17714799? ago

I read yesterday that the Mexicans are building trebuchets to catapult the drugs and human traffic across. The wall needs to be built higher!!

17741706? ago

At least 200 feet.

17714456? ago

You all should be buying guns and forming militias. You can't stop your cucked countrymen from selling out your own country and freedoms, they want to die and take you with them. Crumbling empires don't "come back". Something might emerge from what's fallen, but the fall must occur. I am simply being realistic, speaking from a country that's fallen and has no existence other than being a shadow of a lie. I said this before once here- trump can hold down the fort in the government, but half your country is crazy. Nuts. Suicidal. How long will you elect trump? Your demographic is shifting. The last western bastion of freedom will soon topple. Focus on creating eastern Rome out of this.

17741709? ago

Which half is crazy?

17712287? ago

In 3 days; POTUS has spoken OPENLY now 3 times about shutting the Southern border DOWN. His latest tweet makes that 4 confirmations...he is going to SHUT THE BORDER DOWN. Even telling us when: Next week. Dems are going to go full on crazy next week...watch for it !


17741750? ago

Shutting the border down will cost billions in lost trade and whatnot, but it's seriously worth every penny. There is zero reason why anyone needs to cross that border, ever. I've spent a lot of time in border towns and the people living there live in absolute fear of illegals. They found prayer mats in the desert for fucks sake.

17711798? ago

yep canada is chock FULL of muslims. there is almost more muslims here than canadians now.

no muslim is canadian NONE of them they do NOT adopt our Canadian values not FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

Every single one of them doesnt fucking belong here and islam is a goddamn political ideaology thats come here to invade and do their "slow jihad" this horseshit. Come here and have 10 kids and take canadian women as their wives and destroy our culture.

TRUMP IS 100% correct to not be letting these people into the US in droves.

Women being forced to wear this retarded hood by their 'husbands' SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED INTO NORTH AMERICA. THEY DO IT TO THEIR DAUGHTERS. THIS IS NOT FREEDOM.

17741758? ago

What exactly are Canadian values? Molson and Poutine? You guys have absolutely no history or culture up there.

17713758? ago

Muslim "refugees" are not using the northern border to pour into the US. They are using it to exit the US into Canada.

17741766? ago

This is flat out false. Terrorists are like water, they will flow wherever they can.

17759045? ago

Always downstream, though.

17715217? ago

Lucky for you americans then I guess eh?

17711634? ago

Yeah, I agree. In fact I say we need to shut down most of our government too, except for the military. It is STILL corrupted and useless, it still refuses the Rule of Law, it still refuses science and morality...shut it down.

17741759? ago

Science, ha.

17710891? ago

I need a job. I'll patrol the hell out of our Borders!

17741760? ago

Why aren't you working?

17742360? ago

Got laid off. The owners are brothers and they couldn't stop fighting. They split the bussiness and let everyone go.

17757100? ago

So get another job, stop being a slacker. We're at historically low unemployment.

17764723? ago

I want to do something I'll enjoy. You know, take some snowflake time and get in touch with the inner me. You know, on their dime for a while I play with the kids, build some coops, bust a little land. I've got plenty to enjoy right now.

17711920? ago

Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915