17546639? ago

SInce when do we trust the FBI?

17539745? ago

Celebs have their own problems and cults and their price of fame was MK Ultra and satan worshipping. Screw the rich and famous. I hope the regular people who've been a victim come forward.

17538824? ago

I agree with the anon who said Q is giving the "tip line" for info dug up on Chandler etc. But it is also a good time for victims to come forth; there is plenty of company!

17537768? ago

How about Dave Chappelle ?

Replaced. Murdered/Kidnapped/Imprisoned somewhere?

What a sick bunch of people these Luciferian pedofaggots are.

17537617? ago

Mary Kate and Ashley both little boys who were given hormone replacement therapy....

Look at pictures of them then and now, in their 30's.

The hormones start to not have the same effect, their body wants to be male naturally but the chemical castration prevents so they turn into this:


Macaulay Culkin and maybe his whole family (brothers, sisters) all generationally molested into this stuff.

It just goes on and on. What about the girl from Beetlejuice now in Stranger Things? She knows some SHIT.

17542753? ago

You'd have to show some proof for your claim about the Olsen girls. That's a pretty wild claim.

17545256? ago

do a google image search and use your own eyes.

there are also a couple youtubers outing all these trannies in hiding in Hollyweird. Theres a ton of them in the 'beauty' indudstry, models and the like. Ever wondered why all the "beauty models" all kind of look a bit... off ? They give em hormones from a very young age, castration... this practise goes back to the victorian era amongst the 'elite'. I would not call people doing this to their children 'elite' I would call them sick people with a good mind to be very good criminals. Not good people.

17546061? ago

These days a picture online means little. No pictures I've ever seen make me think the Olsen girls are a couple of guys. You're an anon claiming something without proof.

all these trannies in hiding in Hollyweird

Not interested in any of them. Just the Olsens right now. Show some proof. BTW, no, I'm not a shill. I just don't automatically buy into an anon's theory with nothing to back it up except "do a google image search". I have never seen a picture of the Olsens that would make me even wonder about their gender. If you disagree, post some proof. If what you say is true, that should be easy.

17546331? ago

Try this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-wlDNCIM8o

I don't have energy for this right now, this is for you to investigate buddy boy if you're truly interested.

If not, fuck yourself what do I care??

Take it or leave it.

all Q followers should be investigating what Q posted last night and discussing.

17546703? ago

Watched the video. A faceless guy with an opinion. Much like you! In 5+ months a whole 7 people liked the video. A whopping 200 have seen it. Again, there's no proof of anything. You're welcome to your opinion. This is your fantasy and has nothing to do with what Q posted last night.

Take it or leave it.

Your way or the highway? About what I expected to hear from you.

17547323? ago

You doing no research and wanting me to do it all for you (i.e. trying to get me to waste my time).

This ^

Fuck you.

This also x1000 ^

17547802? ago

I'm not asking you to do my research for me. I assumed that you had already done the work and could send it along. What you sent was video of some guy spouting his opinion with fuck all to support it. Doing my own research on this would be a waste of my time. If you had proof I'd add it to my list of facts. Opinions aren't fact. I really have no interest in the Olsen girls beyond this. You have no facts!

17548170? ago

Olsen boys FTFY

17548420? ago

I notice you still aren't offering any facts or evidence. You're entitled to your opinion but that's all it is. Come back if you come up with facts asswipe.

17548888? ago

Are you just a butthurt tranny with mental issues or something?

17549099? ago

I'm not willing to believe in someone's unsupported theory. Something you've offered no evidence for. You seem to the one who's butthurt because I won't agree with you. A tranny? That would change nothing here but, no, I'm not a tranny. I've been called worse, by much better people. Keep trying.

17536642? ago

"Q just asked all victims of child abuse to come forward and write to the FBI. GET THE WORD OUT."

That might be a good thing to do. But what Q was really doing was giving people an easy place to report information (and Tips) on THE STANDARD HOTEL and RACHEL CHANDLER. And any intersection of those two.

17535978? ago

Yes goyum write to the FBI so we can identify...I mean, help you.

17535970? ago

I'm sure Tom Hanks shitting his childish drawers

17535808? ago

Dan Bongino just tweeted "nothing to see here."

17535783? ago

Q just asked all victims of child abuse to come forward

Q what? Q is rehashing stuff we all knew about. Something feels off with these latest drops.

