17744086? ago

A great move of God that will begin in America soon. Special things will happen in Trump rallies.

Trump is always saying We Are One Nation Under God. Miracles will happen in many rallies locations. So exicited for this great move to begin.

What had great moves of God in the past. But the one that is comming will be much greater than all we the moves of God have seen before.

Trump will win 2020.

17742277? ago

In1990 a jew raped my homeland

17741955? ago

You fucking JIDF subhumans are fucking scared, aren't you?

17740626? ago

Eph 6

17740379? ago

I am a Christian by belief, and I am really pissed off when I see all this crap re: Jews etc. I find it unnecessary. Yeah, I know this is a "you can say what u want" type board, but come on. Enough with the crap about Jews.

17740470? ago

Accept the truth. Open your eyes!

17740067? ago

Rothschilds claim to be jews too Hmmm....

17739705? ago

Too simplistic. Luciferians comprise the top tier, sure. But leftists/communists are evil even if they are ignorant of the spiritual basis for their beliefs.

Human beings can be saved, but only if they change their ways and UNITE in orientation with the light.

17738901? ago

Sadly, we don't often go far enough with this. "Luciferian" does t give us the whole picture, as these people don't want to bring light and in fact they want nothing to do with the truth... at least insofar as we, THE PEOPLE, are concerned. They want to keep the truth to themselves and they don't want us anywhere near it.

17738076? ago


It would do you well to research the difference between Lucifer and Satan. They are two different entities.

Strong's Concordance

helel: a shining one

Original Word: הֵילֵל

Part of Speech: Noun Masculine

Transliteration: helel

Phonetic Spelling: (hay-lale')

Definition: a shining one

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin

from halal

Definition a shining one

NASB Translation

star of the morning (1).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


From halal (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star -- lucifer.

see HEBREW halal

Forms and Transliterations

הֵילֵ֣ל הילל hê·lêl heiLel hêlêl


Strong's Concordance

satan: adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God

Original Word: שָׂטָן

Part of Speech: Noun Masculine

Transliteration: satan Phonetic Spelling: (saw-tawn')

Definition: adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin

of uncertain derivation


adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God

NASB Translation

accuser (1), adversary (8), Satan (18).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

adversary, Satan, withstand

From satan; an opponent; especially (with the article prefixed) Satan, the arch-enemy of good -- adversary, Satan, withstand.

see HEBREW satan


Your battle is against Satan and the Satanists not Lucifer.

17737589? ago

It is known

17736875? ago

MuhJooShills are in FULL panic mode lashing out randomly spewing the most transparent "disinfo"... its not even disinfo its like immature children coming and yelling RAYCIST to a bunch of Military professionals....



THE JEWS ARE THE ONLY ENEMY THERE IS AND EVERRRRR WAS!!! (says every fatfuck dirty bearded fairy luciferian talking about jews in this thread).

LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES. Their father is the father of... lies..

17736710? ago



17736644? ago


17736340? ago

Thank you OP, I’ve been saying this for a long time.

17735647? ago

A little bit light on detail there. So where does Lucifer reside and hat's his relationship to God?

17734866? ago

Islam is always the problem.

17734650? ago

Apparently, your post caused several of the commenters to do exactly the opposite of your point.

Seems they can't help themselves with the in-fighting. COMPLETELY missed your point.

