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17879075? ago

Again .... attacks on Jews, Blacks, and Freemasons ... and not a mention of the Jesuits who control them all including Catholicism and the Vatican .... wonder why that is? .... is the Jesuit control somehow being masked and are the shills being ordered to redirect people's attention and anger at the wrong people? OP ... you are the fucking enemy, or you are fucking stupid ... one or the other.

17880180? ago

they wear a hat that celebrates a massacre in the City of Fez? What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe

17880275? ago

Constant spamming of this shit ... on every comment. Seems you have an agenda more than an understanding of the size of the problem.

17882017? ago

the Masonic reveals itself

17884463? ago

The Shriners only exist in the U.S. ... Freemasons from other countries are not allowed to join .... but go ahead ... keep spreading and spamming your shit .... an offshoot that is not officially recognised by any other constitution and is confined to one fucked up country and constition ... rules the world ... lol .... the ignorance is stunning.

17886490? ago

lots of Arabic and Babylon connections the "Rose Croix" the Templar and Rosicrucianism?

17880421? ago

What is a 'Shriner'? its connected to the jew or mason??