17535631? ago

It must be time for another countdown to nothing to encourage more false flags. #QAnonBodyCount

17535589? ago

Sick fucks!

17535452? ago

Finally Victims Unite!!!!! A place to go and a chance to be heard. This will be the 5:5 - Avalanche!

17535094? ago

Q is just the conduit, but without the voice of the abused, we have nothing. If you are out there, please call, please speak up now.

17535023? ago

I was abused, some kike doctor jerked me off and then sliced some skin off of my dick when I was just a baby. Too bad the q jew and boomers don't care about that kind of abuse.

17534331? ago

Q just asked all victims of child abuse to come forward and write to the FBI. GET THE WORD OUT.

Says who? Says you? Q didn't say that. How do we know the FBI is clean? We don't. Whether the good guys are watching or not we don't. These type of allegations get people murdered. We have seen it many times in the past few years.

17534312? ago

Q just asked all victims of child abuse to come forward and write to the FBI. GET THE WORD OUT.

How do we know that the FBI is clean? We don't.

17533955? ago

I think it's much more likely to be a WINK FUCKING WINK at hollywood level assets to flip.

17533400? ago

Rember, Trump will never try to fuck your wife. He only wants to fuck his daughter. You people support this. You people are sick!

17533310? ago

The least we can do is up vote as much as we can. It takes little effort and can really make a difference

17532735? ago

Prayers for the children and those who are now adults. May God give them the strength to break free, confront and bring justice [[pain]] to their evil abusers.

17539958? ago

May God grant them revenge..

17537322? ago


17534341? ago

Those of us whom survived horrific abuse as children watch in wonder that you all took so damn long to believe. As far as "justice" my abusers are dead whatever justice exists is in the hands of our Creator.

17536910? ago

That’s what I was thinking a few minutes ago.

17536378? ago

Grab that sorrow and pity and BE A VOICE to stop those Parisite Scum and be a PROUD PISSED OFF JUSTICE QARMY WARRIOR! You cried and feared enough Time to Give Hope, See Justice and Then Heal United Knowing these PEDOPREDATORFUKS get a CYANIDE pill for Sex Trafficking Hunted Torture Sold Molested Kidnapped Murdered and CONSUMED[Pedovore]! Much more than I can fathom has happened to some. Sooo Suck it up Buttercup YOU are in the QArmy The Great Awakening ,We The People are GOD'S ARMY! IF you Trust in The Plan to Save The World TIME TO AWAKEN the Masses Because Patriots United World Wide Have Power! Q and Autists are OUR GENERALS! They Asked US to STAY STRONG AND FIGHT FOR OUR FUTURE, OUR FREEDOM, OUR FAMILIES and PRAY! God's Armor will help to protect us so, PUT GOD'S ARMOR ON and Trust The Q Plan! AMEN PATRIOTS! The Truth Will Set Us Free #GreatAwakening #TrustThePlan #StormIsUponUs #GodBlessProtectTrumpnQArmy #GodSaveTheChildren #QAnon #WWG1WGAWW

17536856? ago

Got me all FIRED UP

17535223? ago

Wtf r u talking about? “That u all took so damn long to believe?” Get the fuck outta here bitch.

17535035? ago

quit blaming everyone else for not believing and help go after these sick fuckers now

17532211? ago

I’m in denial about Paris. I still don’t think she has anything to do with trafficking. Clearly Rachel is obsessed with Paris, and Paris not so much Rachel. Just saying. I love Paris.

I did find a link between Lily Rose Depp and Rachel Chandler. Lily is pictured with multiple girls who model for Midland Agency, which is the agency Rachel does casting for (i believe).

17554114? ago

Just FYI, have you ever considered that Paris is a tranny too!

So many of the "elite" are trannies. All part of their worship of the Baphomet

17535741? ago

Paris is a hooker to the elite class. Kim K is a madam for the elites. They all frolic together. This has been out there for years. Most of fakewood is a cesspool.

17536864? ago

I dunno you guys... I’ve never seen Paris say anything bad about trump. Unless I’ve missed where she turned, she said he was a really sweet man when he was running. I won’t believe it until I see it

17534347? ago

Get over you adoration of elites. It's misplaced and they don't deserve it.

17536873? ago

Paris hasn’t said anything bad about trump. She’s not like the rest so fuck off

17549302? ago

By the sounds of all the evidence so far there are no stars in the public eye that are not comprimised in one way or another or else directly involved. They would not be where they are if they weren't.

