17759029? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598/17752203 'things like this, to me, just have no explanation, there is no logical or rational outcome that could explain why this royal lady makes sure to always wear this. this was one of the many small things that really opened my eyes a while ago.'

17758939? ago

This one is deep and complex, it could connect to the Mi6, maybe Qatar, possibly Rome, all those special numbers 636, Black Horse of Lombard Street Lodge No. 4155, the Saudi Oil, the Qatar funding of ISIS and the looting of Gold from the US Dollar after Nam? Who profits from all these wars and are all these wars banker wars? Who is behind the Fed, Lehman, Rockerfeller, the Royal family, the Rothschild? If Ron Paul got what he wanted would you see a link to the East India Tea company and all that cash through London-Amsterdam, the old masonic square mile corporation, did a House in Cairo finance and support the three brances of Masonic-Christianity, the Shriner funded moslem brotherhood and the Jewish Kabal Pagan mysic rituals? What have Bush Clinton and Blair done how does it connect to the old Mason city of London?