17826700? ago

Oh ffs. stop waiting for your fluffy lord to come out of the sky and save us. That's some delusional bs. We gotta fix this planet ourselves.

17831198? ago

You see, that is the problem with stupid people, not saying your stupid, just saying it's a problem.

If you think this floating blue marble just got here randomly, you're seriously crazy.

There is a God, he is very real. But I won't try to convince you of that. Perhaps you're a Cannanite by birth.

And you can't handle the truth of your fate. Either way I fell sorry for you. You'll never know love.

17826671? ago

Only a sith deals in absolutes

17827203? ago

Thank you Yoda.

17826591? ago

Stfu you short sighted monkey. Think before you talk, in other words stop talking.

17831266? ago

You obviously dish out advice but never follow it.

Please, just fall off a bridge somewhere, save us all the greif of dealing with your supidity.

You aren't here to save a Nation or even a person. You're here for your selfish needs of causing trouble.

If I could, I'd gladly piss in your eye and tell you that face to face.

But I am a Christain. So I'll turn the other cheek to shit on your face instead.

God bless you, but please stop breathing.

17826666? ago

You talking to a mirror?

17835940? ago

Obviously since he deleted the OP.

17826438? ago

Love God. Hate evil

17826275? ago

God isn't real in the sense of the Bible.

It is a distortion of the real Truth, The Law of One, the Law of Light/Love.

The choice is between love, or fear.

Good or evil. Service to Self or service to Others.

Many will polarize to the negative, others will polarize to the positive.

There is an event coming soon that will change our DNA and upgrade it to what it was meant to be. The negative will no longer be able to exist here.

The Elite and the DS will fall away

17826315? ago

God is 6'2" and 200 pounds.

Believe what you want.

What I offer is the truth.

17826344? ago

what are you talking about lol

You do not offer the truth. You offer a repeat of the evil distortions of Love that Christianity and other religions are. They are created and distorted to control the human population and keep them enslaved in fear

17826497? ago

Enjoy your choice.

i'm not going to argue my position.

Nor am I going to convince you of anything.

Why even try? Wisdom and truth is lost on you.

When you experience true pure love, you'll change.

17826675? ago

When you experience true pure love, you'll change.

It's a crying shame that we aren't getting it from you, Oh Enlgightened One.

17826154? ago

I prefer indifference, and that is because I know that at least one of you doomsday bible fucks will have that “I told you so” in your heart which god will hear and strike you down as well. Always feeling that need for the last word is what you religion people are about, and personally I want to take as many as you with me.

Because I can laugh at you for eternity.

I am the devil, and I am here to do the devils work.

17826399? ago

That's fine. If there was no Lucifer, there were would not be a need for God right?

Lucifer and God work hand in hand. Duality is a necessary evil.

So, the world must be filled with both for life to exist.

17826073? ago

No truer words were ever spoken. It is coming and those who can feel it know that Jesus will return soon! If you cannot feel it, pray and ask God to reveal himself to you. Get the Holy Spirit, it is truly amazing what will be revealed in your heart. Jesus is The Lord!!

17826408? ago

Jesus died. He won't be returning.

Someone like his has already returned.

Roseanne knows. Now you do too.

17826940? ago

I am now dumber for having read your words. May God have mercy on your ugly and confused soul.

17827261? ago

Thank you Billy Madison.

You missed your calling as the village idiot.

Still time, apply yourself.

17827328? ago

Glad you caught that, now at least I know you’re not a bot and instead just a paid satanic shill.

17827718? ago


Good luck to you.

You and your family will need it.

All kidding and insults aside, you're not going to enjoy your decision.

My job isn't to convince anyone, it's to make them think about their souls.

Obviously, you're a lost soul, there is no hope for you and your family, and that's fine too.

Not everyone will make the journey, or even be invited to be considered. Guess you're one of those.

Have a blessed day. Hopefully you don't infect the ones around you that depend on your wisdom.

Because you just don't have any to give.

17828416? ago

Seriously, threatening me and my family?? Screw you shill.

17831400? ago

Damn, you really are that stupid aren't you?

If you and your family aren't religious, you are doing them a horrible disservice.

Have a blessed day. You might want to switch to spoons from now on, forks in your hands could be a danger.

17826024? ago

I don’t know what’s worse, the shills or the “Christians”.

17826424? ago

Make your choice.

There will not be a second chance to get it right.

Choose wisely.

17825938? ago

actually, hate is a fear-based emotion thus, its a choice between love and fear. and we have many opportunities to choose every day.

17825651? ago

Arrests please.

17826436? ago

God doesn't subscribe to man's law.

17826205? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3131598 She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature?

17825576? ago

You're a doomfag

17826444? ago

Fair enough.

And you're doomed.

A fair and factual statement.

17825427? ago

How many times are you going to post this idiocy and demonstrate again your lack of understanding?

17826459? ago

As many times as He instructs.

If you don't like it, simply ignore it.

Your choice to be here, your choice to read.

Your choice to respond.

Your soul your choice friend.

I'm just offering the truth.

17835916? ago

Did he command you to delete this thread?

17825419? ago

That isn't going to remove the 3rd world savages from our countries.

17826477? ago

And they think we're the savages.

Perhaps we are. Are you happy?

Do you feel fulfilled by your statement?

Do you think your statement will change the world?

Love is the only thing that matters, the rest is worthless.

17825718? ago

You assume we have a country. The luciferians are destroying it. Only Jesus and his Angels can take out Lucifer and his minions. These evil people didnt get where they are without help. Lucifer has been infesting the world and it's time to exterminate him.

17826396? ago

Great. Somebody else that wants us all to sit and wait for someone/something else to save us. We are God, we need to save ourselves.

17825301? ago

even if you choose not to choose you still have made a choice -rush

17826185? ago

'Sabrina' and Satanists Reach Amicable Settlement in Baphomet Statue Lawsuit. .. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3119984

17825331? ago

Precise and to the point.


17825285? ago

Sounds judgy...will there be brunch? You can keep the avacados. I prefer ham and eggs.

17825261? ago

Love the love and hate the hate

17825222? ago

Fuck you. Fuck your lying god.

17825398? ago

You seem like a wonderful person \s

17825411? ago

Welcome to the Internet you retarded boomer freak.

17825597? ago

Eat shit faggot.

17825249? ago

Good for you.

Might as well step off a tall building right now.

You're done.

17825614? ago

Not very loving of you OP. Maybe practice what you just preached.

17826535? ago

That's all I am is Love.

Nothing more.

17826250? ago

^^Exactly lol i see this idiot popping up everywhere saying this shit, pretending like hes some kind of God sent messenger associated with Q or something

17825272? ago

I don't think so, faggot.

17825341? ago

Another speed bump.

17825623? ago

No love here either.

17825349? ago

Yes. You are.

17826542? ago

Sir, why do you argue what cannot be argued?

17826557? ago

To waste your time.