17633767? ago

This is the most upvoted shill post i ever saw on QRV.

17633778? ago

Hannity is rocking it on radio.

17633854? ago

I meant the comments actually. Reading the comments, my shill alarm went off.

17633877? ago

I hear ya there

17633912? ago

5:5 ? ;-)

17626379? ago

Starting Monday... or maybe next week.... maybe by 2020.... and by 2024 we'll have finally arrested Obama's Cabinet's Staffer's Secretary's Assistant's Roommate's Childhood Friend's Uncle's Neighbor for a parking ticket.

btw plz donate to isreal they need it weally weally badly kthnkxbye

17625889? ago

Why does it start on Monday? Why not always hold the DS actors' feet to the fire? Not a great statement from Hannity

17625836? ago

If you haven't read Q2121, you should.

17625795? ago

What the hell is up with all the nonsense jew bashing? Are you guys retarded? What "Jews"? Be specific. Is it all Jews? No. Then, until it is, don't make it about Jews. Talk about the specifics parties involved and if you don't know about that, shut up. Don't spread useless faggotry that only creates the impression of baseless bigotry. Do most jews support Jewish supremacy? I don't know. I doubt it. Most Muslims do support Islamic supremacy.

17633714? ago

What "Jews"? Be specific.

Jews are .5 % of the US population yet something like 15% of Congress members are Jews. About 85+% of media network owners and top executives and editors are Jews. 87% of Sowjet Union's politbureau top tier were Jews.

The central banks of the world are controlled by Jews. Jewish NGOs lead the muslim invasion into Europe, yet Israel doesnt take 'refugees' or blacks at all, nor Muslims!

...and the rabbit hole goes much deeper, there is a reason why spitting on christian crosses is a rite among them.

17626164? ago

I dismiss all posts that bash jews. It's classic Lewinsky divide and conquor. Transparent

17625873? ago

Ad queue the name calling...

17625166? ago

Nothing is going to change. The other side wants to destroy America, that’s clear now. Forget the collusion investigation that was just used to destroy the president and his supporters. Now they move the goal post.

17625126? ago

Thanks for joining us Mr. Hannity, we’ve started a long time ago

17624798? ago

I wonder who the "we" are? We on the Hannity show, we at Fox, we the people, or who exactly?

First, neither Sean nor his producers, or Fox in general has the power to hold the deep state accountable.
Second, the Fox audience is mostly conservative and we've known for years the deep state needs to be held accountable. Third, Sean has sent out too many Tick Tock warning of impending action with nothing to show for it, so I wonder if this is another bravado.

The truth is the only "we" who are going to hold the deep state accountable is Trump, Q, Barr, Huber, and we the patriots who will be lending our moral support against the hysteria of the liberals.

If anything happens today, it will be by the Q team, but it may mean that Sean does have some sort of inside information as I suspect Carter and Solomon have had in their reporting.

17623519? ago

Speaking of accountability, maybe Hannity could explain what he was doing while he was busy promoting the pointless, aimless, goal-less, and undefinable war in Iraq. Or the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan?

Perhaps he would like to take this opportunity to criticize the Patriot Acts, Military Commissions Act, or some other bad-for-liberty legislation. Perhaps he could even say GW Bush is a fucking criminal and a traitor. That's a start.

Some lame bullshit about "We will hold you accountable...." Yeah, give me a fucking break. We all know what accountability looks like. It requires an arrest, a trial, and a punishment. That's called justice. In my mind, Hannity sacrificed all his credibility in the 2008 election cycle, when he was busy shilling for No Name, but if that wasn't good enough, how about 2012 when he shilled for Romney?

Why do people give two fucks what this cuck has to say?

17623448? ago

The FBI/DOJ/MSM lied about Trump Russia collusion to cover for the RR ATF DEA FBI DNC murder of Seth Rich. Seth Rich who tried leaking to Wikileaks. The FBI/DOJ/MSM lied about the mass shootings with multiple shooters who are possibly military, police, feds, or intelligence. The FBI/DOJ/MSM/DNC colluded with big tech and foreign intelligence and FusionGPS to take down the internet in 2016 and to go after a duly elected president. The FBI/DOJ/MSM/DNC colluded to exonerate HRC and frame Trump and to covee up their crimes Seth Rich and Wikileaks was about to expose. The FBI almost started a civil war in 2016-2017-2018 when the mentally disabled were taken advantage of and turned into mass shooters by FBI agents and numerous acts of violence happened like mass shootings.

I think it's time more victims of the FBI and whistle blowers step forward and we take down the FBI and abolish the FBI.

The FBI has always been the deep state and uses people like tools and has abused it's power and has operated outside it's power and authority and has not acted within US law and violated international law. The FBI has always been classist narcissist elitists and always thought they owned the planet and the universe. The FBI almost allowed a maniac they created to take innocent life away in Garland. The FBI allowed weapons of war into the hands of drug cartels and terrorists organizations.

