17902145? ago

My son is one of them.

17907954? ago

Prayers up. Many families have had success with detox programs. Erin Elizabeth and Mercola, as well as THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINE ppl have info.

17880701? ago

Look. The air, water, food and cleaning products is all poisoned. More chemicals than Georgia has peach trees. You ingest and breath in chemicals 24/7/365.

Your body is going to D I E. Face it.

17881908? ago

Not a morning person I take it....

17878938? ago

My nephew's baby boy went from a happy, playful, child, to a slobbering zombie almost overnight after taking MMR. And the evil assholes pushing all this stuff know exactly the injuries it causes children. It's on the package inserts.

17879887? ago

I know two people like this. It is catastrophic to the families. People just ignore the stories and never really think these are humans whose lives are ruined.

17877883? ago

I had to take the MMR vaccine for college, and I remember feeling like total shit a few hours later and I wasn't great for a few days.

This was nearly 10 years ago, I guess I'm fine today.. at least I don't suspect that it had any specific side effect. Needless to say, I don't trust vaccines today.

17881972? ago

MIT and Purdue have done a great deal of research on the glysophate (RoundUp) in foods and thermerosol (mercury) in many of these vaccines. Depending upon age it can have a catastrophic impact on your epigenetic DNA (the soft coded DNA) but - most importantly your GUT bacteria which modulates nearly everything you consume. I've begun a heavy metal detox (Google detox mercury at Mercola and others) as well as supplementing my diet with high quality (screened/tested) multi-culture probiotics and fermented foods. You might look into it if you have concerns.

17878073? ago

when i got sick after a vaccine, my doctor told me it wasn't because of the vaccine but a coincidence.

i coincidentally found a new doctor

17877531? ago

Measles, mumps and other viruses are found in nature. We will never eliminate them. Vaccines only encourage virus mutations. The medical industry is farming us for profit and using fear as their vehicle.

17881988? ago

My mom drove me 40 miles to distant friends when I was 7 just so I could "catch it" when I was a kid. Sick for a week and completely inoculated.

17877518? ago

(((They))) don't give a shit.

17878061? ago

id be fine with (((them))) not giving a shit. I'm more concerned about their undeclared war on the Goyim

17877316? ago

getting mumps organically is natures vaccine against far greater and detrimental adult diseases.

17902371? ago

I had the mumps and the chicken pox, and didn’t die.

17877168? ago

And Donald Trump says nothing! Behold a Pale Horse!

17887853? ago

Do you expect one human being to fix everything? Seriously he can not battle all the swamp creatures at once .

17887937? ago

The one man you are talking about just happens to be the leader of the Free World! A lot of people trust him, with one sentence at a podium he can at least make people question vaccine safety. He is not all alone I have been screaming from the rooftop for years! I'm just not the leader of the Free World! My voice doesn't travel as far as his! Everyday another child is injected with a harmful vaccine! There is no time to waste!

17881999? ago

But Q has (not all vaccines) so I'm confident it will be addressed. Wish Q would address chemtrails though...

17883588? ago

I know we're saving Israel for last, I just see Trump working way too close with them. Israel is not the USA, Benjamin Netanyahu is a horribly evil man. If Trump is actually Israel first, this would be a devastating waste of time for the real Patriots! As Americans we can't afford to be stabbed in the back by Trump. I sleep with one eye open, but hope Trump will keep his promises to America. I see Israelis acting very bold these days, as if they know something we don't!

17884338? ago

You are badly misinformed. Obama and deep state DIRECTLY have been funding opposition against Netanyahu for 10+ years. When Q says "Israel is last, they're talking about Mossad. Haaretz and other deep state media have been doing to Netanyahu, what WaPo/NYT have been doing to Trump.

17888200? ago

Benjamin Netanyahu is a narcissist, when he speaks in front of a microphone he often makes statements with double meanings! His narcissism makes him think that no one else can read between the lines. The problem is he has no Poker Face! I see through him like a piece of cellophane. Deep down inside I hope you are correct! I am just about certain he knew of the September 11th attacks on the United States prior to them taking place! I have my doubts that Mossad has failed to take him out for all these years, if he is truly their enemy! It looks to me you just may have your head in the mousetrap. After all a trap looks very enticing before it snaps and breaks your neck. No disrespect I do hope you are correct!

17892172? ago

He very well might have been compromised, blackmailed or threatened. He's not perfect by any means but will be interesting to see how he shakes out when US finally addresses Mossad issue. One of the reasons I think Israel is last is because Iran has to be freed first.

