17612600? ago

Wow! My mind is blown...Great Thread TY

17607996? ago

Why Golan heights? Is that their base of operations?

17607977? ago

My goodness, what a find, thanks!

17607836? ago

Excellent post anon !!

17607585? ago

Ho lee shit. A must read, all.

17607529? ago

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17607311? ago

So does "P" stand for Palestine then? Because I never bought that Payseur poseur crap.

17607074? ago

Does anyone have the twitter handle for the "Chris West" referred to in this thread? It's covered up by the person posting.

17609722? ago

In this instance it is a facebook...shr has good things to say: m.facebook.com/christi.q.west?lst=100009384264532%3A1387828484%3A1553446754&fref=nf&pn_ref=story

17606061? ago

Curious as to where the UN fits into this scenario?

17606056? ago

Now don't forget the IRS. You don't really think the "I" stands for Internal do you?

17733787? ago

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17605110? ago

Colorado-Gov Polis and Bennet have dual citizenship and are destroying Colorado’s freedoms. Lets hope they are taken out first.

17604808? ago

Wow, superbly choreographed plan! From the Twitter comments, this image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D2YQe12WoAAZ5T2.jpg

It says that on "this day," (March 23rd) 1775, Patrick Henry gave the speech in which he gave the famous quote, "give me liberty, or give me death."

Mind blowing!

17604689? ago

Look up Genie Energy. Owned by the DS. They want Golan Heights. I hope this theory is correct but I don't want our troops fighting for ISrael to take over Syrian land to hand over to DS.

17604283? ago

The end won’t be for everyone.

17604009? ago

She's not in jail. Nice theory, though.

17606168? ago

Who? Chandler? Doesn't need to be. She most likely has a tracker, a kill switch and she definitely has an heir of her own now to use as leverage against her.

17610628? ago

"You'd be in jail."

The "you" does not refer to Chandler.

17603793? ago

Perfect!! One of the most enlightening revelations so far.

17603657? ago

Excellent thread...anyone able to find Chris West on Twitter?

17618520? ago

thank you...

17602997? ago

That...actually makes sense.

17602442? ago

Well, well, well... A new perspective (for me). Thank you, OP.

17733985? ago

Does the welfare State reward the breeders? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3129358

17602050? ago

Interesting theory.

17601988? ago


Trump just "gave" the Golan Heights to Israel, in defiance of all norms of international law.

If patriots don't understand by now that Q, Trump, the entire Alt-Right, so-called Neo Nazis, most alternative news sites and the entire MSM are all under full Zionist-Marxist-Banker control, there is no waking people up.

The people will ALWAYS be blinded by false hope. So easy to fool.

Bill Cooper speaking too much truth? Shoot him...and here's Alex Jones!

Don't like dirty Bill Clinton? Here's clean, conservative George W.

Don't like George W and his crazy wars? Here's "Hope & Change" Obama (and more wars).

Don't like Marxist Obama? Here''s "MAGA" Trump (who is making Israel Great Again)

Getting tired of Alex Jones? Deplatform him....and here's Q Anon!

Don't like Orange Man Bad? Here's Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang (and the final capstone of the New World Order pyramid)

What? You don't like the New World Order in this year of our devil 2030 and still have bitter memories of being hope-blinded by Q all those years ago? Well here's the Messiah, Lord Jared Kushner, now President of the World. Kushner and his 666 AI super computers will gently guide you into the virtual reality matrix. That old world with all its wars and deceptions was just a bad dream.....

17606136? ago

You make a fair point. But I don't know. Trump feels different somehow. Guess we will find out one way or another, won't we?

17603700? ago

No...there's a difference with Q+. Never seen resistance like this from MSM and dupes. Never seen money thrown at dem candidates to stop him.

There was divine intervention involved in Trump's election. Kushner is a bit of a fly in the ointment, but he's not running things.

Yes, Trump has sided with Israel all along, but he's not as in line with ISIS as Obama and Clinton were. He's not trying to foist Muslim Brotherhood regimes onto all Mid East countries. We'll see if Bibi walks out on Trump the way he did Bush and Obama.

17602556? ago

This is very well stated and I get it. I have felt hope slipping for a bit especially when I heard about the Golan Heights....this Twitter thread, however, restored hope (though I understand being blinded by it)....it makes sense and resonates....from dark to light.... 1 Thessalonians 4:13 [13]But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope....

17604685? ago

I agree the Golan heights has me perked up. There is a company called Genie Energy run by the Roths who want Golan heights. If Potus gives in to that company he gives in to the DS.

17602250? ago

I am going to go back in time and destroy you with my weiner

17602293? ago

Your weiner is too small to destroy anyone.

I would lend you mine, which is more than up to the task, but I'm using it.

17601747? ago

Holy fucking shitballs!!! This actually makes a helluva lot of sense....

