17532571? ago

Today, Australia. Tomorrow, the world. I think that just may be the DS plan.

Lock and load. Time to go f*ck hunting.

17519492? ago


17519462? ago

This should be PINNED! WWG1WGA!

17516015? ago

I think VPN's will override all of that. THere needs to be a widespread proliferation of VPN's Down Under until you can get people there to stop voting for leftists.

17515613? ago

Having spend time in Australia, the people that I have known from there have been profoundly friendly and down to earth. I met a middle aged gentleman there who pointed out some differences in our language. He said, "You know, it's tally ho and away we go, not let's go get the mothers." Australia is not blind and you still have a voice about what is occurring in your country. Sounds like Australians need to purchase large quantities of yellow vests. Tally Ho!

17515138? ago

Tried to tell you people the Illuminati is large and in charge.

Q and the POTUS are not going to help you. They are in on it.

Censorship of the WWW has been the plan all along. The Elite rulers have been working on this for 10 years.

Thanks to people screaming FAKE NEWS including our POTUS this is the result.

You people did it to yourselves and all of us who have been working to take down the NWO for 30 years.

But noooooo you wouldn't listen when we were saying stop with the FAKE NEWS bullshit.

Since too many answers here dodge the truth, are not acquainted with the truth or are purposeful misdirection, let me just say, plainly.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.

The puppet masters create "dis order" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. ORDO AB CHAO.

I and others were telling you people they were coming after the WWW and communication of information in 2013.

17513362? ago

"Those who will not fight for liberty nor freedom deserve neither."

Get off your ass and get going.

17513131? ago

Watch x22report on YouTube today- Australia may have actually just helped fix the global problem

17512839? ago

Your fucked mate!

17512766? ago

Haven't you got Kim Dotcom over there? I bet he has a workable solution.

17511968? ago

Anyone can use WebHTTrack to copy websites or webpages and post them somewhere else. Relatively very simple

17511319? ago

AUS was started as a Prison Colony, you know, folks stealing potatoes and such. The Masters still believe they run a prison colony. Time to REBEL! Guerilla style.

17510637? ago

Any populists or awakened figure in yr politics?

17510588? ago

Wow, could you all imagine a true Aussie-Us-Brazil-Japan-Korean-Canadian joint navel force? There are Patriots in all of these beautiful Sovereign states. The United SOVEREIGN states of Terra....

17510169? ago

YESTERDAY ? Have you been living with your head up your ass ? We have had DNS blocks for Piratebay and a bunch of other torrent sites for a few years now

17510003? ago

IIRC Trump has a visit scheduled for us after our election. Hopefully he reads whatever piece of shit gets elected the riot act.

17509986? ago

Canada is in a position where it can happen overnight just like Australia. Maybe DS is planning in many countries FF so it can attack Q and patriots... WWG1WGA

17509937? ago

Not your personal army

(I feel for you, but you're going to have to fix your own problems.)

17509877? ago

A simple VPN gets the job done. Confirmed the telcos have blocked everything but easy with the VPN Get a paid one like Nord or Tunnel Bear. Free ones tend to be too slow.

17509429? ago

It's too bad ya'll gave up your God given right to self defense. Best of luck to you Patriot.

17509418? ago

To have that much censorship makes me wonder what they don't want you to see. The NZ planned event, Imo, is a distraction and an excuse to censor.

Well guess what? Declas is coming. It was reported, that, when POTUS said he was declassifying Fisa, Australia and the UK (both FVEY) asked him not to. Or at least certain parts. Don't know how exactly Australia and UK involved other than what's been reported past 2+ years.

It must be pretty serious. Maybe some shockers coming and they're attempting to minimize coverage as much as possible.

It truly is appalling and frightening at the same time. That in today's world that this extreme censorship is going on in a country. The word is going to get out. And curiosity may have killed the cat. But its curiosity that'll cure our world. This is going to backfire on them. WWG1WGA!

