17744084? ago

Then get sued for sending unsolicited faxes under the federal statute that grants they other side attorneys fees.

17744286? ago


Good luck with suing automated and distributed systems.

17743973? ago

I have several fax machines laying around, but no phone line.

17744182? ago

So... you're one of those, ok.

Just to catch you up with the last 10 years. Fax spam and the systems for controlling and distributing fax broadcasts are almost as sophisticated as email spam.

17744235? ago

So... you're one of those, ok.

Thanks for the info.

17743570? ago

What does the Fax say....

I'll have to drag my fax machine out of storage next to my laser disc player and my copy of NKOTB's greatest hits.

17743519? ago

That could be said about all of the middle eastern send niggers, including the jews.

17744365? ago

"...middle eastern send niggers..."


You just described the Mossad perfectly bro!

17744674? ago

Lol I'm glad you quoted so I could catch the typo I made in my post.

17743489? ago

What is a fax machine?

17743402? ago

WHO the fuck still uses faxes?!?

17743536? ago

Lots of ppl and places.

17743773? ago

Yeah, boomers who haven't figured out how to use email.

17744700? ago

No you're just a stupid faggot. Why don't you learn how to use Google and go educate yourself so you don't sound like a retarded boomer.

17743520? ago

Around the World? About a billion and a half business offices, pharmacies, law offices, clerk's offices, gyms, government offices, courts, home offices. They're pretty much ubiquitous in every professional environment still. Most every professional networked office printer can make or receive faxes.

We must send so many faxes that the streets are filled with the garbage we create, the wind carries the message for us.

17743782? ago

1978 called. They want you back.

17743918? ago

He's correct you know? Almost every office of size will have a multifunction printer. One of those functions will be receiving faxs

17743803? ago


The stone age called and wants Muslims back.

17743385? ago

Nobody uses fax anymore you retarded boomers

17743565? ago

Something like 90% of businesses use fax machines you retard.

17743328? ago

Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915/17743316 'Shriners and islam connections?'

17743146? ago

Do fax machines still exist?

17744261? ago

Yes. Also nearly every network printer, especially wireless printers, can print fax spam.

How many networked printers do you suppose exist in the world?

17743575? ago

Yes, in roughly 90% of businesses.