There are crimes we the people are not aware of the FBI has committed/is committing and we would like to know all of them. For too long the FBI has operated in secrecy and abused that secrecy to get it's agents own way and it must stop it must end. The FBI and the justice system cannot be allowed to operate in secrecy and to allow agents to cover up for eachother. FBI and FBI agents cannot be trusted with secrecy and authority anymore they have hidden and covered up abuses of power.

17625743? ago

Actually, you need to replace FBI with C_A. It's mostly the top of the FBI (which have been removed/neutralized). It's the C_A that has a hand in every country coordinating for the DS. Reread the Q drops. Why are you so focused on the FBI and not the C_A? FBI are the ones helping to take out the pedo rings, not the C_A. Even Q has pointed this out.

17626334? ago

Q has hardly referenced the corrupt C_A which leads to the distinct possibility that they are actually the principle Target and a great deal is being done behind the scenes quietly to weaken and ultimately defeat them.

17626450? ago

"C_A" & "Clowns" & "Clowns in America" are in numerous Q drops. I wouldn't say "hardly referenced".

17625225? ago

Evil in government would.not be possible without those with badges shielding those in power.

17621937? ago

I'm pretty sure this is just a roundabout way of saying "tune in to my show Monday night, where I have guests on who do all the real work as I cut them off."

17621321? ago


17626291? ago

This group of Khazarian pretend Jews will come last according to Q. There are 89 in Congress and dozens in Pedowood and CEOs of prominent companies. Distinguish these from ordinary Jews.

17627204? ago

"ordinary snakes"

17620898? ago

Poot...Starting Monday we will "poot" some more.

17620201? ago

Some of the comments on that feed. SMDH.

I'm beginning to wonder if they don't know what "exonerated" means, or if their vocabulary has literally been deteriorated to "Orange Man Bad", "Russian Collusion", "Mueller Time", and "Impeach" from hearing/reading/saying it daily for the past 2 years.

17623329? ago

With the Dems already not accepting the Mueller Report and claiming it wasn't done good enough they are basically telling everyone that they have zero faith in the abilities of the Justice Dept. If they have someone whom they think is better that they want investigating why isn't this person the head of Justice? These people are stupid. lol

17621172? ago

once hillary is in gitmo, and wearing orange, we can say "orange lady bad!"

17619789? ago

Hannity is a fuckin joke... But I hope he is right

17625768? ago

Hannity is being utilized to help drip out info. He's the one who consistently has Carter and Soloman on to provide info. Q has stated that Hannity is a Patriot and that Carter & Soloman are protected. Pay attention.

17630142? ago

Been paying attention, enough to know hannity is usually a crock of shit. But again, I hope he is right this time... as he has been in the past. But not in a consistent manner

17642393? ago

That's probably by design.

Take a look at Q2121

17643728? ago

No, I mean long since before Q

17619739? ago

I'll believe it when I see it. Words, like pundits and politicians are cheaper than a crackwhore with AIDS.

17619550? ago

*on his show

17619403? ago

Every social media outlet that colluded with the DS scum to promote those lies needs to be held accountable as well.

17625864? ago


17619175? ago

Now you know why they wanted to shut conservatives down. They have known all along they have nothing on President Trump and eventually the truth of that would be known, so it was imperative they shutdown as many conservative voices as possible. So please Mr Hannity when you hold every deep state official, the fake news media and the liars in congress accountable, don't forget the social media platforms for their role in this attack upon America and its citizens.

17619435? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3117723/17619398 'The jews were angry they lost all their slaves.'

17619118? ago

Why now? Why haven't we been holding them accountable for the last decade?

17619154? ago

We went to sleep. We felt isolated, alone and impudent.

17619109? ago

I hope justice is swift, definite and harsh.

17619093? ago

What about the Jews responsible for 9/11?

17629352? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


17621334? ago

Sean Hannity, like Trump, stands on the side of jews and israel no matter what

17621232? ago

Same people who just got their asses whipped in Golan Heights?

17619123? ago

Shhh. We're all supposed to just cheer for Q and Drumpf!

17619383? ago

Big boss at the end of the game, usually.

17620855? ago

"And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.2And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.” Revelation 13:1–2" 10 horns + 7 heads = 17 = Q confirmed to be the mark of the beast. WTF?!

17622751? ago


17618500? ago

Including Bill Browder

17618456? ago

What about the fox news liars that lied about 9/11?

17631398? ago

If this is a real takedown they will be just as many Republicans locked up as dems . Both parties are guilty of treason its just the dems for some reason dont care to flaunt it on live television.

17626268? ago

^ Slideshill

17626240? ago

Uh, that was ALL MSM back then.