17509357? ago

Its all the one and the same cabal we are fighting. The fight has to be methodic and calculated. The rabbit hole runs deep. You have to take out all their pillars of strength while at the same time try and reduce the deep state carnage.When Trump and the patriots strike he is hurting all of them. Including those that reside around the world and Australia. Take heart. They are in a state of panic. They are using up all their ammo and while doing so incriminating themselves. Getting caught in the act just as @jack from twitter did the other day . Busted in the act of manipulating twitter. They now are being sued for 250 million . Just the begining. Much more happening. I think once the fISA & Inspector Generals report comes out its going to have an adverse effect on the Australian faction of the swamp. Traitors and the media aswell. Trust the plan.

17509264? ago

First they took your guns. Sorry mate there’s nothing we can do for ya. Don’t move here because here is becoming there.

17508897? ago

Opera browser works (switch on VPN, set it to US) Anonymize.com appears to be trustworthy if you want a VPN as it's also blocked by Telstra. You can get to it from your Opera browser

17508623? ago

Amen Aussie patriot and 100% back up what you say. There is no opposition in these lands. For all our eureka stockade bluster we are nothing but cucks. That’s the sad truth. We are getting exactly what we settled for and what our apathy deserves. I agree that POTUS needs to save us and is our only earthly hope. To be fair though, we should stand up for ourselves but we won’t. I put my trust in Jesus to deliver this world. For as much as I support the Q movement as it appears and portrays itself, the bible description of how this plays out does not appear to describe a successful grassroots earthly movement delivering us from evil. As Q would say “be careful who you follow”. Having said that seeing Q drop the hammer would still be epic!

17507989? ago

Hey mate, while we need to take action & fight for this country, we also need to support the US. I believe that when Trump succeeds in taking down the DS then it will shine a light on the corruption that is going on here & in NZ. Even the Govt & MSM here in Aus wont be able to hide.

17507801? ago

Australia is a textbook cabal haven, this is how the program works:

  1. The education system is a factory of sheep: poor content, little knowledge... plenty of political and cognitive indoctrination.
  2. MSM delivers sports, political indoctrination, gossip, reality TV and nationalistic propaganda, mainly in a frivolous tone.
  3. Two parties alternately occupying office, belligerently divisive (all show, of course), continuously growing government size and privilege, taxes, fines and red tape amongst the highest in the world. Individual liberty in sustained decrease.
  4. Australians are extremely compliant, they never demonstrate or rebel.
  5. The government is doping the economy through artificial population growth by letting in migrants from third-world countries... division, taxpayer funds all, jobs are scarce, cost of living through the roof... but Australians conform...
  6. Australia’s mining resources are being extracted to profit the elites and offshore accounts. Heist of the century.

17507335? ago

Use VPN and / or TOR browser!!!!

17507313? ago

Fukk the ISP's and use a VPN to bypass. Spread the word.

I'm American and I was able to connect to a VPN server (currently using expressvpn) in Australis and access 8chan and any site I wish!

17507275? ago

WRWY!! WWG1WGA!! MAGA!! (Works for you too mate!)

17507248? ago

Dont beg others for help. This is our problem. We need to fix it. Aussies sort their own problems out.

17507225? ago


I am so sorry about what is happening in your country. I'm glad you have the ability to bypass censorship. IMO, you may have to get creative to reach AussiePatriots. Go old school: fliers, stickers, chalk messages, word of mouth, etc. #WRWY

17506951? ago

This shooting happen a week before the NSW state election and now everyone is so divisive. Even conservatives are arguing about whether Anning's comments were right or wrong. i dunno how this will affect the election, it seems like a full on attack on conservatives.

17506560? ago

Sorry for what has happened to your country mate. But we can't rely upon others to save us. We have to improvise adpat overcome. Like the meme.

17506524? ago

Grab your balls, then your guns. You know where those companies and their operators are located, just as you can hunt down your politicians. Don't let them get away with it.

17506490? ago

At least you don't have a huge nigger problem.... yet..

17506482? ago


17506393? ago

Angry kiwi here, our government has done the same thing here, like you I had to find a work around to get through the blocks. There is no doubt our governments are aligned with the DS there cards have been shown. I too would love QTrump to give our govt the smack down, stay upright brother and God bless.