17534235? ago

yesterdays victims are tomorrows abusers.

17532717? ago

You don’t have to be in denial. Even RC (as horrendous as she is) was a victim. Some self destruct, others perpetuate the system. She (RC) probably did it to survive. But once a person has been immersed in it for so long it becomes the norm. Think children of drunks becoming drunks, victims of abuse becoming abusers... I know most of us “normal” people are repulsed by the thought but the truth is you learn what you’re taught. And if these horrors are all you’ve ever known and been surrounded by then how could you know right from wrong?

(Ugh, I’m probably gonna get shit on here. Please know I’m not trying to say that what they’ve done is okay. I want them all to pay for what they’ve done. I also want them to pay - dearly. I just want the person I’m replying to to understand the likelihood that the perps were once victims too)

17538361? ago

Good point anon, thanks for the honest conversation!! Be happy to lend you my umbrella.

17536750? ago

You’re totally right and had the best response on here!

17534358? ago

We all have our time to make choices. RC had many opportunities to get out of that life and chose not to do it. I was raped and tortured by a pair of narcissistic freaks called parents. You won't see me out here repeating that horror on children. She and the others made their choices. They will burn in the lake.

17533156? ago

You very well may get shit on. But I appreciate and agree with your perspective.

No matter what situation I’m in, I always try to put myself in others’ shoes. While the kind of things we’re discussing here often make me feel sick, and so, so angry,.. I try to the remember that the Overton Window for morality of some of these people is just so far removed from what we would consider normal, and has been for generations of their blood, and it almost makes me feel sorry for some of them.


These people need to be made an example of.

17536278? ago

The nasty part is the loss of empathy from these people. If you eat meat and feel no empathy for the animals that have provided you your meat, you don't have any motivation to treat these animals right. Especially that we hide from the public the way these animals are bred, born, fed, groomed, treated, killed and prepared up to your plate for you to attack with your knife an fork.

For these people who have been rid of their empathy, the rest of humanity is just cattel livestock they don't have to treat any different than pigs in an industrial farm.

17533391? ago

Thank you. I don’t know what an “Overton Window” is and I’ll look it up but I suspect it’s exactly what I’ve brought up. I didn’t share my thoughts hoping for leniency for the accused, quite the opposite. I agree they need to be made examples of... how else would we stop it from continuing? I was replying to someone that didn’t want to believe one of their idols was involved so I offered up an explanation for why it continues. As horrible as it is, the normalcy of having grown up immersed in it is why it continues. We’re putting a stop to it. Now.

17532868? ago

You are SICK and a Degenerate scum

17533424? ago

Well if you’re the best I’ll get for being shit on I’ll take the beating. Try MOAR or gather some frenz

17577237? ago

haha loser

17532425? ago

Midland on Instagram


Tom Guinness, Rachel's husband, instagram


17534466? ago

They all have the same deadpan look, I guess 'in the name of fashion' but probably more likely due to abuse.

Look at all the followers they have too. Followers or lifestyle sympathisers? I wonder how many of those people are involved or involve themselves..

17532419? ago

Time to drop your idols. All will be exposed and those you you were least expecting will be shown in their true light.

17542842? ago

I've never been shallow enough to need idols.

17532396? ago

Unfortunately there will be alot of celebrities weve grown to love that will go down for this...

17535057? ago

not unfortunately, dipshit

17537293? ago

Whats with the hatred dude

17542936? ago


17532615? ago

The majority of them, most likely.

17532159? ago

Trust the porn.

17531969? ago

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17531880? ago

for the first time in almost a year since discovering Q, my jaw dropped.

17537663? ago

Then you have not read all the Q drops....

The latest is but a drop into the bucket of shit thats been accumulating since Oct 2017.

Did you miss all the Y head shit?

17531637? ago

Yes, end of priests as we know it

End of Porn Hollywood!

17535640? ago

And rabbis.

17531322? ago

Arrests or Get The Fuck Out.

17532577? ago

Work, work, work and then arrests. You not work? GTFO

17531689? ago

You first.

17535044? ago

typical faggot, frag this bitch during the revolution

17531197? ago

Britney Spears went crazy, remember? MKUltra.

17538431? ago

amanda baines, then just look at miley cyrus, thats still some active crazy.

17537639? ago

That's a really sad one. What a pretty girl Britney was and so much amazing potential. Elvis level talent and starpower completely destroyed by luciferian assholes who are totally sick in the head.