Today, Hannity and Tucker are only hope.

17623237? ago

Thank you. When did Hannity become a good guy? I remember him shilling hard for the war in Iraq and W?

17629338? ago

"Hannity is a patriot" - Q

17625818? ago


Hannity is a Patriot.


17629861? ago

Thank you, must’ve missed that one.

17642503? ago

No problem. I've missed a few myself. That's why I continually go back and re-read. Especially, when the MSM starting wailing about something. Then, I do a search. I almost always find something I've missed, especially when others have pointed out specific drops. That's what we're all here for - to help each other.


17623409? ago

Thank you for pointing this out. Not to mention the way he treated Ron Paul in 2008. I am one of those who will never trust Hannity. He is paid to say just enough truth to keep the thin veil of legitimacy a Faux Noise.

17630400? ago

Bingo, and let's not forget Tucker was a never Trumper right up until the victory was announced.

17747492? ago

I put Tucker in a separate camp. He was 100% pro-Ron Paul back in 2008, which was an anomaly among those who work in media.

Hannity was a pro-Bush (scum), pro-Iraq War piece of shit who has shilled for the Reprobate Party for 20+ years. He is not dedicated to truth in any way as far as I can tell, instead choosing to court the side toward which the wind is blowing at the moment. Bill O'Reilly is another similar piece of shit.

I was not aware that Tucker was anti-Trump. Do you have some links about that?

17747548? ago

Not handy, but I recall coming across some stuff a while ago. Lately he has been killing it, so maybe he was comped and became free after the win?

17626274? ago

^ Panicking slideshill

17627483? ago

No, not everyone who dissents is a shill. I am 100% pro-Trump and I've been on the Q Train for a long time, patiently waiting for what is going to unfold in due time.

Let me ask you... If you are on the Trump Train and want to MAGA, why would you trust corporate media like Faux Noise? Have they earned your trust? Have you found instances of them lying to you? Why would you trust them?

17625820? ago


17629846? ago

Thank you. Must’ve missed that one.

17623025? ago

fuck your derailing

17619388? ago

and the Shriners, Masonics? https://hooktube.com/watch?v=KUL-f-f7Kec Benjamin H Freedman speech UNEDITED VERSION! 1961

17622546? ago

looks good, is it similar to Myron Fagan's speech?

17618981? ago

They've all lied

17618383? ago

I can't hear Hannity clearly..

because Israel's dick is caught in his throat.

17619172? ago

He loves the Jews. He otherwise seems committed to patriotism.

17618356? ago

Doubt it. We r talking about Fox News.

17619413? ago

the Mason plan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3116888/17617564 'I think what we all should take away from this, is that Bill Clinton has a half-black son'

17618325? ago

What's this "we" shit, boy? You got a turd in your mouth??

17618187? ago

Says the catholic sean hannity .....


17618025? ago

Take no prisoners. They ALL go down. One sting operated forced lie took out Flynn and has all but fully bankrupted him. They ALL told numerous lies over and over intentionally. Time for indictments and pay is back for a 30 million tax theft to fund a lie they ALL knew about.

17618016? ago

Oh yeah baby. Watch out you might lose your job Hannity.

17619371? ago

---> OAN

17618150? ago

Hannity is.protected.

17619346? ago

Please elaborate. Thx.

17625830? ago

See Q2121

17630149? ago

Thanks, patriot. Stay vigilant. The left is acting like a bunch of cornered rabid dogs.

17620380? ago

He carries water for the establishment. Fox won't risk booting him.

17617479? ago

Please no Donna.

17620342? ago

Today she was asked directly whether she now believes Trump is the legitimate president. Instead of answering the question she went on a two minute screed (https://invidio.us/watch?v=0yhD69rRYwg&t=5m28s) and Fox wouldn't even cut her mike.

17619343? ago

She's terrible. Can't answer a simple question.

17630188? ago

Yet writes in her book that she was fearful of snipes when closing blinds at night following Seth Rich's death.

17617487? ago

Amen to that

17621295? ago

Amun-Ra? 👁‍🗨

17621326? ago



17617406? ago

https://tweetsave.com/seanhannity/status/1109935740593557505 :

Sean Hannity on Twitter: "Starting Monday we will hold every deep state official who abused power accountable. We will hold every fake news media liar member accountable. We will hold every liar in Congress accountable."

This has been an automated message.

17617357? ago

Everyone should hit the media with demands for apologies. They won't unless we make them. For example, the Guardian still hasn't apologised for running the story that Roger Stone met with Julian Assange at the Embassy.

So it is time to remind them that just running stories spoon-fed to them from corrupt partisan sources is not News.

17618282? ago

Apologies?? Fuck that, these motherfuckers hang. All of them. They are seditious and traitorous pieces of vile filth.

17617336? ago

Really??! Game on Sean!