17506146? ago

Another Aussie patriot here, I haven’t been able to access this sub or the GreatAwakening sub all day. The pages weren’t loading and then they’d say it couldn’t connect to server. I’m not sure how I have access now but I am connected through my internet provider Internode instead of my phone internet Optus. Ive said this before I’m a lurker and have been following this movement for over a year (I am a voat noob so when the Reddit got deleted I migrated), on one hand I can’t believe that our access is restricted on the other hand how am I fucking surprised. Our country is completely controlled by corrupt mother fuckers and unfortunately most aussies are too naive to consider another perspective.

Please help us !

17506321? ago

What is so sad it's everybody. France, London, Iran, Canada, Venezuela, etc are all asking for help and we ourselves are on very thin ice right now. It's a nightmare here too. Everyday I live in fear of something bad happening. Please hold on and don't give up. And Pray! I will Pray for you tonight. I'm so sorry you're going thru this!

17506082? ago

Canadastan says Hi Australia and guess what? We are cucked by the Queen too, let's be pals.

17505633? ago

Do something yourself or move

17505466? ago

Fuck the Australian goverment. They've been DS slimeballs for a long time too.

MAGA!!!! (Make Australia Great Again!!!!)

Aussie people are usually cool as hell, but I think they're usually TOO chilled out and easy going. Don't get cucked by the cucks in charge. Like many other places including America, it's time to take it back.

17505456? ago

We're the same people. I'm US, but I'd bet my savings that if you took 50 of us at random, from all western nations: Europe, Aus, the SA homies (who I would do anything to have refugee'd here in the states), Etc. . We'd all be able to have a barbecue together and jam on some instruments.

It's fucked up that we can't advocate for our people in today's society. We're with you though.

17507143? ago

Truth is we (Australia) have been culturally American since WW2. We have some uniqueness as people from different regions always do but we really are the almost the same.

We need a single globe spanning Anglo-American empire with impenetrable walls/defences to keep out the barbarians.

Brother countries unite, we will be ascendant!

17505411? ago

America has enough problems Trump needs to be working on making America Great Again. We can't be police for the rest of the world. If a country truly needs our help we should help and get 50% of the gross income for 10 years afterwards to offset the cost.

17505408? ago

Q warned us many times this was all coming. I pray everyday that we can finally make the world a better place after the storm. The storm is here.

17505352? ago

Praying for you Aussie Patriot, and for President Trump, Q and the good guys.

17505248? ago

I hear you bro! Great post. I think you and America and Canada (me) should have a strong friendship pact that does NOT involve FVES. Hey we aren't far behind - I expect to also be banned any day. It's a DS war going on.

17505162? ago

It's on you, man. I don't think I'm just speaking for myself when I say were sick of spending our blood on treasure on the rest of the world. Take your own country back.

17506264? ago

Lol fuck off. We are all in this together. Q pointed that out. Many of us help your country when we have never set foot there. Don't try and divide you dirty Jewshill.

17506439? ago

not a jew. drstrangegov. are you guys holding out for q still? I'm not teasing or anything, but ive completely lost faith. ive seen nothing materialize and I wouldn't be surprised if q turned out to be inqtel. and i'm tired of our people being killed and we are trillions in debt. the world police days have to be over. we just cant afford it. and we haven't even gotten control of our country back yet.

17509312? ago

Typical divisionfag. You realise we don't care and can see you coming a mile away?

17512025? ago

Okey dokey

17505065? ago

Hey Aussie Patriot - well said! We've become a one party country...along with so many others. I am looking forward to the day Downer has to pay the piper. Slease is slease no matter which country you come from. I am also looking forward to the day when my friends come to me to ask for explanations for what's going on instead of mocking me. But in the vein of WWG1WGA - we need to figure out for ourselves how to stop Morrison/Shorten from censoring the internet down here...I think President Trump and the Q-Team might be just a little busy at the moment!

17505059? ago

Streissand effect inbound

17505047? ago

Aussie Patriot, love, peace and prayers for you all! WWG1WGA

17504956? ago

this is exactly where Canada is headed :(

17504814? ago

Just use a VPN dude or change DNS. Plenty of guides. POTUS hasn't forgotten about us. Neither has Q team. They are watching and when the time is right we will all strike together.

You're right things are getting REALLY bad here. I can feel it in the air, the people, everything. The time is near fellow Aussies.

These cunts are going DOWN. They really think they can avoid the wrath of the people forever? Lets see their faces when we get the ropes out. Bring back the gallows.

