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17756207? ago

I guess the Queen knighting the pedophile James Savile or kidnapping 12 Canadian children in the 60's with Prince Philip wasn't embarrassing. Or Charles's friendship with the pedophile bishop wasn't embarrassing either I guess. They are all a bunch of pedophile & pedophile enablers.

17757017? ago

Charles was 30 when he beguiled a 16 yr old Diana. A minor is a minor is a minor.

17756786? ago

How about the naked man jumping from a 2nd or 3rd story window of their castle with tied together sheets?

17757225? ago

Pretty sure I saw that referred to just the other day. Some were saying it was just a hoax, or a commercial or something.

17757401? ago

Who knows. Even if it was true, they'd put out rumors like that to sow doubt. Here's the video btw:

17757028? ago

Probably one of Andrews concubines.

17756631? ago

Who gets Knighted? its a weird mix of names a Freemasonic Commander and Order of the British Empire honor title? Kevin Spacey of his honorary knighthood, you have Robert Mugabe, King Leopold, Angelina Jolie, pot smoking Emperor Haile Selassie, J. Edgar Hoover FBI a masonic Shriner, Kenya Sheikh Ali bin Salim, Nicolae Ceausescu (GCB), a Freemasonic Ottoman Turk Shriner Essad Pasha Toptani, Michael Bloomberg, Pakistan Mohammed Ikramullah, Emperor Hirohito, Bono, Mother Teresa, Prince Muhammad Hasan, almost all Sultans of Zanzibar? Mussolini @HennyPenny @thewebofslime @TREDDITFIRST @flyingcuttlefish ... what a strange bunch of people for these rituals!

17785529? ago

Prince Edward Duke of Kent , cousin to the Queen, is Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England

Royal Household Masonic Lodge populated with many of the Royal Household employees including the Royal Protection Officers was started in 2008

Lodge name was changed to Mulberry Lodge

Grandmaster of the Order of the Knights of Malta , deceased Andrew Bertie, was 4th cousin twice removed of Q Elizabeth II