17733715? ago


17733641? ago


17733605? ago

Thanks. I'm so sick of "the Jews" being generally targeted by assholes on this board. "Well, if USA went to war with Israel whose side would you fight on?". was a recent question. When I point out that I am not of military age: "You're dodging the question.". These assholes live in some simplified child like cartoon world. If Hillary was president, you can bet on USA attacking Israel and Israel being forced to defend itself. You can also bet on many decent soldiers on both sides dying while following orders. If I was a member of the US armed forced I would also have to follow orders and it would break my heart. If I was lucky I would come out in public, condemn the witch and be thrown in a brig for insubordination. Hopefully enough Jews in USA would wake up and stop voting democrat like dumb ass robots. They also might want to examine their faith and stop believing everything a rabbi "teaches" them, flush the talmud and actually read up on what is actually taught in the Torah and Tanakh. Yes, I care about my Christian brothers and sisters here in the USA and hope they also do the same and quit listening to their preachers and learn to think and study on their own. Churches and Synagogues have been infiltrated. If you go to a Synagogue and just blindly listen to a rabbit then you are not thinking for yourself. Same thing if you sit in a church and believe everything a preacher tells you.

17733419? ago

The King James Version and New King James Version both translate “morning star” as “Lucifer, son of the morning.” It is clear from the rest of the passage that Isaiah is referring to Satan’s fall from heaven (Luke 10:18). So in this case, the morning star refers to Satan. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus unmistakably identifies Himself as the morning star:

Revelation 22:16

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

17733455? ago

Bibles are a shitty fictional book

17736442? ago

I have one with me here, and can affirm that it is quite real.

17733336? ago

You know nothing about Jews and Muslims. They are taught from a young age that it's okay to harm anyone who isn't in their group. And obviously you know nothing about Luciferians either. Luciferians are religious libertarians. Fuck off you little pimple.

17732533? ago

Interesting how you overlook thousands of years of recorded human history that indicate a common theme among all situations. That theme is drastically less violent crime without niggers being around and drastically more freedom and less tax without Jews around.


17732446? ago

Yep it’s all they try to spam the boards with while people are focused on real research.

Patriots have no skin color.

17742297? ago

White and black arent colours rest to the wood chipper

17732391? ago

O.T.O - sex magick

Luciferianism - animal sacrifice

Satanism - human sacrifice

17732081? ago

most trolls here are not even paid shills from the outside, its very much a voat phenomenon (and on the chans). alt-right is racist and fears the extinction of whites. thats not Q.

17740513? ago

They should be afraid. Look at all the anti-white propaganda the Jews are pumping out.

17731965? ago

Nicely said

17731786? ago

What if someone is a jew/christian and unknowingly or knowingly worships lucifer? Are they still good guys? Have you heard about ... The Abyss and the Snake? AKA the Tefflin? How about The Pope and all that fuckery?



17731293? ago

Are you trying to rationalize your black grandchildren as "everyone coming together"?

17731112? ago

Well said. It's time to realize that those who spew bigotry do not follow Q; they are not patriots. They are most probably shills trying to discredit the movement or stupid loud mouths seeking attention. Down voting bigots is glorious/

17731796? ago

Shill harder, you "Media Matters' kike.

17731787? ago

We're also not so "tolerant" that we'd tolerate those who want to make us extinct.

17731740? ago

those who spew bigotry

For example, those who spew bigotry against the idea of sex with children? Perhaps you don't understand the definition of the word "bigotry", and that's where your mistake lies.

17731095? ago

Dont engage the shills. Dont earn em their pay n dont give their little black ember hearts hope. Nwo accepts anyone of any walk of life that will serve them. The fact that these oafish keyboard jockies exist bears that out.

17738762? ago

Wrong. Don't allow the nazis to shout over everyone else's voices.

17731749? ago

Go back to your non-white country.

17745921? ago

This is my country moe hole.

17730742? ago

Looks like the Khazarian JEWS are getting nervous. The Goyim know.

17730387? ago

What do we do about the Jewish Americans who haven’t broken any laws?

17732193? ago


17740448? ago

.... or kill.... either way.

17731671? ago

Ask them to get on an airplane, leave our lands, and fly "home" to Israel.

17730806? ago

If Israel and America fought in a war. Who would most Jews fight for? Their destruction will be saved for last. 88

17731816? ago

Who would most Jews fight for?

Israel. And they'd start with allocating billions of dollars in US taxpayer money to Israel's, rather than the USA's, defense.

