17799935? ago

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17799902? ago

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17689708? ago

What nuclear technology? More BS to scare the sheep

17799913? ago

Shriners? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3119904/17667526 The elite satanists sure love their symbolism

17689001? ago

Why are you putting this on Rick Perry? This is Trump's foreign policy and lots of folks close to Trump are going to make a lot of money on this. In fact, this was a plan pushed by Michael Flynn even before Trump took office. Flynn was getting paid for this. Trump's good friends, Tom Barrack, was pushing this as well, Barrack has made millions working with Arab princes

Long Term Plan by Team Trump

This came out last month

House Dems reveal new info on a shady White House plan to sell nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia Michael Flynn, Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser, was behind it.


The House Oversight and Reform Committee on Tuesday released a report — accompanied by a tranche of internal White House emails — detailing a scheme spearheaded by now-disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to sell technology for roughly 40 nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia. The effort was part of a broader Middle East economic development plan Flynn began putting together before Trump’s inauguration while he was serving as an adviser to Trump’s campaign and transition team. During that same time period, though, Flynn was also working as an adviser for a private company called IP3 International ......Once Trump was inaugurated, Flynn, along with longtime Trump associate Thomas Barrack, worked with other senior officials in the new Trump administration to make the plan a reality.

And it seems they got pretty far: On January 27, 2017 — just seven days after the inauguration — several of the retired generals from IP3 went to the White House to meet with Derek Harvey, a senior staffer on Trump’s National Security Council at the time, to discuss the nuclear plan for Saudi Arabia.

This is from 2017

Mike Flynn’s Promotion of Nuclear-Plant Project Went Deep Into the White House Project backers drafted memos for President Trump and Flynn allies continued to push the plan after the Trump security adviser was ousted


And the Flynn plan involved not just US tech, but Russian firms https://themoscowproject.org/explainers/seychelles-uae-george-nader-michael-flynn-middle-east-marshall-plan/

Flynn worked with a company called ACU and then with a company called IP3 when some ACU folks split off to form that company. Flynn was getting paid to push this deal and stood to personally make millions if the deal went through.

17688241? ago

Well, it is a known fact that the oil reserves are dwindling and they will need an alternative going forward. Better than advancing Irans capabilities, I mean they are pretty obvious about wanting to kill us, at least SA has not called for our death and destruction.

It is geopolitics, no one is innocent and todays allies might not be tomorrows, look at our NATO "allies", with friends like that...

17691290? ago

bought and sold....? ... Q boomers not like facts @mralexson @gabara !! @SeanBox @lollo9990 @totes_magotes same ragheads who gave you 911 hijackers

17691737? ago

Wtf do u keep pinging me for?

17799878? ago

17687045? ago

https://archive.ph/XSUqI :

2019-03-28 | U.S. approved secret nuclear power work for Saudi Arabia | Reuters

'The Trump administration has quietly pursued a wider deal on sharing U.S. nuclear power technology with Saudi Arabia, which aims to build at least two nuclear power plants. '

'Many U.S. lawmakers are concerned that sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia could eventually lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. '

'Concern in Congress about sharing nuclear technology and knowledge with Saudi Arabia rose after U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed last October in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. '

'Pompeo said the administration was working to ensure any shared technology nuclear power would not present proliferation risks. '

'WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has approved six secret authorizations by companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, according to a copy of a document seen by Reuters on Wednesday. '

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