17544194? ago

She's a procurer for chomos

17543871? ago

Makes you wonder if there's more than one of her kind. There has to be, otherwise Q is right. These people are stupid.

17543507? ago

Chandler is her real last name. I think that coincidence is why she was allowed to climb so fast up the ladder of child handlers. The elites understood the pun and relished in it.

17542568? ago

Q mentioned Nicholas J. Lewin, the attorney in NY, and Michal Chelbin, the photography artist in Israel, plus Jeff Epstein. What do they have in common? It seems like they are part of the Mossad blackmail squad, also part of an ancient Nephilim cult/secret society worshipping Moloch and sacrificing humans to their "god(s)".

17541450? ago

Weren't they on "Friends"?

17541443? ago

Rachel Chandler = Nicky Hilton?

Obviously procuring and marketing children for the rich and powerful.

17540744? ago

Ray Chandler = cRazy Child Handler

17540091? ago

Don't know don't care.

17540066? ago

Rachel has the same dead, expressionless eyes as do the adult photos of Maggie "Wendy" Nixon. But worse. Not a single photo of her smiling. Creepy & sad.

17539643? ago

Look into her partner Walter Pearce on Instagram the model that he ripped, don't post any photos of their work, or anything there work on said, however they have major campaign. Walter Pierce is the Godfather of Rachel handlers son. They clearly are very close as you can see on Instagram. Anons need to dig on him and their "agency". Additionally, a lot of agencies will advance money tomorrow, and then the models have to work to pay back the agency. You will notice that Walter Pierce's girls all seem to be from Eastern Europe, perhaps this is a hotbed of human trafficking? Are these big named fashion houses hiring trafficked youth to be the faces of their brand?

17543119? ago

The Art World is connected and very suspect as well. And they operate in much more veiled shadows than the modeling world. That needs to be looked into as well.

17540850? ago

Yes, I've heard that the fashion industry is BIG into human trafficking, and that includes their models. That's another illuminati rabbit hole. Use a lot of mk-ultra beta slaves. And that includes celebrities like Rihanna.

17539619? ago

This feels more & more like a real shitstorm descending.

17539158? ago

That was a character on a TV show. “Friends” I think.

17538977? ago

a jewess

17538571? ago

Q drop 3155 in particular made me nauseated (the red shoes and the little girl laying on the pentagram).

The face of true evil.

17538548? ago

I have been under the impression that when Q posted about Alice in Wonderland that "Wonderland" was Saudia Arabia and Alice was Hillary Clinton. This never did make much sense to me though.

I'm watching the Madeline McCann series on Netflix and they mentioned a huge pedo ring named "Wonderland". In light of Q's posts last night, it seems more likely that this is the Wonderland he has been referring to and "Alice" is Allison Mack or maybe Ray Chandler?

17541493? ago

Saudi Arabia was a huge human trafficker before the purge.

17539956? ago

I think Hillary was referred to as Alice in emails that were posted, via WikiLeaks, I think.

17541424? ago

Yes. Emails from the mad hatter, Mr Torrey.

17538419? ago


17538351? ago

17538356? ago

Very interesting. The truth must be hidden somewhere in the web.

17537893? ago

She is Satan's child handler.

17537845? ago

This is what the 'anonymous' clients of Lewin are trying to hide in the Epstein case. Even if you don't like Q, fuking get on board with outing pedos. sheesh.

17539234? ago

Q is almost falsely accusing innocent people of crimes without actually doing so.

17539900? ago

Which innocent people has Q accused??

17553233? ago

All of them. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

17553484? ago

What if the ‘court of law’ has been corrupted?! You are naive.

17554122? ago

It’s all corrupt.

17540172? ago

All are innocent until proven guilty.

17552587? ago

There is proof of guilt you fucktard.

17553169? ago

Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, you dolt.

17553504? ago

Fuck your corrupt ‘court of law’ you piece of garbage. Hope you don’t say such bullshit to an abused child, fucking kike.

17554084? ago

Yeah, fuck the rule of law! Fuck freedom!

17558527? ago

No, just hang the pedos.

17558580? ago

Unless the children were RAISED for purposes of entertainment.

17558592? ago

Gross. That’s on the parent/guardian/abuser - ALL children deserve to grow up in a safe environment with people they can trust and rely on.