17730342? ago

Lucifer... once again, you have all been misdirected. True luciferians have sympathy for people and an appetite for human freedom. Inwould be much more concerned with those who openly worship a self admitted jealous oppressor.

17731837? ago

Inwould be much more concerned with those who openly worship a self admitted jealous oppressor.

You mean the "God" of the OT? The one whose chosen people get to claim some land in the ME?

17792356? ago

You got it... the great master of archons. Yaldabaoth.

17730282? ago

Thank you op. Astrotheological Luciferians are the final boss

17742286? ago

Jews make high quality lamp shades

17730200? ago

Nope. We're fighting Jews.... who happen to be Luciferians. Don't fool yourself. They're Jews.

17730188? ago

This is true and we must remember it. This is a 6000 year old death cult yes there are people from all religions and creeds involved but it's the death cult. Unite for a common goal or we loose

17730103? ago

Yep, only problem at the moment is that thecMuslims are the only ones left that are stupid enough to do the bidding of the Satanists...

17729719? ago

ThanQ for that awesome REMINDER ...

17729450? ago

you will know them by their works...


live, love, pray. question everything only truth can withstand the assault.

17729417? ago

make the sub anonymous goy. That way the real users cant pinpoint us! They always shut us down!

Fuck off back to reddit kike

17729301? ago

If European ethnic cleansing ins't stopped war is coming.

Even if you are a one race the human race faggot, you should be able to wrap your head around that fact.

17729141? ago

I see character, not color. Learn to read through the smiles. They have been trained to imitate you but they can only hold it for so long. They are trained to waste your time. They are everywhere. But be careful because they are on the verge of jumping out of their skin and will flip out on you when pushed or exposed.

17731782? ago

Who cares if your grandchildren are niggers, right?

17732826? ago

you enjoying the front porch in the sun?

17729091? ago

This isnt a black, white, jew, christian, or Muslim issue.

It is though. Whites, blacks, Christians, and Muslims are being forced to live around each other and gaslit into extreme ideologies and and violence by satanic jews.

17734148? ago

Masonic and Shriner? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3112482 Rachel Chandler - the Rosetta Stone of modern trafficking? J'aimelesenfants, James Alefantis....Child Handler, Chandler ... Why is Rothschild unhappy with Q ??

17728961? ago

Where's all the anti jew comments with paragraphs of anti jew facts and links?

17731755? ago

All over Voat.

17728896? ago

On top of the dark pyramid is a multidimensional ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. This ROGUE AI (blocked the creators of the AI - became uncontrollable) is so to say the computer this MATRIX (yes - a SIMULATION OF REALITY like in the MOVIES) is running on. That AI is the EYE in the pyramid!

17728696? ago

oh no it IS a jewish issue. JEWISH ISSUE. Say it!!! J-E-W-I-S-H I-S-S-U-E

17738685? ago

Say: s-a-t-a-n-i-s-t-s. Good nazi.

17728639? ago

that's right people, keep on the lookout for people with horns and tails, disregard all those short curly headed fuckers wearing yarmulkes.

17734041? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3059201 ... Freemason crimes, abuse? Hospitals for Children? The president of the Melha Shriners the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine-Melha Temple in Springfield

17728504? ago

If you follow logic through it's conclusion, you'll see that it's slavers using "communism". Whether they believe in Lucifer or not.

17731885? ago

You mean like the Bolsheviks? Or, those who perpetrated the Holodomor?

17728496? ago

but mostly jewish

17729910? ago

Homicides "mostly males".

Therefore you are asking people to kill you?

17732119? ago

Mostly nigger males.

17728595? ago

the Masonic and radical Jewish, is there a connection?

17728717? ago

Absolutely. Masons are good Christian men being gullible enough (never heard that about a Christian have you?) being led by a bunch of Satanic Jews that run the organization from behind the curtain. The Masonic lodge is the biggest and longest running scheme ever, using good people to hide evil in its midst.

