17618012? ago

That's the good scenario. A bad scenario is this:

Trump was sexually compromised in Epstein Island (Mossad) and he is working for Great Israel all along. Q is Mossad disinfo to spin everything away from Israel and thus: "Israel last".

Both scenarios fit. Unfortunately. And some of POTUS actions (100% real actions happening in the real world) unfortunately fit with the bad scenario. Bomb everyone around Israel, give them money, give them Jerusalem, give them what they want.

Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law and his biggest advisor, had literally sleepovers to Netanyahu's house. I am afraid they are playing us harder than ever.

Study AIPAC and Israel's infiltration in the US government. NEVER drop your guard even if you are 99.9999999% sure Q and Trump are on our side.

Have the bad scenario on your mind, just in case. Please.

17616023? ago

Fascinating read.

17614696? ago

It’s a ‘theory’ sure. But just a theory with a large spoonful of wishful thinking.

Time will tell.

17614839? ago

If you don't know about Epstein's Island yet, you will, soon....conspiracy was real? https://voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/3093593

17614606? ago

We have known all along, and pointing to it, but many have been fighting, screaming and kicking because they didn't wanna see the truth because it's ugly. I hope with this short, but rather outlining thread that more people's eyes will open. I for one will point to it, especially to the people I know still calling me a conspiracy crack-head