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18000187? ago

Flood SF with illegals. Would love it.

18000266? ago

They’ve already said they don’t care. In fact it gives them more illegal voters. As the OP stated, we all know Trump is bluffing. Both sides do. If he’s not bluffing, then he’s a terrible president for the border by saying “fine I said I’d protect you but since Dems are bad lll allow in more immigrants.” Winning??

18000389? ago

lol look at this shill piece of shit ^^

listen dipshit … Dems and corrupt Judges are flooding Red States with these invaders RIGHT NOW

18000616? ago

As long as you admit that you’re ok w letting more illegals in. That makes you a fucking lib faggot but hey. You be you faggot. You gonna pitch in and help bring more illegals to these cities?

18000638? ago

the shilling goes on and on.. lol

18000658? ago

LOL you’re shilling for more illegals What a libcuck and doesn’t even know it.

But you keep helping displace the whites heore buddy. Your Jew handlers love you 😍

18000697? ago

Yep... flood these invaders right the fuck into Obama's and Pelosi's gated communities

Lots of Jews live there.

18000743? ago

And watch them pop out 15 kids. Get on welfare. Spread all over and murder and rape your wife and kids. Great idea but hey. We showed those Uber rich who would never be affected the slightest.

18000790? ago

you're doing nothing to stop it

18000817? ago

I sure am. I’ve donated to the build the wall campaign. I volunteered to help reeelect my congressman who is strong on borders and I drove people to the polls to vote for trump to stop illegals.

Where you...made an internet comment. LOL.

18000874? ago

Where you...made an internet comment. LOL.

No.. I made a SUGGESTION about the fundamental issue this nation faces and the President echoed it nearly VERBATIM

18000890? ago

Your plan let’s more illegals in America. Yes or no.

18000931? ago

it's not a plan, faggot..


We are in the middle of the greatest INFORMATION WAR in human history.

When the fuck will you retards understand that?

18000975? ago

So are you saying you don’t actually want that?

18001045? ago

As long as Dems pols and Judges tie up our immigration system and allow these invaders to pour in, regardless of every action the President has taken...


18001066? ago

Obviously the smart solution to curbing immigration is to just let them in because fuck it. You’re a moron. Lmfao. Shilling to let more illegals in. What a fucking cucked lib NPC. Good luck w that libcuck

18001094? ago

Take a look at the Rust Belt, faggot.

Immigration and bad trade deals have destroyed White America.

Send them to San Francisco, if Dems make it impossible to deport them.

18001110? ago

Yup. The only way to correct this is bus more illegals to cities across America right faggot? Keep replying cuck. I will continue to point out how fucking dumb you are saying you want more illegals.

18001177? ago

wow... I've never seen such a commitment to shilling..

You> 'President Trump wants illegal immigration'

18001202? ago

And so do you. You want to allow illegals to stay in the USA. The libcuck in you is strong.

18001223? ago

Nah... Looks like you're projection about wanting your woman to be fucked by a nigger is driving your entire point of view.

18001243? ago

Reminder: this person above is an advocate for sanctuary cities and allowing more illegals in the US. He can’t argue so he’s trying to deflect w “nigger” insults.

18001261? ago

says the cunt who thinks calling someone a 'cuck' wins the day

18001290? ago

No I think exposing you as advocating for open borders and sanctuary cities makes you a cuck...and that is pretty fucking sad for you.

18001308? ago

lol do you cunt shills think gaslighting still works here on v/QRV ?


18001333? ago

More deflection from someone who is advocating for open borders and sanctuary cities.

18001381? ago

wrong again, faggot...

Yes... our own son is BUILDING THE WALL

And we are EXTREMELY PROUD of both him and President Trump

18001406? ago

Is your son proud you support open borders and sanctuary cities like a fucking cuck. If my dad was as much of a faggot libcuck as you id never speak to him again.

Keep spewing your Open border / sanctuary city lib cuck crap, Soros shill.

18001440? ago

how many strawmen are you going to build on this thread? lol

If my kid was a fucking lying piece of shit like you, I would stomp on his face.

18001479? ago

You’ve convicenced me. Let’s allow more illegals in and send them to sanctuary cities where they can have more kids and spread out. This is exactly what I voted for!

Your son sounds much more like a real patriot. Sucks his faggot dad can’t stand up against illegals and has no balls.

Again. You want more illegals. That makes you an open border cuck.

18001530? ago

keep building that strawman, faggot..

18001559? ago

Once again. You want to bring illegals into America and allow them to spread out because “they’re already here”. You’re a fucking moron and can’t even defend yourself AT ALL. You’ve been completely destroyed and your “let them in who cares” attitude is cucked. Bigly.

18001593? ago

Look at this stupid cunt pretending obstructionist Dems and corrupt Obama judges are responsible for the INVASION.


you lying piece of shit

18001628? ago

Keep shilling to let more illegals in, Soros cuck. More illegals good!! Diversity good!!! Bus them in and let them drop anchor babies! Sooooo smart of you. Lmfao. Genius in fact! Best way to stop illegals is invite them in! Like vampires!