18681208? ago

Is Google Anti-American or even Satanic? Go to ((( google ))) images and type European people history or White Couple ... What is the Masonic/Jew <<< agenda >>> ?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3226484

18472599? ago

ARCHITECTS of ORDER - Witchcraft, Freemasons, Paganism, Illuminati, Moloch ... So they pray to the Arab Jew Occult Gods of Babylon Paganism, the Gods JahBaalon and a transexual Horned Creature? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3194420/18375397 Q spoke of the wizards and warlocks

17996856? ago

Orange and yellow are not the same color. Nice try though.

17985895? ago

Exclusive symbols? Yes. Exclusive colors? You're retarded!

17986822? ago

Thank You...Sanity, This pretty much explains Colors & Meanings Of ES. This is more in depth on Emblem. Like any Org, club, Fraternity if membership is by petition & vote, it becomes a target by exclusion.

17984924? ago

Come on, folks! Try to be reasonable. There are only 3 primary colors; red, blue and yellow. So you can say that anyone who uses any colors uses the colors of the Eastern Star. Or maybe Bozo the clown. You can see for yourself that the Eastern Star uses the three primary colors plus green which is a mix of yellow and blue. Let's not get carried away with paranoia craziness.

17987101? ago

There are only 3 primary colors; red, blue and yellow.

The primary colors used in printing color pictures are: Magenta, Cyan and Yellow. Technicolor film uses the same three colors.

17983774? ago

Wow! So do rainbows. I knew they were nothing but just an illuminati holograph projection meant to keep the man down....

17983657? ago

Their Masonry symbols are everywhere, yes, but saying their using the three primary colors, green and white is part of it is like saying marriage is the leading cause of divorce.

17982936? ago

It symbolises the four elements.

But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

17983011? ago

Never liked the way they talked back then.


17982722? ago

So basically the use colors in the standard color palette as everyone else.

Try harder!

17985243? ago

The connection between Google and Freemasonry and Satanism is already established. This is just another possible connection via Order of the Eastern Star which is coed Freemasonry.

18003366? ago

Eyes see what Mind wants to see

17985653? ago

“A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.
Satanists use a pentagram with two points up,
The Order of the Eastern Star, an organization associated with Freemasonry, has employed a point-down pentagram as its symbol, with the five isosceles triangles of the points colored red, blue, yellow, white and green.
There are some California flags that have flipped the star to point downwards
There are some Republican logos with the star pointed downward

17985749? ago

Colin Campbell May 6, 2015, 9:32 AM

California Attorney General Kamala Harris (D). AP/Damian Dovarganes One of California Attorney General Kamala Harris' (D) staffers was arrested last week and "accused of operating a rogue police force that claimed to exist for more than 3,000 years," The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.
Brandon Kiel, deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice, and two others — David Henry and Tonette Hayes — reportedly face charges for their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. "Suspicions about the Masonic Fraternal Police Department — whose members trace their origins to the Knights Templar

17985983? ago

The badge sports the inverted pentgram of among others; Satanists



White witches(that do good with their magic) will be sure to wear the star one point UP

Black witches one point DOWN

17985999? ago

Chelsea clintoon is proud to wear her cross upside down
Proud Satanist

One of many ways they communicate

17982674? ago


All the base colors required to make all other colors.

Red Blue Green Yellow

17982885? ago

The Triforce from Nintendo's Legend of Zelda is a Masonic symbol. Masonic Symbol = MS. Myamoto Shigeru = MS

17983692? ago

They have been in Japan for sometime now https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140992 Also Truman was a Shriner

17982082? ago

Are these not also primary colors?

17982783? ago

I was gonna bring this up also ... they ... are ... colors.

17982072? ago

but that's like ... almost all the primary colors, lol

17985182? ago

Plausible deniability is ALWAYS involved. It’s how they hide shit out in the open.

Nobody wants to be seen as crazy.

17983359? ago

Order of Eastern Star is basically Female Mason, a multi colored pentagram they pray to! The men tried to prevent women entering Masonic Lodges but they become a part of it over the years, its women's freemasonry and they worship a colored Pentagram. At one time they were different groups you had pagan worshiping Babylonians, you had a secret Club of Skilled Stone-Cutters, and you had the Knights Templar who went behind enemy lines and counter attacked during the Crusades as the North Africa moslems and Turkish attacked from both front in the West of Europe Spain and attacked through the East of Europe. The Templar returned with a bunch of weird rituals and became a powerful political force in Europe, the King of France hunted them down taking their wealth and the modern lodges as we know it were reborn in Scotland. A lot of guys around the time of the founding fathers were probably Freemasons, you see it in all the designs and Symbolism in Washington. Now here's where the weird conspiracy shit comes in, people say the Freemasons are basically Satanists or worship lucifer or some weird stuff, there is also talk of a Baphomet in the Religion, the branch of Shriners without doubt connect to some Moon deity and they praise the warlord pedophile prophet moohammad, the 'Jesters' seem even more weird than Shriners, the say the Roman Catholics also run things through the Jesuits and Knights of Malta. There are lodges everywhere Mexico, Canada, India, Pakistan, England, Philippines, Japan, France there was a post on voat where someone else wrote either the Queen of England or the Rothschild could be head of it all, the movement of Jewish Zionism and Freemasons might be directly connected. Whatever these Stone Cutters are or whatever secrets they had, its problems, its secret got even more twisted and perverted over time.

17982564? ago

almost kek

17982065? ago

The google mail symbol is a Masonic apron.

18681173? ago

Mystic Goat Ritual? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonDebate/3059136 Freemasonry Lucifer - Bill Cooper

18021228? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3140515 Who Are The Royal Order of Jesters? Uncovering a Police-Driven, International Sex Trafficking Ring that Actually Happened? The international Masonic exploitation, abuse, trafficking?

17982543? ago

the masonic symbol (square and compass) is almost identical to the vortex math image, where the 9 at the top extends down to 3 and 6 (the compass), and the boxes formed by the lines between 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5 (the doubling circuit), if the bottom lines are extended until they meet, they form the square.

17982662? ago

It's the Volkswagen symbol.

17982062? ago

Research Albert Pike.

In 1910 he wrote a letter explaining with the first second and third world wars would be about

The main idea it was that this would all culminate in a cataclysm they got rid of Christians Jews Muslims in the rest so that Luis Saferian’s could inherit the earth like the Georgia guide stones

18021215? ago

Masonic Lodge Branch BUSTED by Police in Sicily, Italy https://voat.co/v/QRV/3116981

18021384? ago

Yah this happens all over! Cincinnati, Detroit, etc always super loathsome shit going on

17981789? ago

You can't make assumptions from use of primary colors alone...

And yet, we know things of this nature happen all the time and you show other corespondances. Maybe!

18021244? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3130944 Masonic Bible Proves Their god is Lucifer and the Ancient Demon gods of Old