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17728117? ago

On Epstein Island there is a temple. White, black, jew, Christian, Muslims all gathered there to worship their God Lucifer. God only knows what terrible things they did their in the name of Lucifer.

17728290? ago

Royalty have been in America a long time, there is a New Orleans house? Before I used to think this conspiracy talk was crazy but maybe they do follow an old occult religion. Just because they might be 'demonic' for a better word does not mean I have to pick other teams, I still don't trust any religion, Hindus go crazy whenever someone offends a cow, the zio kikes bite the foreskin off a baby sometimes he kid dies in a child abuse ritual, there are people who harass funerals of soldiers because 'god hates fags' and the moslems seem to rank up there when it comes to jihad, crazy and terrorism. Fuck all these lying religious asshole ... and especially if the Cabal exists the Cabal should go fuck itself ! criminal scum ! he was 15 and she was 39 ?? babylon elites have blackmail on? isle of Saint Martin? globalist French politician, ex Nigeria and a former Banker of the Rothschild & Cie Banque

17728470? ago

Fuck all these lying religious asshole

The irony is, you, like the Militant Atheist, assume that all deonominations of any given form of religiosity, or even spirituality, is demonic in nature. Because of the actions of a few, who could just as readily be using the guise of "religiosity" as a defense. What better place to hide than among mindless brain dead sheep who invoke Tribalistic thinking?

Expand your consciousness my friend.

17728546? ago

Why defend islam? Have you read the Quran or Koran? Do you know moslems pray to a pedophile named muhammad, a guy who looted, raped, beheaded, destroyed villages, took slaves and raped animals? Have you ever read islamic texts? You do know they are translated into many langauges, can you describe to me what kind of person this Moohammad was? What do you know of Moohammad's father and his wider family of bandits? What can you tell me of the Arabian Babylon and Pagan Moongod al-Lah? Did Arab bandits and raiders pray to a male demonic version of the female Moongod? What can you tell me of the personality this moohammad guy had?