17504683? ago

Everything the OP has said is true. But Australia is a very unique country. Of all the things that would standout to a foreigner visiting Australia is how laid back it is. Which is great for lifestyle but really goes against something being 'urgent' enough for the populace to stand up and take notice. I fear the worst is yet to come for Australia, as it too like America, has an entire political establishment sold out to globalism. Its not a case of Labor/Greens versus the Liberal/Nationals as they are two sides of the same globalist coin. (for an American to understand is Labor = Left / Liberals = Republicans) and the people are being shafted year after year voting in the same globalists representatives. There is no one to represent the people. Small parties try, but are easily destroyed by media propaganda which sadly rules in Australia. Just about every advertisement on television is inundated with 'diversity' showing a white woman, black man and brown children. The shocking thing is no one asks why, how is this happening, its just accepted. No, its advertising for what they have planned. That's the whole point. Australia isn't for Australians anymore, its open to the world, and with a population of only 25 million people, white Australians days are numbered. That's the thing I would like make clear to our American brothers, its happening everywhere in the west. Australia is an island continent in the middle of nowhere. A small population of 25 million people and not much of a player on the world stage, yet here we are another American partner who has stood by the United States in two world wars, Vietnam and Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan all the way side by side. Today we are infiltrated by globalists who have taken over our government, our media and our schools. Same pattern used throughout the western world against all of Americas traditional allies. Something need to be done in Australia before we become Americas enemy.

17506459? ago

Hey, they are doing the same thing over here with the commercials. I'm just going to assume that nonsense is happening everywhere. Americans maybe a little more high strung, but I wouldn't want to mess with an Australian. Aren't the men super strong there? Don't lose faith in your fellow Patriots because they are easy going. Remember, EVERYBODY has a breaking point! We are with you! Somebody always posts the Q drops on here, so hopefully you will be able to see them. And remember if you ever see on the TV all hell is breaking out in the U.S. that it may be one step closer to peace for you.

17508286? ago

They should be able to go to qmap.pub if so if share the hell out of daily posts by txt,email, blog, whatever it takes. We AU & US have always been connected, some by blood. many that are kit & kin. Ancestors that were separated sent to a Penal Colony, others drawn to America because of a famine. Two Countries were built on the backs of their need.& the blood they spilled. Watching the NZ vids of the the kids singing at vidual I felt a kindred warmth as well. We'll have to exterminate a lot of snakes... but in spirit, solidarity, truth & desire, nothing is impossible. WWG1WWA!

17504657? ago

i dont think he posts here.

17504500? ago

Nahum 3:5 "Behold, I am against you," declares the LORD of hosts; "And I will lift up your skirts over your face, And show to the nations your nakedness And to the kingdoms your disgrace. Claim it. Australia - You have prayed for us, now we will pray for you.

17514488? ago

"And no weapon formed against you shall prosper..."

17504366? ago

Lol. Fuck Australia. Half of you cunts hate Trump.

17504311? ago

Your plight really underscores the seriousness of the battle and evil's desire to destroy. My heart goes out to you; I am praying for you and Australia. With God's help and direction, good will conquer evil. God shall reign forever; evil will be defeated.

17504243? ago

Out off curiosity, when they came for your guns, on which side did you stand?

All governments which come for their citizenry's weapons have designs to knee to neck or mass murder them. Afaik, there are no exceptions.

17506485? ago

If they could find a way to train kangaroos they wouldn't need guns. Those things are scary.

17504167? ago

Dammit... something needs to crack and soon.

We are with you brother.

WWG1WGA!!! No matter how far away.

Stay safe, try to stay informed, we'll see you on the light side Patriot!

17504058? ago

First things first. We love you guys. Next. We MUST fix our own shit before we go save anyone else. It sounds like we are way out ahead of everyone and everything is well but ITS NOT. We are on a razors edge right now. We must fix our shit or we will be GONE and will instead be an opposing force to ya. That would suck right? B52's ripping your cities to pieces with mkultra robot pilots in them? You want that?