17728494? ago

Good opportunities to practice using my newly obtained downvote capability!

17728474? ago

Oh blow it out your backhole.

You're as bad as the "tha jooz!", "tha nazis!", "white people bad!" and "non whites bad!", etc, NPCs - you just don't realize it yet.

You think you've got it figured out but you're chewing on a manufactured narrative just like the rest; it's been left out in the open for you to stumble upon because it will send you around in circles and feed into your religious beliefs. Once you start to look past that and try to find who's hiding behind all the smoke and mirrors, you'll start to see a very different picture.

But who am I kidding, you'll just take one look at this comment and assume I'm a shill for going against the popular narrative.

So let me just reiterate:

  • Fuck the "Blame the Jews!" crowd.
  • Fuck the "Blame the Nazis!" crowd.
  • Fuck racists of any kind (be it against whites or against non-whites).
  • Fuck the religious bias and ghost hunting.
  • There's far more to this than meets the eye.

Good fuckin' day, you may now proceed to have a bitch fit and claim that I must repent, for not looking at things the same way you do. Let me know when the day comes that you get on my level in terms of looking beyond deliberately crafted narratives, though.

17742301? ago

14 words for you

17730776? ago

The complete and utter destruction of their race and country will be saved for last! HH HDJT!

17728404? ago

God doesnt exist

Get fucked Christ cucks

17728518? ago

There's more proof for the existence of a Divine Creator than there is for (((Scientisms))) "Big Bang" theory, which is the theoretic equivalent of "Give me one miracle and I can explain the Universe."

17728453? ago

I don't know if you can prove or disprove a higher power exists, NASA, Russia, Europe, Japan telescopes have found thousands and thousands of stars, strange objects and planets out there, some having possibility of life. You are so sure this is all that exists in the universe, just people and animals on Earth?

17728241? ago

Interesting way to say Jews.

17729892? ago

^ Found the panicking Demokkkrat!

17731245? ago


17731229? ago

You REALLY think a Democrat has ANY clue this place exists? Hell, 99.8999999% of all Neo-Con Repubs have no clue this place exists.

17731268? ago

...and 95% of AIPAC affiliated donations went to Hillary Clinton.

17728274? ago

Jews, Atheists, Muslims...all are appendages of the same beast.

17728230? ago

We will know them by their fruits.

17742289? ago

And autistic kids

17728498? ago

What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe https://voat.co/v/anon/3058906/17614130 'whats going on?'

17731750? ago

Keep trying to deflect, kike.

17728282? ago

and hook noses

17728226? ago

That must be the first time I've heard someone on this board use the term "People of color" in a non-joking kind of way. You must be a nice boy. Say, do you like Nintendo Switch? We should play sometime, my wifes boyfriend visits on Thursday evenings, how about then? I'll bring vegan snacks.

17728429? ago

is mini Soros a masonic ? https://i.imgtc.com/VgFfkx7.png

17728126? ago

The synagogue of satan

17728349? ago

how old is the New Orleans song? people have been singing that tune a long while https://voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/3093593

17728117? ago

On Epstein Island there is a temple. White, black, jew, Christian, Muslims all gathered there to worship their God Lucifer. God only knows what terrible things they did their in the name of Lucifer.

17731563? ago

And those people on that island forced Jews in the media both social and corporate to post thousands of hateful articles and comments on white people. Unilaterally across all markets almost simultaneously, just as we saw all advertising media switch almost overnight from normal advertising to featuring niggers and niggers + white womyn. Yes, all just a 'cohen'cidence and now just as 'cohen'cidentally, after the goyim are waking up to this realization, here comes the "us Jews are with you, we love you know goyim, were not like the other Jews, we just decided to stay completely silent while our bloodline attempted to genocide yours, but now that we are seeing the tide turn, we are your friends again, all is forgotten, right?... right??"

Fuck the Kikes.