Generational Mental Disorder celebrated as "we'z evilz"

17535490? ago

Definitely! Shaved her head because she “didn’t want people touching her anymore!!!” So hideous to be used.

17535068? ago

Selma Blair and so many others have been in the news with "issues". If you don't understand the back story most people just gloss over it as erratic behavior.

17533007? ago

How about Miley Cyrus? Her one hit wonder father said he would never let her be corrupted by fame. Now she is trying to be worse than Britney. Have you ever notice every single famous child artist who starts out in disney world ends up going off the deep end?

17540235? ago

That’s because they end up having mental breakdowns from being raped as children. Any child that has to endure that is plagued with issues as adults.

17543657? ago

And the perps need to be dealt with swiftly! Sick MFers

17537849? ago

Don't forget he also got some fame back once she became popular. He let them do to Miley what they do....and he got some fame back. Thats how it works. NO ONE FAMOUS GOT THERE WITH TALENT---THEY SUCKED SOMETHING, GOT SOMETHING STUCK IN THEM----OR STUCK IN SOMEONE----NO ONE FAMOUS GOT THERE WITH TALENT

17537313? ago

Lindsey Lohan

17535074? ago

Disney, can you think of a better place to lure and/or find children to exploit? Kids with parents that would say or do ANYTHING to get a taste of wealth and celebrity.

17535717? ago

Justin Timberlake gay, dicaprio gay...all these stars gay.

17535771? ago

You don't have to convince me, only a faggot would want to be an actor and only a narcissist would want to be a celebrity.

17535568? ago

The parents sold their kids for riches. It makes you sick.

17535663? ago

I don't know which is worse, the criminal abuser or the parental abuser, its a tough call.

17534166? ago

Miley Cyrus is dead

17539507? ago


17536434? ago

What. Prove it

17537225? ago

New one is an imposter. Compare facial structure new and old. She freaked out after the abuse and they killed her. New one has surgery

17543625? ago

Or a clone!

17544295? ago


17533460? ago

Katy Perry too

17535812? ago

I used to like her until her super bowl satan show.

17535616? ago

I still think she is Jon Benet Ramsey.

17535510? ago

Oh my god the video of her last year after she shaved her head and was 180 degrees different then the girl we always saw.

17532102? ago

Yes she is a programmed multiple. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnUesRuSF_g

17533878? ago

"spasm" was the trigger word.

17532663? ago

Yeah I'm sure it had nothing to do with a hypersexualized industry preying on the young, girls in particular, to make them seem more mature to other girls and more sexually desireable to boys in order to sell albums and get radio time.

Must be a secret cabal that has abused tens of thousands over decades but with zero actual proof that would hold up in court.

17535633? ago


17533491? ago

quit your kvetching JIDF

17533617? ago

The irony of calling someone out as JIDF in a Q sub...

17533864? ago

Feeding the cucks is fun but it’s what they crave.

17530985? ago

Q-TRON 3000 ENGAGED! Boss has your back, step forward and be recognized, heal yourselves and our nation, then the world will follow.

17531709? ago

It doesn't stop, it doesn't eat, it doesn't sleep, it will not stop until you are redpilled!

17530740? ago

Please, speak your Truth. Where you go, we go.

17530632? ago

Is the FBI tip link new? Why couldn't they report this before?

17536533? ago

John Solomon and others on Hannity last night say, emphatically, that Wlm. Barr is "without a doubt" going to do what is right and go after anyone who involved in the attempted soft coup of a duly elected President. They spoke a lot about highly placed people in Ukraine that a Ukrainian court found colluded / interfered in the US election---- trying to get HRC elected. Additionally, the ambassador to Ukraine has been telling Ukrainian contacts they can ignore President Trump, because he is going to be impeached.

17538368? ago

That's nice except the USA interferes with other countries elections and leaders ALL THE TIME. We're on the brink of forcing a regime change in Venezuela right now, actually. I'm all for taking down the Clintons, make no mistake, but this particular avenue just stinks to high heaven of hypocrisy. The "Russian Collusion" shit DOES matter though re: the Clintons because that launched the entire Spygate shit / fake dossier / actual coup attempt / fake FISA warrants / Special Counsel appt., etc.