Use your brain. Yall are likely fucked for the time being. This means you need to accept that reality and instead start to think about how to live in this reality. So how do you do that? You live in a major city ? You got little or no money? Surrounded by niggers? Think about how to have a safe place to go if things get bad. Your nation is HUGE and EMPTY. I grew up in the PNW here in the US and let me tell ya. Tons of people get lost and die every year in this place. Your country is FAR more empty and lonley than even the most lonley areas of the US. So learn some lonely areas of your country that are livable and start to set yourself up to go there and be able to live permanently if need be. DO Not do this alone. You will likely die.

NEXT. I was sawing wood with my chainsaw today and realized there is a simple solution to OZ and NZ's problems. You fuckers need to simply make a website that mirrors the important parts of Voat/8ch. These sites are TEXT for the most part. This means it would be easy as fuck. Sadly I am stupid and old and don't know or I would be writing code to do it right now but some smart fucker can do this...Write a script that will pull all the text that is active on Voat QRV and Great Awakening. then post int all in text format somewhere. We can push that shit all over the web from here so that you guys can access it.

Last... Get a MEGA account and just run the backup or the Q breads from 8ch. Look at the latest bread and you will see mega links from a guy called Germanarchiveanon. This fucker backs up everything on qresearch and the downloads are easily downloaded via MEGA or other tools. This is very important and will keep you guys in the loop. No you cannot respond BUT YOU WILL NOT BE BLIND. Remember Q told you to back up everything off line? You have been doing that correct? you better be.

You are our brothers. You will survive this mess and come out the other end with a new nation and likely a completely bulletproof freedom of speech and a second amendment that will let you own tanks and battle ships if you play your cards right but not today. No one can save you so save yourselves.

17523231? ago


You fuckers need to simply make a website that mirrors the important parts of Voat/8ch.

Great idea!

Unfortunately it limits the functionality only to reading. You can't share your opinion or a point of view that way.

Anyway, you could rent a VPS in US/EU (1vcpu + 1gb ram) and run nginx or apache to proxy the request. For your ISP it will look like you are trying to visit some random site, but in fact you will be visiting something else.

They don't give a fuck about the freedom of speech then I don't give a fuck about their lame techniques to suppress it! :P

I will just leave it here...

<VirtualHost *:443>
  SSLProxyEngine On
  SSLProxyCheckPeerCN on
  SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire on
  SSLCertificateFile PATH_TO_YOUR_CERT
  SSLCertificateKeyFile PATH_TO_YOUR_KEY

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule /(.*) https://duckduckgo.com/$1 [P,L]
  ProxyPassReverse / https://duckduckgo.com/

  <Location />
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from YOUR_IP_ADDRESS

17530375? ago

True. One could only read but that would retain 90% of functionality for most people. My guess is there are 100 people not even logged in reading this stuff for each one shitposting like a maniac like me. As for the code... I have no idea what that is but hopefully someone can do something worthwhile with it.

17514364? ago

You = hero (17504058) for putting this out there on the chans. Someone will bite and it will be another shot heard round the world.

17514453? ago

I wish I could do it myself. Sadly I lost my youth to stupid useless work (((education))) for worthless money and never learned good useful skills like I described above. I have tried to learn it but just spin my wheels./ I know it is EASY to do though for the right person. It could probably be set up in a few hours TBH.

17514590? ago

Agreed. Still you had a great/fantastic idea....someone will bite. And the rest is history.

Good job, anon. (applause)

17505048? ago

Posted it in the bread. Lets see if I get any responses.

All good idea! Good luck!

17504053? ago

That is just criminal - I heard some guy was going to jail for 14 years in NZ for watching shooting video. Whole world has seen it.

Explains why all the filth of the world (globalists, Hollyweirdos and other scum) were all setting up base in NZ.

17504049? ago

We stand with you, Aussie Patriot!!! Stay strong and be prepared for the battle ahead. We will win!!!

17503819? ago

"No" says Trump.

You australians better RISE UP.

17503810? ago

OP don't worry this is just the thrashing of the dragon's tail as it is being slayed.

17514504? ago

Ooooh, good metaphor....

17503777? ago

No fears, as Q said, they are saving humanity. WWG1WGA.

17503729? ago

The great I AM IS. Who amongst the cosmos is like YOU?

Please deliver us from evil. I pray in the name of your son, CHRIST JESUS.

Our FATHER who art in heaven, hallowed be THY name. THY kingdom come, THY will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For THINE is the kingdom, the power, and glory forever.

