17957684? ago

I wonder <<<who>>> could be behind the Nimrod World Order. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3146746

17957637? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3144313 I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>.

17957126? ago

Its kabbalism

Make the whole world bad or make the whole world good.

Thats what they believe it will take to bring the messiah

17957419? ago

and these guys with the all seeing Eye? https://i.imgtc.com/YY5zaVH.jpg

17957557? ago

Masons are controlled by Jesuit Order, Jesuit Order controlled by Black Pope, Black Pope controlled by Pharaonic Families, Pharonic families controlled by Fallen Angels, Fallen Angels controlled by Lucifer.

17957104? ago

Who do you think Trump is working for? Why is the 3rd Temple more important than arresting Hillary Clinton?

17958022? ago

Very few of us can see through the fog! I'm sure you have been branded a shill for pointing out what should be obvious. It's hard to be the shepherd! We are all just humans and Trump may find God In Time! Don't lose hope. I can sense Benjamin Netanyahu has a tendency to get on Trump's nerves! Just call it a hunch!

17960328? ago

I have news for you. Trump knows God a lot better than you do. You moralistic, judgemental, fundamentalist, delusional human. Get real Asshat.

17961372? ago

Do you believe Zionist are close to God? There's no need to attack me, what you said was judgemental and you're calling me judgmental? I'm just asking honest questions.

17962643? ago

Trump is not a Zionist - that is your mistake. You are a shill.

17962859? ago

I ask questions I'm not a shill, Benjamin Netanyahu is an absolute Zionist, Trump has been spending a lot of time with him! This is what I meant buy I hope Trump comes back to God! If Trump co-signs the building of the Third Temple, then he would be considered a Zionist, in my opinion! I pray this is not the case! If I was a shill I would have just call you a bunch of names to piss you off. I'm sorry if my question makes you feel uneasy. I don't see why you are so combative? If you can offer me some evidence that Trump has not been spending a lot of time with Zionist, I would appreciate that very much thank you.

17963162? ago

If you truly follow and believe Q then you should know by now that many things are done for OPTICS. Things are not what they appear to be. You obviously don't believe that part of Q or you wouldn't call him a Zionist.

17963674? ago

I pray this whole Q movement is not one giant trap, but at this point either we all get stabbed in the back, or Israel gets stabbed in the back! Q has not said anything about Zionism, that is a red flag to me! Once again Israel brought down the Twin Towers on September 11th!

17963395? ago

Q has not said anything about Zionism at all. What you're suggesting is in the end, Donald Trump is going to stab all the Zionist Israelis in the back? I don't see how you would know that for sure? You do realize Israel brought down the Twin Towers?

17964179? ago

Everybody that follows Q knows about 911. It was the Zionists, not the true Jews. I think Trump is defending the true Jews and this whole Zionist movement will be exposed. It looks like BB is dirty but Trump is playing his cards close to the vest. He always pulls an Ace out of his sleeve. I guess you are not trusting the plan, and if not, then why are you wasting your time here? Surely you could do something you believe in. Being honest with yourself and in your actions is the most important lesson to learn in life.

17964559? ago

I'm starting to think that you think I sent that first crummy comment to you, which I did not! After being betrayed my entire life how can you blame me for saving 10% of myself in case I get stabbed in the back again? You just admitted Benjamin Netanyahu is not a very good man. I would think you would understand why I cannot trust Q more than 90%, I only trust Jesus Christ 100%! Until I see for sure Donald Trump makes Benjamin Netanyahu answer for his crimes, I cannot just have Blind Faith! I pray that you are right, I believe deep down inside Trump will do what is right in the end. I just will not have Blind Faith in another human being, I see that you will. Don't hate me for being prepared! No disrespect!

17965029? ago

And no, I did not think you were sending me a message personally. Just an observation.

17964896? ago

I don't hate anyone. I just think people need to be certain of what they are following and believing in. 90% is pretty good. 100% would be better. i am either all in or all out. Do I believe that Q and Trump make mistakes? Yes, we all do. I was betrayed too and it took me years to get over it but I have, because I finally understand that we are all born with Free Will and I cannot control what someone else does or says. When you truly accept the concept of free will, it becomes much easier to understand people without getting hurt by what they do. Either you choose good or you choose evil. No in between and what they choose is what they will pay for eventually. Cheers Patriot.

17965214? ago

I can't ignore the fact that trusting people 100% has gotten us into this mess in the first place. All I can do is pray you are correct, and if not rest assured I will be ready! Cheers to you Patriot God bless!

17957999? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291 The guys at hollyweird, the political elite, the media they want open borders & keep saying the US is a 'Judeo-Christian' nation, Prussian Lodge, Thule ... and Voat names them Every Fucking Time!!

17957931? ago

and the Masonics and Shriners? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3087770 what is the connection?