17558920? ago

Yes, unless they were bred for other reasons.

17541939? ago

Wrong. Crimes have been committed. They have them on video. They have everything. You don't have to be proven guilty to be guilty. And they will be proven guilty. About time.

17553217? ago

Innocent people. Further, it’s immoral to put innocent people on trial.

17537748? ago

I pray to GOD, the almighty, that the harassment stop. This is not a threat -- this IS my FERVENT PRAYER. Please, Dear Lord, make the harassment stop. I will think, pray, write this prayer. Whatever it takes, Lord, please hear my prayer.

17541202? ago

Pray your fervent prayer in silence to God not in this proclamatory way on the internet. God hears prayers given in earnest in silence. The way you proclaim these things is not in earnest. Pray in silence of your own solitude. God watches what you do when you are alone

17543724? ago

I know. God knows me and my heart. He knows my prayers...public and private.

17544047? ago

I'm sorry if that came off as condescending. Best wishes to you

17544037? ago

This wasn't to be condemning you. I apologise if it was. It is that way that I have found that God listens best. It is my own weakness that I said this to you to begin with.

17537855? ago

Thoughts and prayers dont do jack. Guns and handcuffs do tho...

17540818? ago

Anyone who doesn't believe in the power of prayer is weak by definition. Better the power of the Lord God Almighty to be on your side in any and all circumstances. Cannot win any battles/wars without His Mighty Power.

17541468? ago

I believe in meditation, which is all prayer is anyways.

17539003? ago

I pray my bullets hit their intended target. Does that count as a prayer?

17542295? ago

Yes. In my book that counts. Asking to be God's instrument of vengeance seems far more appropriate then asking for it to be someone else. Asking for Trump to do it, just makes people feel like they shifted the blame. The question is who is willing to pull the trigger assuming they are absolved of any legal ramifications here on Earth. Putting people in prison for life sentences is just elongated murder, the jury and judge still sent them there. The only reason for the legal system and the DOJ exist is to prevent us from going full vigilante. When those systems stop working, it's our obligation to act. I certainly hope our justice system functions enough to deliver justice, but the clock is ticking.

17538059? ago

I'll pray for you too.

You cannot sway me from my belief in almighty God, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, everlasting, eternal, immutable. Far more powerful than any gun or handcuff.

17541152? ago

What you are doing is empty prayer. Pray in the silence of your bedroom when no one is watching and God will hear you. This is self serving.

17543652? ago


17538536? ago

So.. God didn't intervene while the NZ shooting was happening. Is that "mysterious ways," and something we're not to understand, or God's tacit support of killing moslems? Have some perspective. you may have to deal with your creator in the afterlife, but a handgun is powerful enough to get you there.

17539828? ago

God is with me now. Here and now.

17541461? ago

“God and guns”

17538144? ago

God is letting kids get raped and tortured, while allowing justice to be delayed. Some God...

17538310? ago

Is this your appeal to Him to intervene?

17537691? ago

She looks like Paris Hilton's sister.

17537656? ago


17540959? ago

Likely this evil bitch was groomed from childhood just like HRC. I have no sympathy for her. RC knows what she's doing. And get a load of her soy boy photographer husband Guiness with his creepy, homoerotic photos of young men in suggestive poses and backgrounds. RC is probably the guy's beard. Gross.

17542896? ago

When you say she was groomed from childhood, but you have no sympathy. That's rough. Her soul has long-since been sold. Some literally are traumatized in the womb, so, if they make it, they can be used as she was. But I don't believe children who never stood a chance, that God will desert them. I don't believe that he will abandon them.

17543757? ago

Only if RC repents and then cooperates with any investigations that will expose this evil to the public. Until then I do not forgive, not do I forget. And, yeah, I too have experienced the evil of child sexual abuse and have known of people in high places using it to get their perverted jollies for a long, long time.

17537583? ago


17541299? ago


17537782? ago

I see now.

17539873? ago

Yup, a better way of putting it to redpill people is: CHild hANDLER

17537520? ago

I thought these were 2 of the people on that Friends show... Funny cohencidink ...

17539281? ago

It was one character I think. One of the boyfriends or girlfriends. Can’t remember which.

17539486? ago

rachel and chandler are two of the main characters on friends.