17621297? ago

I thought I was the only one who used the phrase Holy Fucking Shitballs lol nice to find a friend or wait a minute maybe I wrote this? I may be high right now sorry fellers

17604453? ago

I'm still waiting for someone to be first. Arrests,???

17603002? ago

It also explains why all 89 Jew members of Congress have the same white-genocide, open-border, gun-control, pro-abortion agenda as Soros and the Rothschilds...

...because every Jew is evil.

17603622? ago


When talking about good and evil, you have to start there.

17612293? ago

I started reading the bible, and it doesn't portray the jews in a good light.

17603662? ago

Jesus was the King of everyone.

Jesus was born into the Jew heart of darkness because his mission was to fulfill the Torah and end the laws of Judaism.

Jesus was sent to end Judaism.

Didn't you notice the theme in the New Testament:

  • Jesus flies into a rage and physically attacks the greedy Jews, calling them animals.

  • Jesus refers to the Jew as the Sons of Satan;

  • Jesus refers to the Star of David by it's real name, the Satanic six sided Star of Remphan;

  • All the Jews want to kill Jesus because they are too evil to understand his message;

  • A greedy Jew sells out Jesus and has him executed in exchange for shekels.

17606829? ago

I agree with your first two statements wholeheartedly.

Your third statement is an error. Not one letter of the law....Jesus was the fulfillment of the law. We are the ingrafted branches.

I admit that many modern Jews make up the Synagogue of Satan (especially MSM, Hollywood, Fed, Big Pharma). But they can still come back.

This requires prayer. Pray for Israel.


17604368? ago

exactly; let's not forget God was so grieved by his creation and what it had done that He flooded the whole earth .........

17605141? ago

.... an act of mercy, to save a few good ones who could rebuild.

17601503? ago

Ignores the /v/RomanQuestion


17602484? ago

Good point....I think we'll find that they are an arm of the synagogue of satan....one in the same....

17602971? ago

I think you'll find the distinction between "good Jew" and "Satanic Jew" is imaginary because they both follow the Satanic Talmudic anti-Christ religion of Judaism.

17608243? ago

I think you will find that the talmud they follow is the Babylonian talmud. The pope is the king of Babylon, literally one of his titles.

17608329? ago

The Babylonian Talmud is still based on the original teachings from the first days of Judaism.

Those teachings were passed down verbally from one generation until the next until they were recorded into various scripture called the Talmud.

17608441? ago

Exactly the oral torah is heresy

17601436? ago

https://tweetsave.com/incarnated__et/status/1109576095253196805 :

Incarnated__ET on Twitter: "Interesting Theory on Saving Israel for Last Feel Certain Brownstone Blackmail was Mossad Epstein via Les Wexner Mossad Lolita Blackmail Now this post??… /hBxUoasLzg"

This has been an automated message.

17601319? ago

More from Chris West:

I'm going to tell you what Q meant when he said FISA will bring down the house.

Who is the house? Did you know Israel is called the "House of Israel". Now, connect House of Rothschild and House of Windsor…..see all under House of Israel.


17606105? ago

I have heard the royals were Jewish, and know they were instrumental in having Israel achieve statehood. I've also heard Admiral Lyons state that Islam was a political movement disguised as a religion" at a briefing. Interesting times. Makes me wonder how certain players fit into this picture. .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn54N-8Ya_M

17601451? ago

If you look at what is planned. NK was first with denuke. Syria was next with ISIS eradication, Afghanistan currently in peace talks, etc.....

Following the pattern, you see countries being freed from the Deep State control.

"The Saving Israel for Last" statement could also mean that they will finally remove the same control being held over Israel.

17606183? ago

Actually Saudi Arabia was first. Trump's first overseas visit. The king invites him to participate in the traditional sword dance--now a custom but originally done before going into battle. Trump departs. Salaman then arrests most of the royal family, generals, and ministers and major sex trafficking rings were brought down and over 1,000 children rescued.

Then came NK.

17607552? ago

Hence the etc.

17601745? ago

But NK still has nukes so. Where is your narrative.

17606241? ago

Negotiations still on-going. No rocket or nuke testing in a year. Trump stopped Treasury from adding more sanctions on NK which equals progress is being made.

BTW, we have a new cruise missile that is a high power microwave weapon designed to fry all the electronic within its range. It's like a very limited/targeted EMP without the nuclear blast. Rockets need electronics. Kim knows that if his rockets are useless then he has no way to deliver a nuclear weapon. Planes must be specially wired for nuclear deliveries. Neither China nor Russia sold such configured aircraft to NK.

Kim is just trying to get a good deal while saving face. It takes time in his political nightmare and society.

17602237? ago

Just like india, pakistan, china, russia, and many other groups.

Just because they have nukes, doesn't mean that they are not playing ball and working on the international political area.

If all Trump does is break the hold of China on NK, fix the NK/SK war, and bring them into international politics... it'd be one of the best political moves in a century.

17602228? ago

Uuuuh, work in progress as with all of the above. Defusing is much better than escalating..... right?