17541257? ago

Isn't destroying evidence of a sloppy false flag a criminal offence.

17541228? ago

It's easy to find on the Torrents, just search for Christchurch.

Some of the stuff on the Internet like the magically disappearing Bullet Casings is Bullshit, but other stuff like pre-prepared piles of bodies that weren't even shot at and the magically appearing Magazine that appears in the hallway seem pretty legit.

It's probably the sloppiest false flag I've ever seen which may explain why they don't want anyone watching it

17540223? ago

Tried to warn you people to stop screaming FAKE NEWS including the POTUS. It is how the Rulers operate. You people still do not understand the tactics and motives of the NWO Elite Illuminati and how they systematically take away anything that is a threat to their agenda.

The puppet masters create "dis order" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. ORDO AB CHAO.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.

When the WWW is completely censored I will just go back to the books and start passing flyers around again like us Elders in the KNOW used to do in the 80's.

17539367? ago

NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax: NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax: NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax: NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax: NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax: NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax: NZ ----> Destroying evidence of the Fal$e Flag; NZ -----> Destroying evidence of the Hoax:

17538530? ago

So the Government is ORDERING the DESTRUTION of EVIDENCE?

17538225? ago

thanks for letting us know where to find the video after the place has been shut down.

17537716? ago

I have local copies of everything as well.

We can't let this one go guys.

17538924? ago


17537603? ago

They can't erase it from the web. I've got a copy of the video on my sd-card. I can upload it multiple times somewhere if I like to fret the governments😝.

17538847? ago

You're a dangerous subversive.

And I like it.

17543821? ago

Here is a link to the full NZ video: You need to have telegram. Click on "open external app" and the Video is right in front of you. You can just watch it or save it on your device. https://t.me/InSvensWelt/6889

17545658? ago

Thanks for the link anon. Much appreciated.

17537205? ago

Gotta destroy the evidence of the hoax.

17542524? ago

Both the shooter and the islamics were immigrants. https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3110642 They had no problem with semi autos until they arrived.

17536940? ago

I didn't see the video because I really didn't want to see people getting shot and killed. For those who have seen it, archived, and studied it: what have you found. I read something about brass ejected and disappearing before it hit the floor and another thing by an audio engineer suggesting that the gunshot sounds were fake. For those of you have studied them, what are they trying to hide? Crisis actors? False flag?

17537902? ago

The video showed people laying down playing dead in pile before shooter even enters room and starts shooting at them. The video showed no bullet holes or flying debris from bullets hits the walls. The AR-15 5.56 is a very high velocity round, it will pass right through people and walls causing a lot of damage, and blood splatter, but there is no evidence of this. The gun being used appears to be some sort of air gun. The reason they want the video banned is that it so clearly fake and ridiculous that if people see it in large numbers it will blow their whole FF operation as yet another hoax.

17555487? ago

Thanks for the info.

17542741? ago

That was what seemed off the most to me, there was a strange lack of blood. ESPECIALLY the guy that charges the shooter, he got shot point blank in a way where the bullet should gone through and splattered the wall... and the extent of what could be seen was light pooling while he was pacing.

I lack any expertise to comment deeper or to analyze properly, but it did feel off, I thought it was acting until I read the headlines. People are too hard pressed to believe that the ambulances, doctors, and media would all be complicit... I know that's not off the table, but would like to see someone with proper knowledge go through an analysis.

17537894? ago

It’s another shitty media fakery hoax, like every other “mass shooting” and “terror” event.

If you believe any of them are real, ask yourself why. What is the evidence?

Watch the damn video. Nobody dies or gets hurt, except some mannequins.

17542397? ago

As someone who served in Fallujah, I can assure you that this is how bodies drop when hit with gunfire. You might be used to your video games and your Hollywood movies but you've been conditioned to believe people acting (pretending) to be dead is realistic therefore a realistic death to you will look fake. Bodies act and look like mannequins the instant death occurs in real life.

17547864? ago

No they don’t, why are you here propping up this hoax?

I’ve seen enough videos on Liveleak to know that’s complete bollocks, so take your “argument from authority” and fuck off.

17545714? ago

This is not a credible comment based other people’s experience, even with hunting, there is several seconds of spasms before the animal hits the ground. Why do police CSI teams all have blood splatter experts if no blood spatter is to be expected.

17537587? ago

There was a magazine (banana clip) with white writing on it laying on the floor of the mosque before the shooter ever went in the building. The writing matched the writing on the gun, shooting was staged.

17538251? ago

Does anyone have a link? I didn't watch the video at first, but now want to, to see for myself the magazine laying on the floor before he enters. This is a complete hoax.

17542326? ago

This is a complete hoax.


I didn't watch the video

LOL what a fucking loser. You're just a bandwagonfag. You'll just spew whatever we tell you. Go away.

17544237? ago

I've seen bits and parts, but not the entire video. You're retarded if you think its real. You don't even have to watch the whole thing to know its all bullshit...

17544277? ago

It’s real and you sound like a fucking child. Again, little boy, I’ve seen people drop from bullets. As in multiple. And in person. That’s how they look. Like mannequins. And I can guaran-fucking-tee you’ve never been in a firefight. Ever.

17544447? ago

Fake as fuck. No one screaming, people already piled up before shooter enters a room, the guy at front door greets the gunman with many long guns and tactical gear with "hello brother" yeah fucking right.

Fake as fuck.

17545132? ago

You did not watch the video

17537300? ago

That part is bs, the bullets didn't disappear, they didn't account for fisheye lens effect.

17538233? ago

Good point. Should be repeatable?

17538512? ago

Yes, the issue is that they were drawing a straight line from where it was ejected, but the casings DO land near the corner of the fence. The frame rate isn't great so it's easy to lose.

That's not to say that there isn't anything really unusual with the video, but that one is a camera effect

17542011? ago

Hopefully more rational thinking will emerge. Irrationality makes us look bad.

17536808? ago

Why is it perfectly acceptable to show video footage of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich torturing and killing Jews in concentration camps?

Gonna need a link for that

17539815? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104067/17472043 'This could be the big one they never mention FB, Twitter, Youtube or MSM sites'

17536173? ago

The internet has become the court of public opinion. The globalists put out a video and are using it to strip the gun rights away from the people of New Zealand. Now can the globalists are forcing the removal of the video (evidence) from the web because they fucked up when making the video and proves the video was faked. They can't have it both ways, the video stays on the web or New Zealand keeps its gun rights.

17535965? ago

I used a video from brighteon.com just a few hours ago to show that the banana clip (magazine) for the AR-15 used in the shooting was laying on the floor of the mosque when the shooter entered the front door. The globalists are on cleanup duty this morning. They can not put out a video without the anons destroying it by pointing out the false flag mistakes. Their only recourse is to evidence tampering to prevent people getting the truth. They have used up all their options to protect themselves, destroying the web, deleting evidence is their last attempt to fuck us over.

17535874? ago

Australian globalists forced Brighteon.com to remove all the NZ videos from its platform. The video shows critical errors in the attempt to create a false flag event to pull attention away from the take down of the deep state. Misinformation was given by Q that led the deep state fuckers to create a shotty video of someone shooting up a Mosque and during its creation they made several mistakes that prove the video to be a fake. Now they are using the same video to disarm New Zealand and take away free speech on the web.