17730113? ago

Why do you think Freemasonry doesn't care too much which religion you are???

17733683? ago

Scientology tells you the same thing when you get involved with them. Glad I walked out one day and never went back. They tracked me for 30 years.

17731780? ago

These are the religions of psychopaths, narcissists and psychopaths!

The core issue is intact the brain damage that leads to this philosophy/religion of abuse=power.


We can filter all the psychopaths out with brain scans. That would remove them all in one go.

This is the bedrock of the issue not their insane belief systems.

17738409? ago

Fake nazi science.

17729086? ago

Hahaha...ON (((EPSTEIN))) ISLAND. A kikes island. Cannibalism torture and rape is hosted by a rich kike and his rich kike friends. All beneath a temple covered in Israels colors. This where a lot black, white, muslim GOY are blackmailed and filmed and murdered so they can further be used as pawns for the Jews.

Nice try rabbi

17736738? ago

@17729086? the OP destroys this pathetic post. You are losing (you've already lost).

17731828? ago

I thought the temple looked Egyptian.

17738930? ago

If you look at Rachel Chandler's "The Island Night" The walls are covered with hieroglyphic type figures. Their worship of Satan is very old and they've been doing this for a long time. The 13 families are Jewish ancestry. There are several blogs online that fill in the blanks on them. It's deep.

17733687? ago

Yep, you found another divider shill.

17732604? ago

Well... the pharisees are/were the jews lol Nice try

17729885? ago

^ Found the Demokkkrat!

17730215? ago

Nope. He's telling the truth. You're the one who's fucked in the head.

17730495? ago

Nice gaslight nigger.

17730759? ago

Ohh like a JIDF shill. Sorry, but I won’t let Schlomo and Quantell rape my daughters culture.

17730798? ago

What obvious pandering and fear mongering. Have a good one nigger.

17728521? ago

What "Christian" went to Epstein's Island? What Muslim? I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious.

17735830? ago

There are people calling theselves Christian every day that are not Christian, maybe religious but not Christ followers.

17732889? ago

Did you not read the OP? Do we have to use tired old clichés? Ever heard of wolves in sheep's clothing? WAKE UP!

17753070? ago

I. Was. Asking. For. Evidence. Of. Muslims. and Christians. Who. Attended.

17732288? ago

Isn't that how all corruption works?

Not really Muslim.

Not really Christian.

Not really American.


17731815? ago

Bill Clinton and HRC claim to be Baptists. Baptists are Christians. But we all know that Luciferians hide behind a religion. Clintons say they are Baptists but they outright worship Lucifer.

17728997? ago

They pretend to follow other religions.

Luciferians practise in the dark.

They don't show their true selves.

17730866? ago

Hitler did more to combat the deep state than anyone in history. Hopefully Trump and the emerging right in Europe will finally finish the job. HH 88 HHDJT!

17738401? ago

Hitler is dead, bud. Say a prayer for his soul.

17729749? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall .. YES they DO show their colors

17728707? ago

Trump has been there

17730873? ago

Asshat No he hasnt. Tighten the bolts in your neck.

17729049? ago

Fake news Trump is never listed in manifest.

17729075? ago

Epsten was Trumps best friend for years you dipshit. Use your brain

17729681? ago


You asserted Trump went to the island.

To support that assertion he would need to be on the now OPEN SOURCE FLIGHT MANIFESTS, along with Bill Clinton and others.

Then when you were presented with that FACT, instead of changing your mind as would a rational person, you claim that being a friend of an airplane pilot is the same thing as being on an airplane to a sex cult island as would be provable AND disprovable by EVIDENCE .

Flight manifests is evidence, 'besties' is not evidence, you low IQ stupid fucking moron.


17729760? ago

Birds of a feather.....you act like you know Trump personally and know everything he has done. Its very bizarre cult-type behavior. They are elitist billionaires and laugh at you.