17878922? ago

Thanks for the link, I missed it! I have to doubt everything by 10%, this is so I have some strength to fight back if I am being betrayed! Behold a Pale Horse, I pray Donald Trump is truly a man of God! Children are still being injected with these vaccine, all it would take is one speech in front of a podium from Donald Trump to wake everyone up about vaccines. There is no time to waste, I pray he will do this soon!

17876442? ago

Big Pharmaceuticals own the medical industry. They will lie and cheat to sell their products even if it kills. Doctors have been regulated to salesmen to sell their poison. If they don’t they destroy the doctor he won’t be able to practice anywhere. They don’t care about you or your children.

17875652? ago

Its almost like their trying to kill us ...

17875779? ago

Your just realizing this?

17881833? ago

Sarcasm. Learn it. It'll make life easier.

17883235? ago

Haha yes your right!

17875422? ago

I see BAD problems in Family Practice from vaccines. Big pharma, state boards & AMA, threaten our licenses if wo do not vaccinate, or speak out against vaccinations. The diseases rarely kill, but the shots surely kill.

17902299? ago

The pediatricians are the ones strongly motivated financially to vaccinate a certain percentage of their patients. Family Physicians are motivated by whether their patients smoke or are diabetic. We were kicked out of our pediatric practice because we no longer vaccinate, and are now with a Family Physician who honors our religious exemption.

17882020? ago

Prayers up for you. I know most get into the field because they have a real calling to heal people. But the ignorance of most doctors is astounding to me. My son in law had a heart attack 4 years ago - I drove across country to get there the next day and walked in on a doctor feeding him bullshit that was disproven over a decade ago.

17875831? ago

Threatens your license? So your license is more important to you than knowingly injecting children or anyone for that matter , with dangerous vaccines, that could kill them?

17886924? ago

I do not do pedi, nor advocate anything but tetanus & rabies for obvious reasons. And yes, my license is THAT important to me. Because the ones who threaten you or your license do not stop there. They go after your kids, your spouse, your parents. Physically and assets. Nothing is sacred to them. Easier to just take an admin post, get out of the fight, & stay off tsdar.

17877120? ago

Yeah, how else do you make money, idiot!

17877259? ago

then you are the epitome of the problem.

bad things happen when good people sit back and do nothing.

a young child i know suffers with a i equate to a permanent case of shingles.

you would do this, so that you can have a paycheck...........

17879237? ago

We still need doctors!

17896559? ago

No we don't. Heal thyself. It's modern food and sugar that is the problem. Cave men didn't have doctors and look how strong they were.

17900864? ago

WTF are you talking about? Cavemen were short, small, and lived about 35 years.

17882190? ago

yes we need doctors,

do no harm, are they still "doctors"

if out of two people 1 will get a sickness and one will not. why is it just to take action on both knowing the probable/possible detrimental effects of the treatment, also knowing that if nature would take its course both would be far healthier in the long run. Who the fuck are these people to roll those kind of dice for every American. NETWORK! PLEASE STAND UP AND START SAYING NO. Make sure that if a vaccine is medically warranted that its safe to use and isn't full of toxic ingredients. Rest assured that if a child gets chicken pox naturally, it isnt coming with mercury, ground atomized aluminum and human genetic material.

its pumping poison into the public and serves only one real purpose,

17884978? ago

Agree with you 100%

17875283? ago

Del Bigtree, Emmy winning producer of The Doctors and producer of VAXXED, obtained the CDC and FDA's own research on the Mumps, Measles & Rubella vaccine (MMR2) states and schools are trying to force on the population.

They ridicule research showing severe injury on vaccines like the home school study with over 800 subjects as "too small of a sample size" but THEIR studies with 100 or 200 subjects shows as many as 50% of children suffer injury.

NO VACCINE GIVEN OUR CHILDREN HAS EVEN HAD A BASIC PLACEBO SAFETY TEST before being out on the market, much less the combination of 72 vaccines the medical industry requires children to take.

17875583? ago

I'm what they call a vaccine tester, sort of like a brewmaster in a brewery. I inject myself with MMR2 usually 12 to 15 times a day, depending on the season, and I'm fine.

17882038? ago

Sure you are. Have you seen a doctor about your mental instability also?

17886966? ago

Can't. Most doctors have protection orders against me.

17887969? ago


17878032? ago

vaccine addiction. the struggle is real

17877633? ago

Fuck Off Asshole....

17877571? ago

I eat peanut butter which proves that peanut butter is safe for all humans.

17878037? ago

buhahahahahahahahahaha. end of conversation !

17875270? ago