In JESUS name I pray. Amen.

17503667? ago

We will never abandon you fellow Patriot. Hold fast.

Your country was always one that focused on limiting the dialogue in the public square. It's not too much of a surprise that they would stoop to these tactics. Though it might seem like Big Tech is winning, they are further aggravating all of the people who actually support them every day. One rule from the Art of War is that you never interfere with an enemy that is already destroying themselves. Australia will eventually have to have some awkward conversations about the freedom of speech and the Internet Bill of Rights. But we will get there eventually, because there are still some righteous and influential leaders in the government. All is not lost.

Just remain active in your community. Keep your eyes and ears to the news, and decide for yourself the truth. The more chattering voices of dissent and opposition, the more your government will eventually be forced to examine the freedom of the population. We will eventually take you towards true freedom, much like ours. The wheels of Justice just turn slowly, but they can't be stopped when in motion.

In the meantime, try shifting some more of your activities towards Gab and Dissenter. You can disseminate more information that way and it's still possible to get in touch with many of the people who run in the same circles here. The world is one giant connected network, they can't get away with censorship forever. Censorship is just a human obstacle for other people to overcome. And there's way more people against censorship than for it. Many of them are smart enough to know where it will lead.

17503624? ago

Go yellow vest on your corrupted government. It's what we are going to have to do here, as well. Our rights are being whittled away by the fricking hour, regardless of Trump being in office. We have to push back against the enemy ourselves. No one is coming to save us.

17503547? ago

We are here with you in solidarity. We will speak up with you. We will fight to have our voices heard and when we bring the evil elite to justice, we will not forget you. Stay strong, ask the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give you and your fellow countrymen strength to stand strong against tyranny. He will make himself known to you and give you wisdom beyond measure. Put on the full armor of God and be prepared to go to War against the evil spirits that rule our world.

17503334? ago

Teach your friends how to bypass the systems so they can, in turn, pass it on to others. I have many Aussie friends and they have shared their knowledge and are digging together. Don't give up the fight and please remember... The flack gets heavier when you are over the target...and most important...WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!

17503233? ago

Does 5eyes and FISA have you're leaders shitting themselves?

17504584? ago

Evidently not.

17504651? ago

Then why do they need to censor free speech?

17506232? ago

Because they don't want the Aussie's rising up. But as usual, by them doing this, more have awoken.

17510590? ago

Let's not forget the Aussies they lost their guns on a mass shooting event.

17503124? ago

Cordicon is I fake ass bitch

17503084? ago

I upvote in your name! God bless us all. Remain strong, for in our persuits we bond together. Please Mr. President hear all!

17503069? ago

Just saw this JIM JEFFERIES douchebag BRIT on Comedy Central pushing the whole “ban free speech/though on the internet”

Trying to want people of the YouTube “rabbit hole” which leads to the “German great awakening which is never good” and how when you see “red pill” you know it’s getting “matrixy and weird”

What an uptight douche. I hate the UK tiny little shit island.

17503003? ago

It would be nice if you had Aussies had guns, unfortunately you meekly let them take them away from you. You deserve what you get.

17502969? ago

I'm in Oz and can still use VOAT without TOR or VPN.

Anyone know why? (with Telstra)

17504279? ago

I can't. Telstra doesn't work for VOAT and 8ch in country NSW where I am. Where are you?

17507193? ago

I tried earlier today and could not get VOAT or 8ch, but now Surprise! it's working for me again. Using Telstra in south eastern NSW. I was so incensed this morning, I wanted to go out and get a Q tattoo...

17506903? ago

Dude get a vpn and use it at all times. I use nordvpn, as far as I know it's pretty decent and also reasonably cheap. The data collection and stasi like tracking in our country is among the worst in the world. I'm actually amazed to learn how many people aren't using any cyber defence... WHY?

17514536? ago

Because many of us are computer tards...sigh...

17505148? ago


17505070? ago

Vividwireless via Huawei is still working fine for me - Victoria

17505108? ago

Didn't know Huawei existed here. Will check it out.

17505172? ago

Vividwireless is the provider and the modem has the Huawei logo. (www.vividwireless.com.au)

17504894? ago

Can't you access via VPN?

