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18001262? ago

Look at all the idiots in this thread. No one is saying bring in more. They are already being let in, congress and the courts are not allowing POTUS to send them back. That is the point. Seeing as they are forcing us to take them in, the proposal is to put them in rich Democratic strong-holds instead of Red States like is currently being done. The density of some of these posters is staggering. No one on here is FOR bringing in MORE, just redistributing the ones we are already FORCED to let in. Damnit! Pay attention, morons!

18003473? ago

Look at all the SHILLS in this thread.


18001292? ago

It's One... maybe Two faggots who are brigading this thread..

Good catch... The shills hate that the President has completely backed Dems into a corner by framing the debate this way.

And YES... I am ecstatic that my submission may have been picked up by Q team lurkers. :^D