17539849? ago

We're on the brink of forcing a regime change in Venezuela right now, actually

Is that really true, though? Historically, hell yes the US has had its hands in regime management for far too long, but things have changed dramatically under POTUS Trump. Venezuela has been heading towards an implosion for some time, so what would you suggest is fair in terms of an official US response to that reality?

Publicly announcing that you no longer recognize the corrupt regime and DO support the new guy is NOT AT ALL the same thing as actively working to undermine an incumbent administration. And there is wide consensus among other established nations, so it's nothing at all like the shenanigans to date.

17548215? ago

Actively and publicly supporting the possibly less corrupt leader (the new guy is likely corrupt in some way too - they ALL are) of a foreign country is great, but if the USA were to get involved militarily to remove Maduro, I would puke. POTUS has hinted at bringing in our military re: the Venezuela sitch, and Bolton had the "send troops to Columbia" thing written on his "to do" list (for the cameras at least). So it makes me nervous.

I trust POTUS Trump and do believe his policies are far less interventionist re: foreign country interference than previous presidents. But my view is unless a country is a direct threat to our homeland's national security, leave our military OUT of it. We've already lost countless American lives over oil, pipelines, and poppy fields - framed as wars for different reasons, which turned out to have NOTHING to do with what we were led to believe it did. We know the clowns want to drag us into a war wherever they can stir one up (as we've seen over and over), so the Venezuela deal may be the clowns' ticket to getting what they want. Praying that POTUS doesn't fall into that trap.

17535209? ago

Cuz fbi wasn’t clean yet.

17533287? ago

coincidence instructions on how to report crimes was posted yesterday? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3106114

17530695? ago

The point is the timing. We need the public to see the victims. That is how it becomes palatable to their brainwashed convictions.

17535544? ago

EXACTLY!!! Many victims will be impossible to deny or say they’re looking for a pay day.

17532414? ago

... but will the FBI actually act on the information or just sit on it?

17536571? ago

The Clinton's had made the Sex Abuse hotline their own Whistleblowers Hit list and Q+ Finally Cleaned House creating a True hotline directly to the FBI so Let's get Victims their JUSTICE and INFORM them Where to call.

17534471? ago

A year ago... not a chance, probably show up to clean up loose ends.

Now? Hell... sure...? 45% chance?

17538307? ago

Well, that lady detective known as "Task Force" that worked with George Webb (the lady who had MAJOR goods on Bill Clinton) went to the FBI in DC to hand over the evidence and didn't make it out alive. They reported she "died from a seizure" at her hotel before she even had her meeting with the FBI. And that was LAST YEAR - after "Trust Wray" took over as FBI Director. So I'd say the FBI Tip line is about the equivalent lethal factor as people leaving "Secure Drop" tips that launched the hit squads. Nobody survives. =-O

17541765? ago

I still wonder about Webb after that one. Whole thing was sketchy AF. His brother Acton that George covers for who seems a genuine piece of shit. I enjoy George's take on things, but I trust him as far as his lanky CIA/Mossad ass could be thrown.

17548304? ago

Yeah, we may never find out what really happened there. Webb may or may not be legit, but I think Task Force was 187ed, and "Trust Wray" was head of the FBI when she was attempting to provide the FBI with all her evidence on Bill Clinton. So my takeaway is "Trust Wray" MY ASS!

17548806? ago

100% [187]

So frustrating.

17549059? ago

Exactly. "Task Force" just so happened to have a fatal "seizure" mere minutes prior to her meeting with the FBI to turn over piles of evidence against Bill Clinton. Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

17535065? ago

That's part of the problem - 45%, should be around 80% easily.

17530541? ago

Answer to a lifelong prayer. Now the world will finally listen.

17530340? ago

Someone please ask Q when the fuck we will see Hillary Clinton arrested.

17532395? ago

Read post 3130. Some people will choose not to be arrested. Make a list. Darkness to Light & a lot those who will be exposed will choose another route out of this world.

17538492? ago

FUCK THAT! When I get caught with drugs how come I can't choose "not to get arrested"?

We have a 2-tiered justice system: one for the rich and powerful, and one for the rest of us.

17539312? ago

It is being fixed. Calm down.

17530699? ago

Someone please ask Soros when he will stop wasting his money on third rate shills.

17530982? ago


17531449? ago


17540226? ago

+1 for ghost reference

17530523? ago

Maybe when they can’t activate agents and try to burn 50+ children alive

17531293? ago

Bullshit. More excuses and lies.