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18001229? ago

I asked OP in a thread lower. What happens when they travel outside the sanctuary cities and show up in other areas and have children?

18001294? ago

Then clearly since they had kids in the US they are citizens now and will follow the constitution and vote Republican. Don't you know magic dirt theory?

I don't think I need the /s but doing it anyway

18001319? ago

Yup. OP is fucking dense AF. He honestly thinks this is a good plan to troll libs. Yeah awesome troll when we let them in to troll and they end up trolling by raping, killing and murdering. Not to mention sucking up FEDERAL welfare for their anchor babies.

These people calling this a good idea are dim as fuck

18013826? ago

This will force people to take part in their government. Since the media has everyone convinced that 1) there is no crisis at the border. 2) the people being let in are all just poor immigrants looking for a better life. 3) Trump is holding these poor immigrants in cages. — Well, we will now see for certain, won’t we. I’ll bet the rhetoric either gets kicked down a few notches and congress acts ... OR ... we’ll see people in Sanctuary Cities clean their governmental house, as social media decimates what is left of media credibility by showing first hand what is going on as the busses arrive loaded with 100,000 non-citizens per month ...

18019686? ago

This is the stupidest thing I’ve read in quite a while. Congrats you absolutely pathetic cuck.


Fuck off and put a god damn bullet in your skull. You’re too far fucked is the head.

18031976? ago

I don’t think you realize that I am AGAINST OPEN BORERS. I think MEXICO (and source countries) should be held accountable for people it lets walk across its entire country into the U.S. Which is precisely what closing the border and adding tarriffs would do. But I am sure it would have many negative impacts as well, some of which will be detrimental for reasons most including myself haven’t thought about. And your response gave so much extra insight, thanks. I will take a hard pass on putting a bullet in my skull also, thanks. The point of the POLITICAL statement (not yet action), is to get the followers of the controlling Democrat psychotics, to SEE THE BS. Obviously the intent is to bring in VOTES at OUR expense, which I find TREASONOUS. Hope that helps.

18036644? ago

I don’t think you realize that I am AGAINST OPEN BORERS.

OK, libcuck. Keep spewing your fucking trash, fuckboy. "REEEEEEE OPEN BORDERS IN BLUE STATES!11!!"

Fuck off you idiot.

18054726? ago

Do you even read? I apparently can’t spell, but you obviously can’t read. Nor do you appear to understand the words you use. Or you are a troll bot.

18087330? ago

Whatever you say libcuck. How many illegals you want to let in today, you faggot cumdumpster?? Muh illegals! Muh illegals. You are so cucked. Doesn’t even know it.

18090508? ago

Wow ... the mouth on you ... you must suck a lot of libcuck.

18096878? ago

Took so much faggot cum now its spewing from your cocksucker of a mouth.

18097973? ago

Sorry, I did not realize I was dealing with a juvenile. Get a life kid.

18098443? ago

lmfao. Do you even have a fucking clue what is happening here? Fucking morons.

18014192? ago

The first thing they will do is get knocked up and hide until they give birth so they won't be deported. Our anchor baby laws mixed with this spells absolute disaster with zero gain. This will not force people to take part in their government, they are to distracted by their shows, movies, and games to pay attention to what goes on around them

18032089? ago

And what do you imagine happens next. The people either accept the burden to the pooper scoopers cleaning much more from the streets and mayhem 100,000 people added without housing to a single city does... OR... 1) Mild side, leave the state/city, moving to other areas where the now migratory herds of illegal immigrants will not be tolerated. 2) S/F becomes Chicago/Detroit/Bankrupt 3) Start taking the problem seriously and throw the idiots out of government before that happens. Personally I’d close the border and hold MEXICO accountable for letting an invading force cross its borders. It’s not like they are stealthy spies ... its a CARAVAN walking across the entire country.