Security and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the 'Shaini Candace Goodwin' scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.

The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.

NESARA Wikipedia

What does NESARA actually do if passed?



And for fun. We are Q! A Bugs Life - 1min

18020505? ago

So basically the radical Communism, the global Zionists and Masons are all connected?? @111_onlythetruth @ardvarcus @HenryCabotLodge ? @Tallest_Skil @salvia_d

18022144? ago

Jews created communism. Jews also founded freemasonry. Communism is the secular application of jewish religious law, onto the goyim.