17724366? ago

This has to be fake. Too neatly laid out. Hits every theme right on the money without being coaxed into it. Lame and fake. #fakenews

17714607? ago

Kissinger put the G in globalist. He put the New in New World Order.

17717841? ago

He put the bomp in the bomp sh-bomp sh-bomp.

17718727? ago

but NOT the ram in the rama lama ding dong!

17714431? ago

Yeah, I'm really anxious to see the source to this. Funny it isn't included with the name date and time that helps no one. Unneccesary credentials. Remove the glow by providing the source.

17713071? ago

Here is my list:

  1. Death penalty for everyone involved with covering up 9/11, including media outlets who composited planes into the pictures.

  2. Death penalty for everyone involved in human sacrifice including Hillary.

  3. Exposure of Las Vegas, Charlottesville, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Christchurch and many many more as fake, gay hoaxes.

17712765? ago

Good try Henry.

17712284? ago

Kissinger is DS

17711625? ago

Do a {EDIT] Find on this page. . . Henry Kissinger

17711550? ago

What! And Bastards like this get out of jail free. Fuck the Bastard that is Kissinger. Fuck him hard. Bastard!!!

17711393? ago

Okay, bad choice of word in the Title... maybe "acknowledges" would be better. My Bad. LOL

Here's the sauce ...

Here is the transcript from the CBSnews interview (scroll down to about half the length for Kissinger's interview); the interview is also available on YTube. Transcipt

YouTube video

17711913? ago

Thank you.

The transcript does not contain most of what the original post does.

What it has Kissinger saying is, with notes in brackets:

KISSINGER: Donald Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven’t seen. ["Phenomenon" does not have to suggest in his opinion good phenomenon.]

So it is a shocking experience to them that he came into office, at the same time, extraordinary opportunity. And I believe he has the possibility of going down in history as a very considerable president, because every country now has two things to consider, one, their perception that the previous president or the outgoing president basically withdrew America from international politics, so that they had to make their own assessment of their necessities, and, secondly, that here is a new president who is asking a lot of unfamiliar questions. ["Considerable" does not have to mean good in his opinion either, just that is Presidency can be of weight, perhaps bad to him.]

And because of the combination of the partial vacuum and the new questions, one could imagine that something remarkable and new emerges out of it. I’m not saying it will. I’m saying it’s an extraordinary opportunity. [Again, "extraordinary" does not actually suggest approval.]

DICKERSON: Do you have a sense of what his emerging foreign policy vision is?

KISSINGER: I think he operates by a kind of instinct that is a different form of analysis as my more academic one, that he’s raised a number of issues that I think are important, very important and, if they’re addressed properly, could lead to -- could create results.

DICKERSON: You have advised presidents.

One of the things that voters have said about Donald Trump, since he has no government experience, is that he will be able to surround himself with good advisers. Is that really possible?

KISSINGER: A president has to have some core convictions. He couldn’t get those from advisers.

But he also cannot possibly know everything. It’s in the nature of the presidency that most of the people you meet want something. So, to get objective advice is hard, but that depends very much on the personality of the president.

DICKERSON: What advice would you give incoming President Trump about advisers, about being the president in these times?

KISSINGER: One of the hardest things for the president is to distinguish the routine issues that come through from the essential issues that affect the long term, and not to let himself get sucked into the battles of the bureaucracy for marginal issues, and to keep them focused and to keep his mind clear on what the fundamental things are that he has to accomplish."

I really don't see much in there, and certainly not ""Liberals and all those who favor (Hillary) Clinton will never admit it. They will never admit that he is the one true leader. The man is doing changes like never before and does all of it for the sake of this nation's people. After eight years of tyranny, we finally see a difference" or ""Trump puts America and its people first. This is why people love him and this is why he will remain in charge for so long. There is not a single thing wrong with him and people need to open their eyes" or various others in the post.

17710561? ago

Games are being played. No way he loves Trump

17711856? ago

JAHBULON Masonic Freemason God ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117545

17711094? ago

Kissinger is definitely deep state...too many trips to Bilderberg group. He is trying to lull patriots in with his lies.

17716188? ago

And Bohemian Grove

17710500? ago

Seriously question this is true.

Back when Kissinger -- a very evil man -- was Secretary of State and for about 10 years or so after when he was in the media all the time I got very familiar with how he writes and speaks.

That ain't Kissinger, nothing like, in my opinion.

Where's the original source?

17710453? ago

Filthy fucking Jew loves President Trump.

Oh no, (stab, stab, stab) - the filthy Jew stabbed western civilization in the back for the 50,000h time.