17804213? ago

Found the shill

17804827? ago

Secret Agenda of High Level Freemasonry? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3058923

17804096? ago


17803985? ago


They always revert back to this same narrative, try to HIDE behind the jewish race by saying they all follow the pedoshit manmade talmud when that is completely ridiculous.

Jesus walked the earth and his followers were Jews.

The synagogue of satan infiltrated, much like "spies" of our days now do and pretended to be Jews.... when in fact they all like dick and are complete societal rejects. Unwanteds.

So they fuck people over and get to the heads of companies (because they are psychopaths with no conscience or empathy) and pretend to be Jews.... when in fact they are Luciferian dogshit.

Really not a difficult concept and you people are pathetic --->



17804310? ago

They have their orders .... Sock puppets attack. Lol

17803961? ago

Thank you for posting.....it is clear by downvoting on other educational information, that people have no idea what Judaism/Phariseeism are and what they practice and promote......

17803955? ago

Nice twist of scriptures... here is the correct reading "they say they are jews but they are not. They are from the synagogue of Satan " to put it in layman's terms.... fake jews that worship Lucifer.

The Pope says he is a Christian. He's not. He's a fake Christian that is more than likely luciferian.

17805580? ago

Acts 20:29 Apostle Paul “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.”

17804803? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3137302 Tentacles of the Deep State, List of The Illuminati - 'Committee of 300'

17803158? ago

All Jews are members of the Synagogue of Satan because all Jews are Talmudic Jews, even if they lie about it.

Jews are so evil that God was forced to directly intervene by sending his only Son to show them the light... but unfortunately the Jews were so evil that they couldn't recognize Jesus or his teachings and only 12 Jews were able to be saved.

The rest of the Jews wanted to murder Jesus.

Then a dirty Jew had Jesus executed in exchange for shekels.

17804267? ago

All Wizards are members of the Synagogue of Voldemort because all Wizards are Hogwarts Wizards, even if they lie about it.

Wizards are so evil that James Potter was forced to directly intervene by sending his only Son to show them the light... but unfortunately the Wizards were so evil that they couldn't recognize Harry or his teachings and only 12 Wizards were able to be saved.

The rest of the Wizards wanted to murder Harry.

Then a dirty Wizards had Harry executed in exchange for Galleons.

This is why Wizards don't name their Voldemort because it's not who you assume it is.

17804002? ago

Only 12 jews? What about Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene? What about nicodemus? What about Lazurus? What about the lepers? What about the blind man? What about John the Baptist? What about the thousands that were there on the sermon on the mount?

Just 12? Clearly you dont know the bible and just spouting crap.

17804252? ago

Acts chapter 2. And 5000 were saved that day. 500 at Bethany when he ascended. The jew haters have invaded to deligitamize the sub and movement.

Fight them!

17804059? ago

Only 12 jews? What about Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene?

You can't assume that everyone that Jesus ever interacted with was instantly a follower, even if Jesus did heal them.

17804261? ago

Yes you can

17804071? ago

How about the 3000 saved on Pentecost

17804133? ago

Nobody can tell if those souls were saved. Flawed humans claimed they were, but we just don't know for sure.

17804288? ago

Scripture claims it. And you do not have the authority to over rule scripture. Shill!

17816131? ago

get him

17803119? ago

Supremacist Jews ARE the problem! Jews are racist within the borders of Israel. But dual national Jews within America promote multiculturalism! Shiff, Nadler, Schumer, Feinstein, Blumenthal, Cohen, Bernie Sanders, Chomsky, Raskin,Franken, D.W.Shultz, Spitzer, Rahm Emanuel, ad nauseum! Rothschild/Soros puppets!

17804761? ago

17804862? ago

Nothing to contradict facts!

17803270? ago

Abrams, Feingold, Sherman, Grayson, Schwartz, Glickman, gabby Giffords,Shakowsky, Berman...

17803465? ago

And that is just an incomplete list of democrats!