17543332? ago

there's a rumor that the show Friends used to start each day of shooting with a "Hail Satan!"

17540424? ago

No, that was one person. The other was Joey. Oh, and another guy. There was someone else, too. Some chick. Not sure. I’m surprised I remembered that much. I never watched it. One of the characters was a dog catcher or something. The other was a teacher of some sort. They all lived together and then when they were away from home they all drank coffee together at this cafe.

17542977? ago

Rachel, Chandler, Ross, Phoebe, Monica, and Joey

17553202? ago

Yeah, I don’t know all their last names. Only Rachel Chandler’s.

17537407? ago

I’m thinking she’s way older than she looks and claims to be.

17584725? ago

short shelf life. hot to not in < 10 years. Ugly on the inside eventually seeps out. Dead eyes are a sign of the lack of a conscience. they're like insects in human form . They look like people, can pretend to be people, can mimic human emotion, but never feel it. sociopaths have always been the enemy of humanity. they look like us , but are not really human. the lack of a conscience allows them to lie and backstab their way to the top of many organizations and professions. they make excellent actors and politicians.

17537364? ago

She is Little Finger

17537333? ago

She was another pedo and elite sex handler recruiter to the top Political, Business world, but it was international, not just US. Alison Mack was arrested for providing young women and men who wanted to move up in Hollywood circles to the likes of Harvey Weinstein. She came up with a literal brand for the sex underage girls/boys. Think casting couches but bigger, and several billionaire pedo Islands off WA state. When arrested she turned states evidence and called out the NXIVM Hollywood crowd. Two multibillionaires were arrested and are on trial. Alison named names, but MSM still trying to keep it on the downlow.

Epstein documents are under litigation to expose what they covered up in the trial. He was given a very short sentence because our justice system is lenient to child pervs because so many judges and lawyers are involved. The info on Rachel is related to Clinton Foundation and all elites foreign and domestic. Lawyers are right now attempting to block the freedom of info to keep elites hidden.

17540899? ago

Use your edit function and change Rachel's last name to Chandler.

17544016? ago

Thanks. Changed.

17539591? ago

Not Rachel Brand. Rachel Chandler. Rachel Brand was DOJ under Hussein

17543905? ago

Thx. Changed. Brain fart.

17543091? ago

Russell Brand is that English actor guy that stroked the furry wall.

17537220? ago

from rich influential LA media fam... rachel chandler finds children, photographs them artistically as a catalog and then offers them to the elite. grooms children for pedophiles. she’s a child handler. she is a mother of whores. she is doing satans work.

17538714? ago

An unattractive young girl with a camera among the beautiful and powerful, perfect cover for a blackmailer. She knows it all.

17537234? ago

correction: a barren whore

17537573? ago

Correction: an evil barron whore.

17538241? ago

Correction: a child-handling evil barren whore

17537137? ago

Using context clues:

-model agent -socialite (elite) -photographer -child handler

A cute face to traffic exposed children

17536898? ago

This is beyond pop culture. Q's series of drops goes way back. Patriots & Anons previously covered tons of this and it seemed to just fade away.

Now, it will see new light outside of Voat, Chans, Reddit etc. because we all know that out of the 305,603 currently on qmaps, there are others besides Patriots & Anons.

17538212? ago

Indeed. I do think Q is intentionally revisiting some issues because the number of new peeps every day is huge, and they need this process too.

17537861? ago

Maybe NBC will do an expose on the dangers of child trafficking in Hollywood among political elites... or they'll just continue with Orange Man Bad.

17536779? ago

Q knows, but he's not telling.

It's his super special secret.

17537471? ago

The storm is breaking all around you, lightning is starting to hit your ass and you still vomit up the same shill bile.

17537506? ago

Are you referring to all of the arrests that have only happened in your imagination?

17537698? ago

Stupid ignorant shill. There have been THOUSANDS of sex trafficking/porn arrests since POTUS took office. Scores of trafficking networks have been rolled up. Several billionaires arrested and grand jury investigations underway (ever hear of Alison Mack & NKVIM you idiot).

17536889? ago

How much do they pay you, or are you REALLY that stupid?

17537458? ago

Those fucks have nothing of real value in their lives. They're human waste. Just ignore them.