18585688? ago

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18585566? ago

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18585437? ago

The illuminati Freemasons Secretly Worship Jahbulon https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3210952

18585684? ago

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18585467? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3210916/18528236 They say Moses a Pharaoh Sungod... The English Royals, Jesuit, Roman Catholic for Christian.... and islam or the Shriners pray to Baal some say who is in fact the Moongod al-Lah...the story may also connect with Carthage, Cainites, Saturn, Kronuss to Bal Ammūn

18486910? ago

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17840864? ago

Related video from Victor, an Ex-Master who EXPOSES Masonic/Freemasons at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3141258/

17839648? ago

I've noticed some posts calling factual posts about Masons "shilling."

Try this: Use your favorite search engine and search for "mind control" "Rotary Club."

Now the same thing, but Elk's Club.

Try as many times as you like with all kinds of organizations.

Now try "mind control" Masons.

And check out the absolutely astounding amount of material and how backed up much of it is.

I am personally a childhood victim of it. Evil as can be. Frankly, while obviously there are a number of Jews that are a hell of a problem -- central bankers in particular and entertainment and media as well -- when you want to consider the really high level corruption and evil that permeates almost everything rather than just select industries -- those who are actually in the know would not be going on about Jews so much, but Masons.

Yet, only the rare peep, usually shouted down.

17839890? ago

Yeah I don’t understand the mason shills here, Q has been pretty forward about the masons involvement w the DS/Cabal/Google and other tech industries. Their inverted symbolism will be their downfall. They try to destroy the sacred symbols and geometry and attach it to evil.

17861506? ago

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17838541? ago

Hey look everyone, Christians hate everyone else but christians and jews. Who would have thought...

This guy has done a great amount of research. I do not agree with all of it because my personal research leads me to believe he was not aware of some other types of lies/misdirection, but his ideas and research are solid.

He claims no affiliations, not that I am aware.

Keep hating on people christians. You do the jews bidding well. http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

17838728? ago

Everywhere you look the same nonsense https://www.gossip-repository.jp/2018/11/18/77/ same symbols same family names

17863268? ago

Not entirely true: Chinese counting sticks, and Japanese knowledge of calligraphy are a code, too. Pictographs with a natural logic predicated on the laws of observation AND nature.

Will take me years to sort out.

Thanks for the link and I will review it slowly.

17837965? ago

Did someone get their apron ruffled in here?

17836579? ago

Surely you Jest....? The writer of this article adds to his accolades, artist, skateboarder, gamer. WOW, put down the bong Spicoli.

17837437? ago

Article too close to home for ya, Grand Poobah?

17839758? ago

KEK, I am NOT a Freemason. However, I have been very close to many that are. The Royal Order of Jesters are the Shriner's non-profit arm for transporting children to their North America Hospitals. Simply a bunch of rich ol' farts, grab-assin' and boozing with PAID escorts, doing exactly what anyone wished they could be doing during a convention. The girls in the photos are PROS! The article is conspiracy trash.

17836334? ago

Its just jews. This is what they have brought to every society they've ever leeched from

17838416? ago

In 1789 Alexander Hamilton became the first Treasury Secretary of the United States. Hamilton was one of many Founding Fathers who were Freemasons. He had close relations with the Rothschild family which owns the Bank of England and leads the European Freemason movement. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Ethan Allen, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Brown and Roger Sherman were all Masons. https://killuminatinews.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-freemasons-and-house-of-rothschild.html In 1828 Andrew Jackson took a run at the US Presidency. Throughout his campaign he railed against the international bankers who controlled the BUS. Jackson ranted, “You are a den of vipers. I intend to expose you and by Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people understood the rank injustices of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning.”

17852182? ago

Its the masons!! lol

17836154? ago

Each generation thinks they are seeing something for the first time. You are a witness to the corruption of your time. It has been going on for thousands of years and often evil masquerading as good. As to the subject of freemasons. If you knew nothing else of Freemasonry this should be all you need to know, to know it's demonic.

Often times on this board you will hear that it is a battle of good and evil. God and Satan are very real and so is the battle they fight over man. We may never fully grasp what encompasses being made “in the image of God” while we walk in the flesh. God is infinite, and simply trying to comprehend God’s attributes can sometimes seem overwhelming. Keep in mind there will be a day where those in Christ will be made into the image of Christ will sit in judgement of angels. Do you not know that we are to judge angels - to say nothing of ordinary matters? (1 Corinthians 6:3). That is another story for another day.

The god of the lodge in freemasonry is lucifer and all that brings. It is not until you move up levels that it becomes very apparent. The other attribute of freemasonry is they practice witchcraft. Here we get to a revelation that will surprise many. Freemasonry practices some of the same witchcraft that God through Moses of the bible fought in Egypt to free the Israelites and others. “Jews” were not the only people God freed from Egypt. God gave Moses powers in a rod to do all kinds of things, to break the Egyptian spell placed on them to free them. Another story for another time.

