19210425? ago

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17879039? ago

OK so now it has been decided that no incestuous, statutory rape, of 3 year olds will be jailed. Now that is great. So what is to stop this from happening next week by the same guy? Nothing! Castrate the Bastard! No one fares well in prison, that's part of the risk in committing these crimes. If he had no connections, or conservative or Catholic he would be crucified.

17835671? ago

So.... ? The son of former Vice President, Joe Biden, Beau Biden represented a DuPont child molester and negotiated a reduced sentence through a crony judge? Only to ensure safety, because the molester wouldn’t fair well in prison general population? Another Jussie Smollet type favour granted?

17831045? ago

What did the family have on the judge? Could’ve been bribery as well.

17829838? ago


Feds Raid Music Producer Mally Mall’s Home for Human Trafficking Investigation - wanted to share, but I can not start a thread. Progress being made !

17829664? ago

Also, while Beau Biden was serving in Iraq as a major in the Delaware national guard, his office had time to charge Larry Sinclair with writing bad checks to interrupt his national press club appearance stating that he smoked crack and did homosex acts with Bathhouse Barry Obama. Weeks later, father Joe Biden was selected to be VP, bringing with him the whopping 3 guaranteed democrat electoral college votes of Delaware... the charges against Sinclair were dropped after Obama/Biden won the election... oddly enough, the Delaware AG’s office, during the same time, failed to indict notorious pedophile pediatrician Dr Earl Bradley. The Dean of the Delaware based Widener Law School, a friend of the Biden’s, in an independent evaluation, stated that the AG’s office’s failure to indict led to many more children being molested by this predator. Being fair, which we should be to the now deceased Beau Biden, he’d delegated his responsibility but it happened during his elected term that his office prioritized a failed indictment of a political opponent for check fraud over a notorious pedophile.

17826575? ago

Bidens have center in Maryland for sexually abused children . This is so sick . They have to go away for ever.

17826283? ago

The Biden's are going down faster than Kamilla on Willy Brown.

You can't piss off a Nation and simply walk away, Scott Free.


17824057? ago

"doesn't let a defendant's 'wealth or social status' influence her decisions." Right. I'm a relatively poor nobody, and I would most certainly NOT do well in prison. So, if I committed a white collar crime -- no one is physically injured, no one is terrified or mentally abused, and most definitely no three year olds are raped -- I can assume this judge will also give me probation? OK OK OK you can all stop laughing now . . . obviously we all know the answer to that one!

17821824? ago

Anybody that has sex with their own child should be judged under rule "308"

17824189? ago

Am I correct in assuming Rule "308" is applied judiciously to the back of one's head?

17821126? ago

It isn't going to stop. Its only going to get worse until each state forms a people's militia and enforces the constitution.

17834108? ago

and the Masonic ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3133589

17819716? ago

Boy, thanks to Q all of these rotten child molesters are finally going to prison!!!!!!


How many more children need to get raped and murdered before you fucking retards figure out that Q and your stupid orange dickhead president DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.

17820747? ago

The cabal just can't seem to find good help.

The article was from April 4, 2014, so the thanks goes to your nigger hero, Obama and his bitch Lynch so fuck off with your feeble attempt at Q and orange man bad.

17820431? ago

how long has it been going on? Red shoes? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3136767

17819506? ago

Since why when do we care if a criminal will fare well in prison. Isn't that the whole fucking point of prison?

17820529? ago

Rachel Chandler - the Rosetta Stone ... Why is Rothschild unhappy with Q ?? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3112482

17820233? ago

The luciferians look after their own. Plain and simple.

17818928? ago

How about the welfare of the child and how she will fare in life as a result of this abuse. Fucking corruption.

17818839? ago

Beau Biden has been dead for awhile.

17818875? ago

no shit..

so have all the 9/11 victims.

what's your point, faggot?

17821894? ago

Is Beau Biden dead? We know RBG has survived cancer twice with special therapy. How could the Vice President’s (@ the time) son die of cancer? Did somebody want him dead?

What if he’s not dead? What if something happened and he needed to disappear?

17835708? ago

If he's not dead, he's probably not too happy about his brother marrying his widow!

17819213? ago

None really. Just bored.

17818397? ago

No shit he wouldn't "fare well in prison". Child molesters aren't tolerated by the other inmates. Pretty fucking sad that hardened criminals have more morals than the corrupt judges and lawyers.

17824096? ago

This decisions is not only proof of people escaping prosecution but that our jails aren't there for rehabilitation. The judge is admitting he's supporting a regime not justice or law and order.

17822423? ago

And thats true^

17824142? ago

OK fine. Shot for something, then! How about for being an unrighteous, biased, bought-off, lying cunt? I realize that's not a capital offence, but when you start drowning in unrighteous, biased, bought-off, lying cunts, ya gotta thin the rancid herd somehow.

17820272? ago

this judge should have been arrested, tried for treason and shot.

17820710? ago

Tried for treason??? What the fuck is wrong with you?

17820855? ago

DuPonts are a foreign power, it is a weird cult family with tentacles everywhere, anyone willing to let gansters, terrorists, pedophiles, murders off because of foreign cult influence should be held in military court and face the full force of justice, Judges are to serve their country and they should fear the law abiding people who's taxes pay their damn salary because one day the people might not be so tolerant of this corruption.

17818160? ago

Wow. I had never even heard of this case! Insanity.

17820497? ago

If you don't know about Epstein's Island yet, you will, soon....conspiracy was real? https://voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/3093593 and a New Orleans House?

17818070? ago

In contrast, Manafort rots.

17820648? ago

Manafort failing to file under FARA opens the door for Biden & Kerry's kids failing to file under FARA.

17820907? ago

Nice if it works out that way.

But even if let's say it was a white-hat act to convict, imprison, and solitary-confine Manafort for the sake of setting precedent to doing the same and worse to Deep Staters, my intended point is that the D's, politicians and media and public, loved seeing what they say as a Trumper given the "show me the man and I'll find you the crime" treatment and believe that those crimes merited the punishment, but where the crimes are ALREADY KNOWN for D's, they see no need for anything to be done.

17818279? ago

Manafort was a deep state plant into the Trump campaign. Didn't know that huh , but you think Q is a larp (despite being proved right time after time).

17818376? ago


There is nothing in my post that says anything one way or the other whether I think Manafort was a deep state plant (if anyone cares I think the deep state wanted him there but he is not one of the protected deep staters.) Nor is there anything whether I think Q is a LARP or not, I do not. You have to be a full blown idiot to get that out of my post.

17822344? ago

No , I'm saying Manafort was a DS plant , but you decided to jump the shark there , psycho Billy - ride it.

17822416? ago

Still zero reading comprehension. You asserted I didn't know that but there was nothing in my post to get that from, and you asserted I think Q is a LARP, which again there was nothing to get that from. You are a full blown idiot. Goodbye.

17838914? ago

Don't go away mad , shill , just go away .

17818038? ago

Dig on Ukraine and Biden.