17850881? ago

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17831924? ago

All of the trusts and "companies" (I use the name in quotations because they do not provide an actual service or benefit for others) that exist as a result of being created by the elite are there to enrich themselves and to profit off the misery of other people.

17834095? ago

That all seeing eye? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3140492

17822351? ago

The company we should check is the one that owns the remote nav patents for aircraft.

17821989? ago

(((They))) already upload all of our medical records to Medicare CMS. This began in 2009. EHR Incentive Any medical professional, hospital or clinic that accepts Medicare/Medicaid get punished if they don't participate, and rewarded by $$$ if they do. What could possibly go wrong?

17828103? ago

My sister-in-law is a doctor who went on to receive a degree in Psychiatry. She ran a practice for many years. After Obama got in office, they started dictating terms to her: they would no longer pay for services unless their own people determined they were necessary - after turning over patient records, of course. She refused because it violated patient/doctor confidentiality but said many docs did comply simply to get the money. She ended up closing her practice because she said a sole provider could no longer remain in business with the number of hours they were forced to spend on regulatory paperwork - just as (((they))) wanted. Patients lost a good - and ethical - doctor. Thanks, Obama.

17821864? ago

You're Batman dude! Great research.

17828145? ago

Batgirl, but I'll take your compliment. Thank you anon.

17831465? ago

Nah Batgirl's nothing. I bet your Erin from You're Next.


17821143? ago

Clientele and CVs are 100% British English language terms

17820772? ago

Speaking of data info..... what if some of reddit's subs (I'm looking at you The Swamp).... some operative creates the sub to learn. Tactics on effective ways to handle the most damming information.... something tells me we're being played like a fiddle. Stay sharp Patriots

17820988? ago

Can you expand further, please?

17830164? ago

Working on the theory.

17820590? ago

Rothschilds need taking down...I mean DOWN! ALL THE WAY. Capital punishment DOWN.

17820571? ago

Roths are such a shit show.

17820360? ago

Gotta trace the old bloodline somehow.

17819868? ago

Data info is the new 'Gold.... before it was actual Gold precious metal, the Oil, the Diamonds, now its 'Info' the facebook btw has your data. Oh but youre one of those who don't have an account ...well don't worry they still have your data an old work college that connects to you, somebody else got a facebook phone with your name in it, a neighbor with kids, someone you know who went to uni the business themselves have a 'facebook' and there are camera's in stores in every city street in the world. Facebook also has facial recognition software so it can tag people like Joe Stalin or Nixon and it can tag and build a profile on old philsophers and painters, it even has data on dead people who never had a 'facebook' its eyes are everywhere, its eyes look at you if you want it or not ....oh but your body, your biology is precious, and your Blood your DNA won't worry 23 and me, if they don't have a direct DNA sample they can make a good guess or some other way they get you, find your long lost grandma relative company got all that tagged, they have a profile on you, and they want more data.

17826170? ago

Dean Henderson 'All roads lead to TheCity-of -London' by 911TVorg .... old Masonic City within a City CBD Civitas de Londres, TheCity-of -London is a corporation with its own Mayors, Police & Laws https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3132954

17819815? ago

17819784? ago

How come we hear so much about the Rothchild's but don't see them on lists of the uber-rich?

17823596? ago

There was an old woman going around drunk for a while wearing her demonic jewels, bull horns, devils that kind of thing.

17821964? ago

It is hard to think about people you have never heard of. They like to stay out of the public eye. What do they want attention for ?

Their puppets are the ones who crave fame and notoriety. The real puppetmasters avoid it.

17821382? ago

She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598/17747414 Does anyone know what the small red pin on her right shoulder represents? She's wearing it in every picture

17821944? ago

The woman you are thinking about is not Lynn. Lynn is the one that is friends with the Clinton's and she is much more attractive than the woman in the picture you shared.

17821183? ago

lol Most of the jews have goy fronts

17819909? ago

Lol, they are smart enough to stay private and out of the public eye. The REAL top richest families arent ever listed in those stupid things. They let poorer people like gates, soros, Bezos get listed.

It's why most people don't even know about families like the payseurs....

17823127? ago

17818529? ago

Good dig, anon.

17821363? ago

https://voat.co/v/ConspiracyAnon/3059225 A Dark Secret In Masonry Exposed - Shining light on the Royal Order Of Jesters.

17832506? ago

Shill post

17833991? ago

I wonder is there a connection the global Jews and the secret Masonic?