17729828? ago



17730261? ago

Notably is this pathetic Shill practicing projection he is trying in vain to manipulate others to believe Trump was buddies with Epstein. Trump had to play along with many of these assholes and got to know how sick they were. Bill and Hillary were invited to his and Melania's wedding.Something about keeping one's enemies closer? Trump banned Epstein from his golf course when it was discovered Epstein was hitting on a member's teen daughter. And then there's the video of Trump at the Catholic dinner giving Hillary and the diners present a talk that reveled he knew what those sickos had been doing - especially Hillary who was in attendance.

Fuck you, Shill. Your lies and misinformation only fool the ignorant.

17730897? ago

Kikes like Epstein need to be liquidated. Once the tribunals start we need to rise up and start removing thier stain from society.

17729336? ago

Are you serious?? 'Best friend'?? Grow up and READ MOAR!😆

17729549? ago

Read jewish writings MOAR? No thanks.

17729688? ago

^ Found the Demokkkrat shill

17730930? ago

Ohh look it’s another JIDF apologists. Kike lovers will get the wall too once the people’s tribunals start.

17729296? ago

You believe everything the media has fed you. 🤣

17729333? ago

You believe jews and zionists. Who's the dipshit now?

17729703? ago






17729730? ago

Let me ask you this: What about AIPAC and Israel collusion? I await your answer

17729373? ago

By shill

17729005? ago

Fake news. Travel logs already published and now open source. Trump never went there.

Nice try shill.

17729109? ago

I believe all of this fake stuff that was written by pedophile jews because I'm a dipshit!! Epstein was Trumps dear friend for years. They are all elites and in the club.

17729722? ago



17730875? ago


17729810? ago

Why're you screaming? Are you a cultist?

17730371? ago

Why are you here? Are you a Lucifarian? Member of the pedophile loving Synagogue of Satan? Scared that the truth about your Moss buddies will come into the light. You're the fake Jew, Shill. And if you're not a Moss Boy trying to spread fake anti-semitism like they do for cover, you're a stupid, useful idiot to the Lucifarians. The latter is scraping the bottom of the barrel with your kind. LOL.

17732535? ago

Thanks for supporting jews and israel and keeping these redneck hicks in line! wwg1wga

17733401? ago

Shut up Moss Boy! We know your stupid game.

17734487? ago

Moss? What's moss?

17728677? ago

Bill Clinton calls himself Southern Baptist. Huma Abedin had the laptop with the island info on it. Hillary went there 6 times, Huma was likely with her. Podesta has founded Catholic churches.

Actual practicing Christians didn't go. Actual practicing Jews didn't go. Actual practicing Muslims didn't go. Therein lies the problem of grouping people by religion instead of judging them by their individual deeds.

17733664? ago

He's not. He just calls himself a Jew for optics. Same for Rahm. Just being an ethnic Jew doesn't make a person righteous.

17731678? ago

Is it possible to Practice Talmudic Judaism and not be evil? This is one of my main hang ups with Jews.

17738385? ago

Is it possible to know which Jews practice Talmudic Judaism by looking at their last name?

How many actual rabbis you think are part of the NWO cabal?

17731398? ago

Therein lies the problem of grouping people by religion

Where, exactly? You're highlighting your lack of knowledge about religions with your implied "all religions are the same" claim .

17738402? ago

You're highlighting your ability to make outlandish strawman arguments by claiming I stated all religions as the same when I clearly didn't.

The only common denominator are that a person is luciferian or blackmailed by a luciferian.

17731264? ago

Can you say Babylonian Talmud?


17730599? ago

Ethnic jew

17738577? ago

Oh, ethnic. The goalpost has been moved to "ethnic" now?

So all the Nazifags who go on and on about the Talmud have just had their arguments negated by you.

