17761060? ago

Yes, We Are All Immigrants But....

My ancestors came here with nothing but the clothes on their back and the pennies in their pockets. They asked for nothing but an opportunity. My wife waited ten years before she was even eligible to take the citizenship test and studied day and night to pass it. She supported herself the whole time, never asked for anything from the rest of you. Since arriving here and becoming citizens, my ancestors and my wife have CONTRIBUTED to this nation and were/ are RESPONSIBLE citizens. Why now are we stealing from our children's futures to PAY the most uneducated, illiterate and irresponsible, never mind how many hardened criminals are among them, to come here and compete with naturalized citizens for our jobs, education and health care? Make no mistake, this is a crime committed against us by our sworn enemies, it is a misappropriation of government funds and whoever authorized this should be imprisoned. It should STOP IMMEDIATELY. Why are we still paying property taxes to educate our children when the border is open to any ignoramus that wants to cross it? We are at war and until the president realizes it and takes the appropriate actions, we lose more ground, more citizens and more resources to the enemy EVERY DAY. EVERY DAY. Are you there, Q?

Pray with me, my brothers - Gracious and eternal Father, we stand before you a humble people in awe of the blessings that you have bestowed upon us. You have given us so much but we have done so little. Father, we pray that you protect those who are vulnerable to evil, look after those who are in need, bless those who are in grief. Shield us from evil and strike against those who seek to harm this great nation and it's people. Shine your light through us so that we may bring your Word to those who need it the most. Strengthen our will and guide us on Your path. I say these things in the name of the Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whose blood washes away our sins. Amen

17761346? ago

100% correct, and the only way to stop it is to trust President Trump. He is the ONLY one fighting for us, fighting to fix the country, to MAGA.

17760732? ago

Maybe we could get Hillary to sell them to Russia for a kickback on a speaking engagement. Migrantone we will call it.

17760472? ago

I thought one was declared.

17759570? ago

You family is a M I G R A N T from Europe. Duh ....

17760810? ago

Can islam and Democracy Co-Exist? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3117227 Remember: There is ZERO LOYALTY Among the Cabal and Criminal Class -- Bound by Blackmail and Evil, They Will Throw Each Other Under the Bus Without Regret // We Are UNITED and INDOMITABLE

17761100? ago

Plenty of Islamic people in America that abide by our Constitutional Laws. They tried the Sharia Law crap under Obamatard. Didn't work out for them though. The problem isn't the Islamic people in general, it is the radical Islamic people that are the problem. The U.S. will never pass Sharia Laws. Just like America will never be a Socialist country. No worries their bud.

17759843? ago

We're talking current first generation migrants dumbass.

17760071? ago

Doesn't change the fact that America is an experiment of multiple nationalities and that your family were M I G R A N T S. Get over yourself. K?

17761465? ago

That is not what the article is about, why do trolls always insist on being dumbasses.

17761539? ago

Trump doesn't read either. The title is enough.

17760416? ago

okay, sure, ancestors invaded others so i'll roll over while other invade me. dumbass

17761173? ago

Stop whining. You want some cheese to go with it?

17760298? ago

My family didn't collect 113 Billion dollars a year in benefits, homeboy.

17761220? ago

Neither did mine. In this world You Gotta Pay to Play haven't you figured that out yet? You are a S L A V E and will continue being a S L A V E until death do you part.

17759002? ago

You think the ZOG is going to work for you? lol It's not going to happen. The only way the law/consitution gets upheld is if each state forms a people's militia. Grows it to one million strong. Then, start issuing arrest warrants and public trials. They couldn't stop it. All whites should immediately stop paying taxes and not go to work or buy anything. It all has to happen together for it to work. The problem is, there's too many traitors in the white race.

17759886? ago

White traitors deserve what they will get when the going gets tough.

17758710? ago

already did... we are keeping them al anyway. congress has to change the laws . dont look at trump. look at congress.

17758342? ago

Real simple. Opening borders is not immigration reform.

Rounding up every single illegal in America and sending them home IS.

17761990? ago

Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915/17728116 'bunch of weird crap'

17757528? ago

Trump did. Then, he let those shitskin beaners in anyway. They'll all be on welfare by next week. Work harder white man! Those illegals are counting on your taxdollars.

17759015? ago

We must double the toll prices and double hunting/fishing licenses and double all other taxes!!

17757617? ago

We haven't even finished the first inning, rounding up and deporting is a long ways off, take that concernfagging shit back to reddit.

17757652? ago

Don't tell me about all the wonderful shit that might theoretically happen in the future... show me arrests or.... GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!

17759980? ago

Get busy bitch. Until you can do it yourself, you STFU. Its shit talking faggots like you that are what they call 'all hat and no cattle'.

17758024? ago

This all the way. And Trump needs to stop with the "there's so many jobs we NEED all these immigrants" bullshit too. Especially when white males are openly discriminated against in hiring on mass scale.

17758730? ago

I gave up looking for work 5 years ago. never will again. i subsistence farm and build stuff out of wood and sell it. World is fucked.

17758075? ago

White males should just stay at home. They're the ones providing the money for the world's social programs. Can't let go of the toys dangling like carrots in front of them?