The battle you fight in your generation is the same evil fought by those before you. You should be aware that your fight is against demonic powers nothing more or nothing less. Do not fool yourself, witchcraft is very real. You must grant permission to be asked to join freemasonry or be taken over by a demonic spirit. The principle spirit behind Freemasonry is Witchcraft. The Masons and others of the same type of organizations have drawn from every type of witchcraft trying to gain power. The power to control the rest of mankind.

17863291? ago

OP is a moron. Readers, please use you own judgement. As long as christians keep using Latin incorrectly, following the Judo-Vatican church, people will continue to live lives face down, ignoring the wonder in front of them.

17841204? ago

I agree with what you said here, and thanks for sharing. My question is: America's founding fathers were all freemasons. What do you have to say about that? Plus the architecture and landmarks in DC are all masonic/kabalistic (phallus, wombs, Sephiroth, etc.)

17842622? ago

This is bullshit and disinfo, all the founding Fathers were NOT Freemasons, some of them were Yes but NOT ALL. There were Quakers, English Evangelicals, Some were Reformists, New Age Pastors and Deist or followed Deism there were others around them such as Lutherans, Baptists, if Freemasons are so great what are they doing with some many criminals, rapists, pedophiles and thief among their ranks ... What are they doing praying to this Moongod Al-Lah and these Shriner rituals. What's with these Jester perverts? https://voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3059201 Freemason crimes, abuse? Hospitals for Children? The president of the Melha Shriners the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine-Melha Temple in Springfield

17842274? ago

This is the area that gets a little hazy. One side we have a patriotic Christian view that upholds America’s founding fathers as pillars of the Faith – the Christian crown of America’s history. It is true many of America’s founding fathers were devout Christians. This is especially visible in the wording of various State documents and letters, constitutions, and early educational material. But many, including some of the most famous founding fathers, had a foothold on the other side of the paradox as well

I have been in the Masonic Temple in Washington DC near the white house on a couple of occasions as an outsider. The Masonic altar holds a Holy Book (or several Holy Books, depending upon the personal religions of its members). It is around this Holy book that Freemasons circumambulate.

Not unlike many Masons today, it’s very likely that a number of the founding fathers who were members of the Lodge failed to understand the spiritual significance of Freemasonry. We see something similar in a new movement today called “inter- faithism”. A belief that all religions are valid paths of truth and that collectively we can call on a “higher power.”

Do not make the mistake that satan can and does uses the same words as God.

17840029? ago

he god of the lodge in freemasonry is lucifer based on what source did you decide this is true?

17842435? ago

The apostle Paul tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light: And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). One example of this masquerading is the culture of secret societies that claim to have illumination or light but are in fact full of darkness. Their Gnostic teaching inverts the truth, making Satan the god and God the enemy. The following sources attest to the fact that Freemasonry is Luciferian:

Albert Pike, 33-degree Freemason and author of Morals and Dogma. One quote: Lucifer, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls?

Arthur Edward Waite, 33-degree Freemason Quote First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me...I command and adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty living God, and by the power of Emanuel, His only Son...viii

Manly Palmer Hall, "The Fellow Craft," The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (Richmond, Virginia: Macoy Publishing, 1931). Eliphas Levi, as quoted in Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi (London: 1886): 428.

There is a lot more to provide. I would not have made the statment had I not researched it. It’s very likely that a number of the members of the Lodge failed to understand the spiritual significance of Freemasonry.

Truth mixed with error is equivalent to all error, except that it is more innocent looking and, therefore, more dangerous." ~ H.A. Ironside

17837647? ago

Excellent post

17837022? ago

After smoking DMT one time I can say the battle of good and evil is real. Just as I AM real their are other “realms” and “veils” which exist all around us, and are just as real. When we dream is it not “real” to us? What makes a dream any less real then the light we perceive around us when we are awake!

17842599? ago

DMT, the only psychedelic known to occur naturally in trace amounts in human blood and brain tissue. You knew that right? The only comment I can make is to make sure if you use it again to always be in the RIGHT setting. Harold Koenig at Duke University has done some good work on that subject.

17850202? ago

I used a huge hit one time about 3-4 years ago. Not something I could see doing again, as much as I would love to, it can be a truly scary experience, where you feel like you might not come back and your soul is escaping. Good and evil exists, god knows what is going on in that crazy DMT realm but I’m sure there’s bad energy and entities, the same ones that get into our dreams and play tricks and become different characters in the dream world to attack you spiritually and drain you.

17841359? ago

"When we dream is it not “real” to us? What makes a dream any less real then the light we perceive around us when we are awake!"

The One Constant that never sleeps that is Always Aware no matter what alternate mental state one is in, including what one calls one's conscious state, i.e. "thinking", is Conscious Awareness. Veiled by the thinking mind one calls "me and my life". What is known and generally accepted as a "conscious state of being", i.e. "thinking one is the accumulation of one's life events, experiences and conditioning", is in fact an un-conscious state, "take no thought" comes to mind, lol. When one is not "thinking" and conscious one is in a state of Being Conscious. Consciousness is not dependent on thinking, but thinking is dependent on being Conscious, likewise Consciousness is not dependent on thinking to take Action, whereas thinking cannot Act without Consciousness Being Present. DMT uncovers and dissolves a conditioned Mind that has seemingly been covered with un-truths, yet has not the Truth Always been Present, it was just obscured by one's conditioned state of mind cherished as being real, but when stripped naked and unmasked reveals the One Truth, the Prodigal never left His Fathers Home :)

17850140? ago

Haha you lost me on a few parts but wow! You k ow exactly what I’m trying to describe haha! When you say “yet has not the truth always been present” it’s exactly like when tripping on the DMT that one time, it just turns up the LIFE dial to the max and you’re like “omg I remember now! Dub! How could I forget “this place” it’s always right here! When I’m awake or dreaming it’s always happening!”

