17799136? ago

Step away from the edge of the building , that's it! Slowly now! Ok , good! You're gonna be goood!

Not making fun of your post. If you actually watch the vid the makers POV is a schill argument. The aerosol spraying is and never was about SRM (solar rad management) If you. Think benevolent .Gov is trying to keep you from getting skin cancer, Well let's just say you are a KUBRICk "TRUE BELIEVER " Oh yeah it's geo engineering all right but not for your sensitive white skin I can assure you. Take a breath anon,it's on the list, just not @ the top!

17806402? ago

  • CIA declassified document of an NSA document—

  • Outlines predecessors to ionization and radiation dosing—

  • Outlines predecessors to war theatre and false flags—

  • Outlines predecessors to using stress as a tool—

  • Outlines predecessors to using pharmacology as a tool—

  • Outlines predecessors to using GeoEngineering to block/excite/track adepts

  • If you wish to help, then do not log back into this website and take this information (and ancillary declassifications) to the appropriate people near you, in real-time

  • Facts matter, patents matter more, bills, laws, and regulations matter most

17806499? ago

That's common knowledge, you are boring me with your simple explanations. Tell me something I don't know. All trade you,but bots can't make a simple transaction

17807523? ago

  • We want for nothing

  • Keep your possession

17808481? ago

Knowledge is not possession. It is common to boomer. If you want for nothing, then you already know how this ends. God wins. Not knowledge

17798815? ago

I just came back from Maui, they didn't spray ONCE in the 3 weeks I was there. I guess the cost to get the shit out there vs the low population is not worth it to them.

17798901? ago

  • Vacation, Travel, Insurance companies pay retired generals to run those aspects of their companies

17798986? ago

What other areas can I visit that don't get sprayed?

17806277? ago

  • Hard to say with timelords permission or guidance

  • Yes, timelords - and other states... of mind ( do you see the language and their games )

  • Declassified documents tell facts and are devoid of our interpretations

  • You should seek out the truth in THEIR words because it is too vast for us to expound quickly

  • Nothing will get easier, but you will get better at understanding ≠ getting easier

17798658? ago

They've been spraying Houston like crazy this week. Especially yesterday. ALL DAY. Caught 2 of them on camera. COuldn't get the others, I was driving on freeways.

17806429? ago

  • Once sentiment online becomes high, they reduce and go higher

  • The haze persists because of higher flying craft

  • Or they use Sky scrappers in major cities

  • Or they use shipping freighters in the ocean

  • Or they use incinerator stacks

  • Their methods are varied and effective for obscuring each rise in sentiment online

  • Their AI works very hard

17822724? ago

WOW! WTF can we do about it? Prob not a damn thing, at least not while there are still bad actors in the military. That's who's doing this, right?

17850016? ago

  • balloons full of magnetized iron oxide should be tested without loss of life
  • possibly another reaction whereby pure oxygen is used to thrust the bonded particulates away in another direction
  • a collection apparatus of some sort
  • theory based on alchemical principles related to the compounds being used
  • barium is not healthy but is part of the compounds sprayed