17502952? ago

The Kiwi sent you a message, fight or die. Balls in your court.

17502909? ago

Oz has been lost a long time ago. From the air your political buildings form illuminati symbolism. Very blatant.

You may be awake but you're surrounded by a sea of sheep

17502674? ago

Choppy seas, but hang in there! Easy to say over here, but our hearts are with you, and our prayers. God will Trump any enemy. Here or hereafter. We will keep standing, in any case. Godspeed, Patriot!

17502657? ago

Trust the plan patriot. This is a worldwide battle.

17502591? ago

You will have to unite the local citizens. Talk about truth in the barbershop, and everywhere. Vote out of office Deep State traitors. Trump will support a citizen movement, but we as Americans don't believe in intervention except for vital national security reasons. Trump is supporting the Iranian uprising, and the people's choice in Venezuela to reject socialism, and confirm Guaido. A Liberty movement needs to be grassroots. meet in town halls. Gather to discuss the issues. As far as the Q posts - someone should take the Qanon.pub postings and repost to a secure privately owned server. Tell your friends and colleagues to visit YouTube and watch X22 report and Praying Medic, since those videos are a line by line exposition for Q posts.

17502084? ago

VPN, it's REAL easy. If you're not coming on here with a VPN you are a mega retard.

17502050? ago

Patriots All United. We will prevail.

17501954? ago

A harrowing plea for help.

Mr President please do something.

17501900? ago

We do need to extradite Downer and Turnbull. They colluded with the Deep State to prevent Trump from becoming President and then joining in a coup to unseat a lawfully elected president. By taking down the WW Coup leaders we can help emancipated other countries like Australia. People want freedom.

17501771? ago

This is a spiritual battle, and prayer will wake people up. I hope POTUS and Q have a plan for our Aussie allies. This is a world wide battle, and as the DS continues to be drained, it will leave your leaders with little support. We are praying!

17510305? ago

Don't pray for someone else to save you, pray for the strength and courage to do what's right and what's necessary to save yourselves and your countries.

God's entire message is that you cannot be harmed in this world. Your soul cannot be harmed. The circumcision of the heart is the disconnection of your attachment to this physical form.

17506276? ago

How much did prayer help the Muzzies and Christians that are continuously been mown down by Automatic Weapons. Prayer might work if your in the Spirit World but last time I checked we live in 3D and the only thing these sick fucks understand is Kinetics......

17514445? ago

Prayer does work...even if you can't see it. Kinda like how Q works, things happen more often behind the scenes.

17501704? ago

Be strong my Friend, I firmly believe that the POTUS and Q are working to clean the Earth of the filth. Best wishes Roy Belfast N I

17501496? ago

For me, I am a complete coward, but your words brought to mind a verse from God's Word. “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matt 10:28

Praying for you and America!

17501437? ago


17501287? ago

God is with you.

17501269? ago

You may have to have a revolution!

17501252? ago

HE IS NOT YOUR PRESIDENT Do like america did that day when there were real men and go kick a kings ass. Then float away to another dirt and set up another "King" system just like america did. 200yrs later you might can find a Trump of your own,you do have to put in the work though.

17501237? ago

Thank you patriot, for letting the world know the truth of your situation. US patriots stand with you.

17501208? ago

Time to get CREATIVE. Time to get INNOVATIVE. Time to use alternative channels to spread the word.

17504539? ago

Low tech stuff like flyers or pamphlets. You know the Truth, spread it for your fellow countrymen. God bless.

17510197? ago

Write on your money

17587846? ago

It works for the Falun Gong in China.

17501008? ago

If I may make a suggestion...go after the Christ Church false flag, and don't let go of it.

There is the "smoking gun" right in front of you. Murder, mayhem, violence against innocents, staged to blame the opposition, covered up and abetted by the media.

Get into it, dig into the details, and tell everybody.

What the hell was John Podesta doing over there ?And last year, Obama and Hillary ?

We have the same enemies. You have to go after the criminals in your neighborhood.

17518248? ago

You retards really believe that it was a false flag?

17510627? ago

wasn't there something with NZ being the only place in 5eyes world, that had protection for Phone tapping for the ds?