17857176? ago

Learn to (discipline yourself) listen to the Silence in your head, out of that Silence (nothingness) comes EVERYTHING, It seems to take time, but hey ho I been at it for 40 years plus, lol and it does take an Ernest Heart, a strength of perseverance, BUT the Reward is worth ALL the Gold in the World. You will See the World is Within Your Being. You may fall or stumble, you just get back up. The funny thing is once you have dis-covered Your True Identity You find It never will leave You, coz It Is You, have fun :)

17835674? ago

Inb4 Nazifags say that the Royal Order of Jesters is employed by Jews.

18493043? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonDebate/3144863 Order Of The Eastern Star, Freemasonry, Police Connection

17835071? ago

Pizzagate is real

Pizzagate 101  http://magaimg.net/img/sxt.gif

Newfag rundown on the players http://magaimg.net/img/7d6h.jpg

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker  http://magaimg.net/img/2ql.jpg

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6j.jpg

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail http://magaimg.net/img/7d6k.jpg

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6l.jpg

Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL  http://magaimg.net/img/7j92.jpg

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6c.jpg

It's all about the adrenochrome  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6d.jpg

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out  http://magaimg.net/img/7d6e.jpg

17861534? ago

What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe https://voat.co/v/anon/3058906/17000140

17834791? ago

17834989? ago

old Jewish, Egypt Christian, an Arab Babylon paganism cult? @theoldones @madmalloy ?? @PathogenAlpha @Othmar_Regin @NorthernMan i guess some of these 'conspiracy' were not so crazy after all

17834885? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3059201 Freemason crimes, abuse? Hospitals for Children? The president of the Melha Shriners the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine-Melha Temple in Springfield

17834879? ago

Whats up with all the pagan symbolism?

17834644? ago

I remember reading about this after watching Pwr Goat. I believe this was Obama’s secret society that he started off in.

17837856? ago

Behind the scenes as always, the ROTHSCHILDS were THE principal players in most of the 19th century's history making events. The Duke of Wellington could never have paid his army at Waterloo without Rothschilds' assistance. Rothschilds' intervention enabled Disraeli to acquire the Suez Canal for Britain. A Rothschild-led syndicate enabled France to discharge its reparations debt early after the Franco-Prussian war. They also financed Cecil Rhodes, making it possible for him to establish a monopoly over the goldfields of South Africa and DeBeers diamonds. In America, they financed the monopolisation of railroads. The National City Bank of Cleveland, which was identified in congressional hearings as one of three Rothschild banks in the United States, provided John D. Rockefeller with the money to begin his monopolisation of the oil refinery business, resulting in the formation of Standard Oil. Rockefeller was nothing but a pit-bull on a Jewish leash, as was Andrew Carnegie. http://12160.info/forum/topics/dark-secrets-of-freemasonry-satanism-and-the-rothschilds The man knew next to nothing about steel, but his Jewish masters guided his career and like so many others, raised him up to be their lackey. Virtually all of the great "Robber Barons" were the puppets of Jewish investment bankers - behind the scenes as always

17839813? ago

Interesting... Like I said though, I know nothing! I knew Roth’s and Rocker at out everything younjust desrcibed lol. In the age of info and disinfo sometimes you have to just trust the gut/sacred self knowledge!

17834788? ago

and 'Who' are the people who want open borders for the USA ?? @DrSteveBrule9000 @PolishBot @psimonster @Schreiber the globalist Jew, the 'christian' Mason, the Shriner, is there a connection?

17836885? ago

Idk man I don’t get too far into the rabbit hole because I don’t like to go into topics I’m not sure I could prove one way or another to myself. I just pick up bits and pieces, OOTJ is interesting, but now the thread has just turned into the age old Jew good/Jew no good thread. Something I can’t say I know much about, I’m sure the text book people w the full history and bible quotes etc will be here to argue both sides either way.

17834314? ago

Some say they connect with New Zealand. The clowns they pray to some goblin kid, a devil child omen cartoon, this weird 'Mirth' like the Lou Hirsch in the Rodger Rabbit movie @Conspirologist @watchers ? @JesusRules @flyingcuttlefish that Mason shit is weird and who are the Shriners with the moslem red hats??

17838667? ago

They pray to some Moongod with horns and pray to some dude who sits on the "Chair of Hiram Abiff" translated in the New King James Version as "Huram my master craftsman" its basically a bunch of confused Babylon stuff mixed with other nonsense

17834877? ago

these people are fucked up