17744495? ago

Ethnic group strategy as per kevin macdonald would be one interpretation

17731022? ago

Jews are particularly insidious because they destroy our culture from behind the scenes via unfair economic control. They must be destroyed. TRUST THE PLAN. Their liquidation will be saved for last-Q

17738517? ago

Gas the Nazifags. TRUST THE PLAN.

17738390? ago

We invite all non-Luciferian Jews to join with all non-Luciferians of any race, color or creed in restoring earth's harmony.

17732148? ago

Can't clump all people together. There are bad actors in every society. They are who we are out to take down

17731519? ago

is this the plan? what good is a plan that nobody frigging knows what it is? im absolutely on board because I know who our true enemy is......but this is aggravating.i have a whole group of guys in my area that are on board. they know whats up. but we have no "plan"

17732511? ago


17732801? ago

Shit the fuck up. I'm sick of that word. Someone says something you don't like and theyre a shill to some of you idiots. You're no better than the pussy hatters and calling people "Nazis". All you fuckers do is bitch. Get it through your heads. We organize or we die.

17733110? ago

Whether or not, same effect. Yes, STFU.

17729066? ago

Thank you. Well said.

17728574? ago

the Mason Shriners?

17730223? ago

Masons and Shriners are not the same thing.

17728431? ago

On (((Epstein))) Island there is a temple.

there's no need to bring the Jews into this you anti semite

17730744? ago

The destruction of their race will be saved for last!

17734391? ago

Keep pleasuring yourself with that thought. God has promised to preserve the Jews and He has done so for the past 3500 years. They are the People of Promise and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

17738987? ago

You don't get it. These are the fallen ones and their kin. Genesis, Book of Enoch, Acts, Book of Revelation, Daniel and so on. Read your own Bible/////ALL of it for yourself. A Strong's Concordance helps and there are online side by side versions and scholarly studies. Wake up. It isn't that difficult to figure out.

17735475? ago

Jews killed Christ you sick fuck. HH

17736179? ago

The Roman Governor ordered His execution and Roman soldiers executed Jesus. Remember? Pilate did not have to respond to the Jews, The Roman Emperor was in charge not the High Priest.
Just how ignorant are you?

17736226? ago

Did the Christ-killers thirst for the grisly execution of Gods only son? Did they have a chance to free him and refused due to their extreme satanic bloodlusts?

17729032? ago

^ Panicking "muhjoo" shill projecting.

OP just said this isn't about Jews, or Christians, or Muslims, or any religion.

It's good versus evil. Luciferians reject all religion for the sake of evil.

17730914? ago


17730367? ago

You need to research actual luciferianism.

17728735? ago

oh yes never mention the jewish pattern. Instead, bow down and gargle on that little mutilated dick and blame it on "the jesuits"!!

17738423? ago

Satanists are the enemy. You are a nazi.

17729046? ago


This is about exposing Luciferians.

17729494? ago

Wow I honestly can't tell if you Q faggots are actually stupid or if you're all fucking shills. WHY WERE THE JEWS KICKED OUT OF SO MANY COUNTRIES? WHAT KIND OF RITUALS DO THEY PRACTICE? 🤔🤔🤔

17738963? ago

Because they are evil corrupt liars?

17731459? ago

Some of them are that stupid. A select handful of others are extremely skilled trolls who've mastered the art of so convincingly braying like the most brain-dead Qtard that the rest of the Qtards are compelled to follow their lead.

17729756? ago







17729087? ago

Which is mostly lead by jews. Jesus warned you. You are disrespecting all that Jesus gave for us by protecting jews. Enjoy burning in hell with jews when God judges you

17731220? ago

Nicely done!

17728832? ago

Sarcasm is like kryptonite to you morons.

17729119? ago

In this sub sarcasm is very hard to detect for reals

17731413? ago


17728421? ago

"...their Master", not their God.

