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17597900? ago

Very good work and we're grateful you are all starting to see their true powers and technology.

At this stage, I invite some of you to start to consider the sun's "rotation" (not orbit) and how it affects meridians lines, and what the radiation from the sun can actually do when WE use it properly.

There is a reason the Spiral was attacked by the pedo masons during PG, and why some of you are triggered by that symbol.

The triangle spiral is a code, but the concentric spiral is the key. Asia was ahead of us with somatics and have mastered much more than we can share right now.


17601577? ago

You should give us some more dirt on the DS. We require complete transparency so this will never happen again. Show the world their true evil.

17627456? ago

You can start here if you are genuinely interested in truth or objective truth