17883185? ago

Shill bait.

17881479? ago

The "Holocaust" was fake. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is lying to you.

Here are 46 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS about the Holocaust:


17878799? ago

Why are you posting this on QRV?? Post it on vaccine forums.

17883201? ago

It's a new shill tactic to post shill bait and then muhj00 the shit out of it.. I think I'm done with QRV... It lacks moderation. I'll stick to GA

17877566? ago

Anti-vaccine activists would be smarter not to use anything related to the Holohoax to promote their agenda.

The "Jewish Holocaust" was originally called "Eisenhower's Holocaust" because it happened between 1945 and 1950 and was caused by devastating allied sanctions after the war had ended, as a form of punishment.

Nine million Germans and between one and two million Jew criminals starved to death during that time, those Jews remaining in the prison camps because they were tried and found guilty of treason for the failed German Jew Communist coup against the legitimate Christian nationalist German government in 1933.

Those photos you've seen of the starved Jews at the "Nazi death camps" were Jew criminals serving time for treason and starving along with the rest of the German population. It's amazing what a little lie about the date on a photo can make.

17877592? ago

Just because you are more polite than your colleagues, you are nothing but a Jew hating shill. Go home.

17878692? ago

Take your propaganda elsewhere Sholomo.

17878002? ago

so, if Jews tell the Goyim lies, and if the Goyim do not believe the lies, they are a Jew hater?

the Jews have such a bad reputation of being liars that even Rev Martin Luther wrote a book entitled "The Lying Jews"

17877599? ago

This is a truther community and everything I said is true.

If you hate the truth then perhaps you're in the wrong place?

17877543? ago

shill agenda confirmed in 3...2...

You should realize that you can't post EVERY DAY about ANY OTHER TOPIC THAN Q and POINT TO JEWS to garner pity points. Especially if you word it always the same, you dumb fuck.

17883225? ago

It's a new shill tactic.. they post what I call shill bait and then switch to an alt and muhj00 the shit out of it...

QRV is ruined without moderation. I think I'm just going to unsubscribe and stick with GA it doesn't suffer these same issues.

17877664? ago

This is a truther community and everything I said is true.

If you hate facts then perhaps you're in the wrong place?

Also, you should trust your mainstream history books as much as you trust your mainstream news media and global(ist) warming science.

Not all red-pills are easy to swallow.

17880985? ago

Not all red-pills are easy to swallow.

Indeed. When the Nazis on here find out just how much Hitler was working with the Zionists, they are going to have a breakdown.

17880245? ago

You post nothing Q related on THE Q related forum. And you ALWAYS direct the attention from your non-q-related topic to the jews. This is so fucking obvious, man. I hope you get paid, atleast, you stupid fucking degenerate.

17883232? ago

It's called shill bait. (By me) And you're spot on.

17877534? ago

Am not downvoting nor upvoting.. but what exactly is your point OP? Are Anti-Vacs satanists?

17877973? ago

I'm pro vax and pro satan

17878760? ago

Is there such a thing as an anti-vax anti-pizza Satanist?

17878005? ago

they go together like arrogance and ignorance