17729617? ago

They are all going to pay.

17729249? ago

SO....Where is the MANDATE that the citizens brought forth demanding there be REPLACEMENTS?

17729085? ago

U.N. Sucks.

17727392? ago

All over the western world.

17727634? ago

17727244? ago

Most stupid document I have ever seen. The DS wants to reduce the population by 2/3. Right? Yet this document complains that is a problem, so they must massively increase the population in short order with open border policy to offset the loss of population? WTH? They left out the paragraph of the browning of the Asian and European/Caucasian population. They don't explain it is about over-populating the "wealthiest nations" only, who have a stable economy growth, high wages, and a good lifestyle. Why don't the most successful nations each take a stupid poor government run nation and work to lift them up. Birth control being a number one priority. When that country stabilizes, they pay it forward. Bigger nations partner with more than one.

The wealthy nations who need more workers don't ever discuss ways to improve immigration FIRST to bring in more wonderful hard working people with an actual plan to integrate them into the new culture welcoming them. Heavens no. It is always an open border idiocy with no vetting. Forcing citizens to accept the poorest most uneducated. It destabilizes the wealthy country, throwing the health, welfare, and education programs of the host nation into a swirling bankruptcy state. But that hot mess now gives the Elite ruling control. They shut down any dissent, wages drop, homeless tent cities increase with drug and human trafficking because cities can't afford anymore housing for massive influx of poor, and there are no jobs for this many people at once. Raise taxes on workers and corporations. Corporations leave the country and take more jobs. Middle class becomes lower class. Drug alcohol abuse increases. More sex trafficking for money. Elite rulers keep people struggling to survive while they steal taxes and live in their mansions yucking it up on how they destroyed a nation to retain power.

17727722? ago

more than High Level Freemasonry?

17727223? ago

the deep state answer to a problem created by deep state operatives. these liberal minded sick fucks have been deconstructing and undermining the morals and virtues of our people for decades.

17727671? ago

? localized blackmail https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915 ?

17727050? ago

This is basically saying an extra percentage growth in the economy is worth genocide.

And we all know it, but they are dping it anyways.

17727435? ago

Masons, Kebabs, Kikes and Socialists behind the Fed?

17727561? ago

The Ex-Model Who Claimed Silvio Berlusconi Hosted Satanic Rituals in His House Died From "Apparent Poisoning" https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3112462

17726624? ago

Have the population numbers/growth ever been verified?

17727739? ago

Someone on Voat, some group doing damage control ... Cube? that Traingle & All Seeing Eye on Dollar Bill ...music awards Saturn in the sky... moslim red hats, little kids cars... rituals with Hubbard https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3066455

17727446? ago

They are wrong, Japan had seen some moderate to average growth despite a declining population as they increased production using robotics