17836486? ago

lameness poorly masked as analysis exposed as lame race baiting. 3140364, you're lame.

17835647? ago

here's your steamer " "" ' "" ' @ () (____)

racist fuck

17835622? ago

you got robbbedddddd ddduuuddddeeeeeeeee, your trooollllll SPPPRRAAAAYYYYYY doesnt workkkkkk,


racist fuck

TTttTTTRRRrRrrRRRr OOOoOoOooOoOO LLLLLLllllllllLll lLl lL l L Ll Ll Ll LLLLllllllllll l L l lL l ll lLlllllllllll

17834951? ago

the "Great Commandment"

"LOve thy Neighbor as thyself"

you fail,

thank you, come again.

17835088? ago

Genesis 10:9-10

mending wall

no u

*tosses quarter into oven* have at it champ

17835452? ago

trolll , trolll , trolll , trolll , TrolLLLL

i know your right, tooo bad you lack the intelligence and wisdom to understand.

a diversity of culture so that mankind may experience the boundaries of his existence instead of getting bull-ringed through singular perspectives. Don't hate your fellow man, learn from and teach to your fellow man. by doing so expand your awareness, understanding, and wisdom.

tTTTtttTtrrrRRRRroOoooOllLLLllllLLLL. troll ll ll LLLL ll l

17835923? ago

well hell buddy thanks,

if i ever want a case study of how humanity is corrupted by manipulating knowledge to fuel hate and discontent ill know exactly where to start.

17834724? ago

racist diuretic ass nugget. You sub-human neanderthals present your views, but never once does anyone ever try and reason out the historical why a culture exists in their present state.

and whats the first tactic of of any conquering foe. the elimination of the intelligencia, leaving only the stupid ones behind to believe the NEW historical narratives. The victor gets to write the history books.

who built the great constructs of the ancient middle america, you racist fuck. who built the great constructs of south america, you racist fuck. who built the ancient cities of egypt.

humanity has been beaten down, suppressed and oppressed to serve whatever conquering army was rampaging at the time.

your given an opportunity to view your fellow man in a different light, yet you hold to ancient shill tactics used to undermine peaceful communities with toxic mentality.

17834757? ago

Who are the Masonic Shriners? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3068201 its strange because they icons they prayed to have never brought civilisation, only collapse, terrorism, jihad, rape and death ... what strange little rituals these guys have

17834747? ago

go be stupid somewhere else pls

17834790? ago

nope,I is gonna bez stupid ritez wheres im ats.

is you pissed cuz in a few sentences your entire racist argument was nuked,

17834816? ago

ah, i had a feeling you were black

17834910? ago

nope white cracker honky,

demonstrates your ability to assume facts, buhahhahahahhahahahahahhahahha ignorant dumb fuck.

the "Great Commandment", love thy neighbor as thy self.

you FAIL,

thank you, come again

17835345? ago


17834306? ago

Get outta here with that racist bullshit. You’re not rationally comparing racial and cultural differences with this shit, you’re race baiting and dividing with no purpose other than to bolster your sense of racial superiority.

17834717? ago

I have nothing against Whites, the Germans, Italians, Danish, Greeks the Europeans, the Yellows the Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, nothing against the Khoisan, Niger-Congo, Nilo-Saharan Nilotic peoples or any people's, the Mexicans, Spanish, Brazilians, Cubans, I hope all peoples can live in security and peace but you do wonder sometimes who or what is behind the agenda of mixing peoples and cultures? Brazil is a strange place, they are a mix Portuguese Europeans they have ancestry from Africa and the Native of South America but almost nowhere else will you see random crazy violence and a peoples who hate their own nation, in the ghetto they develop a new ebonic langauge nobody else really understands even themselves, low literacy rates and crime everywhere, killings and drugs from slum or shantytown "bicho-solto" phrases to greet, "corujar" Most are references to drugs, the drug trade, the Brazil slang is very regional one ghetto people may be totally unable to communicate and understand other ghetto people, and things were going out of control the latest Conservative to be elected in Brazil may have been their last hope? if you think 'Race Mixing' is going to solve all the world's problems you are wrong, just look at Brazilians they are truly racially and ethnically mixed and their nation is still a shithole. People often talk conspiracy here....Let's imagine for a second their is perhaps an illuminati, what do they follow? Masonic belief? Satanism? Jewish faith? Pagan Egyptology? Christian? Babylonian, a lot of these stories come from the same places, the old Bible tells a story of the tower of Babel the story of how God came down and confused mankind, scattered people and mixes language, confusion language and 'scattered them.'

17834273? ago

Humans are hybrid of several different races. This is division tactics.

17832984? ago

In defense of the original Spaniards: remember they only freed themselves from several centuries of muslim occupation (and the rapes that go along with muslim occupation) in 1492. The same year Columbus set sail, hence the barbarity of the conquistadors.

17834738? ago

Shriners and islam connections? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915/17743316

17832948? ago

black women and mexican women are HOT AF.. love me some brown sugar!!

17832830? ago

This is a moot point. There is no time to fix our current situation in this way. At this moment, this movement is about incubating and protecting the ideology of freedom long enough for it to utilize disruptive technologies to elevate our global conciousness out of bondage. The cure will spread worldwide, if it is given a sanctuary to take hold and flourish.

17832786? ago

Care to actually talk about Q on a Q RESEARCH BOARD?

No, it's ok, go back to your IRRELEVANT RACE BAITING.


17832931? ago

because they are liberals.. and thats what liberals do.. they show it with every post.. liberals are infact trash BUT you can see there are only 7 liberal cucks on the whole of voat.. which is good....

17832923? ago

your on this website to be violently awoken from your kumbya hippy bullshit thats done more to harm blacks than all the actions of the mean waysists ever combined. smoke some bud, calm your tits and realize that none of you useless fuckers do any actual research, you let the autists on 8chan do it and then circlejerk about how great you are.

17837187? ago




17832516? ago

Fuck your goddamn race baiting bullshit, and get the fuck out of this sub.





17832978? ago

Fuck off Jew

17832790? ago

it must be painful to be so retarded that OP looks like racebaiting to you, and yet seeing other people all around you agreeing with it.

17832935? ago

that little S by your name indicates THAT YOU are the OP.. and the 7 people who like it are the same 7 nazis that troll everyone on here.

17832946? ago

OP refers to OP, or it can refer to the author of the subject

17832954? ago

still you.. why do you keep commenting on your same ORIGINAL POST..

17833742? ago

Perfect... example of Triggered OP.. sadly that (s)hit happens when a fry short

17833961? ago

naw mang, im just giving your nonsense the importance it deserves

17832473? ago

TLDR but yeah. Beastiality is disgusting. Mudsharking should be shunned by all clear thinking rational people. Date a nigger, wind up dead or a single mother.