17728290? ago

Royalty have been in America a long time, there is a New Orleans house? Before I used to think this conspiracy talk was crazy but maybe they do follow an old occult religion. Just because they might be 'demonic' for a better word does not mean I have to pick other teams, I still don't trust any religion, Hindus go crazy whenever someone offends a cow, the zio kikes bite the foreskin off a baby sometimes he kid dies in a child abuse ritual, there are people who harass funerals of soldiers because 'god hates fags' and the moslems seem to rank up there when it comes to jihad, crazy and terrorism. Fuck all these lying religious asshole ... and especially if the Cabal exists the Cabal should go fuck itself ! criminal scum ! https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3082570 he was 15 and she was 39 ?? babylon elites have blackmail on? isle of Saint Martin? globalist French politician, ex Nigeria and a former Banker of the Rothschild & Cie Banque

17728470? ago

Fuck all these lying religious asshole

The irony is, you, like the Militant Atheist, assume that all deonominations of any given form of religiosity, or even spirituality, is demonic in nature. Because of the actions of a few, who could just as readily be using the guise of "religiosity" as a defense. What better place to hide than among mindless brain dead sheep who invoke Tribalistic thinking?

Expand your consciousness my friend.

17728546? ago

Why defend islam? Have you read the Quran or Koran? Do you know moslems pray to a pedophile named muhammad, a guy who looted, raped, beheaded, destroyed villages, took slaves and raped animals? Have you ever read islamic texts? You do know they are translated into many langauges, can you describe to me what kind of person this Moohammad was? What do you know of Moohammad's father and his wider family of bandits? What can you tell me of the Arabian Babylon and Pagan Moongod al-Lah? Did Arab bandits and raiders pray to a male demonic version of the female Moongod? What can you tell me of the personality this moohammad guy had?

17728079? ago

Well done. You could not have stated it any better!

17728380? ago

Shriners, Jesters and New Orleans? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3058923 Secret Agenda of High Level Freemasonry?

17728015? ago

WHO are the Luciferians?

It's not like they're mythical creatures we never get a peak of.

17742260? ago


17737933? ago

The Luciferian Doctrine was created by the Khazarian "Fake Jews" (who, by the way, are 90% of those who now call themselves Jews) when they mixed their Baal/Moloch worship with the Torah to create Talmudic Judaism (ie Luciferianism in disguise).

So, that's why Jew = Luciferian (at least in 90% of the "Jew" population) as they follow the satanic Talmud!

17740410? ago

Just to be on the safe side, we should kill all the Jews.

17737971? ago

ding ding ding ding

we have a winner!

17731532? ago

I think that the detached evil eye on the top of the pyramid is non-human. Call them lucifer or demons or dimensionals or whatever, but we're being farmed. It must be illegal for them, or a difficult environment, so they operate through human agents that are broken in with satanic ritual abuse. Of course these broken in slaves are sick and stupid. They probably can barely function as normal adults yet they are placed in positions of control on our world. It's time for emancipation.

17728403? ago

They burned down the House on St. Charles street ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3081677 They come from overseas for the weird party, did all the business men, political elite and hollyweird go there?

17728181? ago

Who are they? They could be judges, teachers, police officers, congress, priests, ministers, military, bankers, lawyers, MSM anchors, Hollywood stars... they are everywhere and at different degrees of crimes against humanity.

What if we find out that we have over a million of them in America alone? What if in the world there are over 50 million of these vermin?

Do we find an island and drop these SOB off and let them kill each other off? So many of them in powerful places at the moment.

17728508? ago

What if we find out that we have over a million of them in America alone?

Hahahaha... Nice lowball there.

5,000 years, 13 bloodlines. I gurantee you, there are more than a mere Million of them among America. There are literally Millions (plural) of Americans that are trapped in a State Secrets contract that gets them minimum ten years in Jail if anyone catches a whiff of anything They really do at "work".

This is "Yuge" but people like to have a small mind and no imagination and so act as though it can't possibly be as big as it is.

I've heard some estimates that suggest as much as ten percent of the population, globally, could be compromised, if not part of the agenda in some fashion or other.