17620472? ago

You think to highly of yourselves, honestly.


Try again with less YOU in it and start thinking about US.

17616229? ago

It's Edie isn't it

17613313? ago

Special person

17613011? ago

Q did fully endorse VOAT. So ask yourself...who is Q? What is Q? Is it a person? A group? Could it be a very special person..here... now... to help in this battle between Good and Evil? If it's only one, how do we win this fight? If it's more then one, are they all on the same page? It sure seems like the POTUS, Q and many more are United in this Fight...with nearly identical messages!

I personally think that at this point in time, with all that has been shared and exposed... It would be nearly impossible to fight an enemy of this magnitude, so deeply embedded, so deeply rooted and so well funded... Without Help from reinforcements sent from God himself.

So I ask myself: "what if Jesus 2.0 is already here? Would I recognize him? Would I recognize the Message? Would I be able to resist being deceived by a false prophet?"... For me, I feel that if I fully enshroud myself with the Armor of God, then the answer is Yes.

This freaked me out at 1st, but... I've experienced communications here on VOAT that gave me goose bumps...in a good way. I feel God communicates with us all the time... So I'm not going to kid nyself by thinking he wouldn't have his "representatives" here, send a message on VOAT, to speak to us directly. So, 'proceed with caution"...Yes.. But you don't need someone else to decide for you if a message resonates True in your heart. IMHO

17618997? ago

Q never endorsed voat in the way you're insinuating. We were told we could come here and share research and discuss findings here without being censored. That is all. I'm sure they are aware that racist shills and joo haters would be trying to throw off the movement. I'm also sure they knew we'd be smart enough to ignore it.

17632184? ago

Yes he did he had the board sanctioned and set up as anon by the owner of voat. Specially after reddit was shut down.

17635908? ago

Oh, I didn't take it as come here and become racist, jew and black hating faggots. Only the people that were already here are buying and mostly selling that bullshit here. Q patriots aren't buying what they're selling though. You dumb shits. They said to come here and learn to hate jews huh? No. That contradicts the message we've been hearing all along. Embrace patriotism and there's no room for racism. I guess that's why you losers all still come here and try to sow your racist seeds. You know how you all call CIA shills glow niggers? All you racist losers are glow faggots. We see you everytime you post. Too fucking obvious.

17650086? ago

Who is this in reply too? Makes no sense in the context of anything in this thread.

17620265? ago

2267 , 2269.

17612856? ago

Any examples you'd care to point out?

17612764? ago

While I agree, people can easily try and imitate Q....

I always took “no outside comms” to mean the one who SIGNS OFF w the letter Q will have NO OUTSIDE COMMS. This ensures that W will only post to his trip code.

This leaves open the possibility for someone to post, or even for Q TEAM to post “unofficially” leaving the secured backchannell we know as Q in tact. He can post whenever he wants and clear up any misinfo.

These “unofficials” I’ve read a few threads these past couple days, it reminds me of when some at QRV suspected a few months ago that Q TEAM was posting links/research to these boards in an effort to steer the forums and promote higher quality content which in sense shuns the shills.

17625910? ago

Yes, but caution should be taken. Definity take research and go with it, but be careful as the voice of the shepherd may be a wolf is what I'm thinking.

17620485? ago

Still waiting for the definition and decoding of QRV

Anytime friends.

We're waiting for you all.

17613457? ago

I interpret the "no outside comms' the same way. Signed by Q.

That doesn't mean he/they can't send us more crumbs if the chan or voat anons and autists go off on a wild goose chase, irrelevant from the intended purpose.

Think about this logically... If JFK or Abraham Lincoln were to share info here themselves, wouldn't we Want to here that? What would the message be?

17613346? ago

When q reveals herself you may be surprised

17632136? ago

I’m pretty sure Q covered QTEAM being like ten? Only 3 non civilian probably one of those being Trump himself. Sure there might be a female on QTEAM if that’s what your alluding to?

17614576? ago

Probably as surprised as Q is... kek

17612560? ago

  • Define backchannel

  • We have been trying to connect since we started

  • But some still remain elsewhere, elseworld

  • Define backchannel

  • We have shared so much with you all

  • Derail is correct

  • But New Path is concise

  • Some of you will be going forward

  • Some of you will help clean up the mess

  • Some of you already have new jobs (thank you FBI)

17625925? ago

^This is a smart ass.

17627424? ago


A smart ass can sit on an ice cream cone and tell you what flavor it is.

We are not funny people.

17628030? ago

Make note... the lack of dimension involved with getting and staying in character. Acting industry rejects in CA shilling it sounds like to me.

17629483? ago

No character. Speak laconically and tearsely, try to avoid innuendo or inference, what remains are statements devoid of character.

Many are not used to experiencing communication without needing to be entertainted.

17650384? ago

new phrase for you: mocking the comms.

17628011? ago

so what are you a dumb ass then?

17630000? ago

When you die, we won’t care.

17612704? ago

Like this, for example.

17616387? ago

Thanks for pointing this out. I've pushed back against these type of comments a few times, and felt bad. Not so much now. Note to self : just ignore in future. ty

17620476? ago


No coincidences

17622365? ago


17612509? ago

If it KEK's like a Q and walks like a Q, it is a Q. Sorry...could not resist. I know there are no outside comms.

17612143? ago

Q did say, "No outside Comms." But he did not say, "No Punctuation."

17612415? ago

Punctuation is divisional. KEK!

17611969? ago

Very complicated.

Qteam will never post on Voat.

But someone close to Q can.

Think of him as the Etherial Q member.

He gets his information from a higher power.

Now, who could that person be?

Same information as Q, but not the same source.

Hmmm, the easiest answer is usually the correct one.

Occam's razor applies very much here.

Armor of God isn't a "saying" it's real.

So is the Evil that is about to consume the Earth.

17625921? ago

^This is what I'm addressing.

17612240? ago

Jesus? Is that you?

17612340? ago

His replacement.

Can I help you?

17612437? ago

Yes...send 3 billion to my house. Preferably tens n twenties. Thanks!

17613624? ago

No shit. Hell i'd take quarters dimes and nickels too, just like our bank account.

Enough is enough

17611764? ago

Also, "there is only Q". Otherwise, it's just some anon on teh interwebz. Proceed with caution.