17506464? ago

The Aussies wont do shit but roll over, why do you think they are begging for help. Every aussie I've ever met has been nothing but nice, time to grow some balls and fight your government like yall fight wildlife.

Trump cant save you just like he cant save us Americans, it's up to us.

17521955? ago

Unfortunately, Australia is a very apathetic society. I tried telling people here and all I get is 'you're full of shit!' etc. If they still have running water and their cash then people won't do anything.

17522251? ago

Welcome to America as well!

17507190? ago

We are definitely nice I think the issue lays with Australians naivety, it’s extremely conspiratorial to dislike our mainstream media or even suggest an alternative narrative to what’s being proposed

Australians almost don’t give a fuck about what happens in their country, we have it so good here that people feel so distances from all of the bad shit.

Australians also spend a huge fucking chunk of time watching shit Australian reality shows, literally it’s all people talk about. For the most part we are just unawakened fkn sheeps

17515761? ago

Sounds just like most American's, lol

17508841? ago

Before I was banned on HC, the general attitude was complacent, "it can't happen here", "why should we in Oz give a shit about American politics", etc etc.

There was concern over leftist policies but it was not widespread or urgent.

My point to fellow posters was that it WAS a concern to Aussies because they were being led down the same path, and that the issues Trump was taking on were present in Australia, but were well-hidden.

This was before a lot of the facts about Five Eyes and the role of Aussie intel were well known.I got banned just before a lot of the stuff became public, even though the conversaations were in the political section and were about developments in the US. The bias and editing and suppression on Hot Copper was pretty obvious but held in check because people over there were not as tuned into what was going on in the US.

Most people obviously had their opinion of Trump formed by the MSM.

17507167? ago

Kick em while they're down right goldberg. That's how you little hat faggots do it right.? The only other time you'll confront a male face to face is when you're suckin bloidy babydick. Right goldberg? You sneaky fuck

17515799? ago

Not sure why you're calling me a Jew for telling the Aussies to sack up and stand up.

Bring your faggot ass up to Seattle and I'll tell you to go eat a bag of dick's right before I break your jaw and your fingers so you won't be able to run your fucking mouth any more.

You just talk shit to the wrong white man on the wrong morning, I'll fucking end you.

17516875? ago

Ohhhh Seattle.... Now im scared. You going to antifa stomp me. Please no!!!! My fear is overwhelming you antifa faggots are sooooo hard core. Pink with rage.

17517600? ago

News flash, nigger: Seattle ins't only democrats, you fucking ingrate.

Pretty funny calling your bluff tho, let me know if you actually want to get your ass beat like a real man. I'd love to watch you swallow your teeth, if you even have any.

We can even set up a match at a local MMA gym so that way your sensitive ass can wear some head gear so you don't become more retarded and you have the safety of someone calling the match before I put you in ICU.

17517979? ago

Grrrrrr. Your so bad ass but you should prolly put down the crayons youre trying to scrawl out your message with before you poke your eye out. Flailing those arms around in a fit makes you look real tough to the other 5th graders but i call your bluff lil guy. You need a nap you get sooo cranky when mommy lets you stay up the night before.

17518018? ago

cool story bro, hmu when you come to Seattle.

17518063? ago

Pass on your little invite to shitattle i dont have any black clothes to hide behind. That and i enjoy not stepping over your homeless bretheren. Keep up the good fight though. Makin mommy proud

17518243? ago

cool story bro, hmu when you come to Seattle..

17518380? ago

Already said im not interested in how much cock you can fit in your mouth. Quit tryna fag me up. I aint your bro. Cock mouth

17518579? ago

cool story bro, hmu when you come to Seattle.....

17519155? ago

Youll find me... Just listen for mommies sex noises... She will be the one with talkin With her mouth full

17519272? ago

cool story bro, hmu when you come to Seattle........

17522191? ago

I am. In your mom. In seattle. Lets rumble fairy.

17518708? ago

Im here.

17509163? ago

Calm down, lady.

17516923? ago


17505507? ago

Good luck in Australia. Check out their Bourke Street hoax from a couple years ago. Pretty thoroughly debunked, but the main Youtuber debunking it was (briefly) jailed for doing so.

17504308? ago

Who is podesta’s psychiatrist anyways?

17505224? ago

I saw a post that the psychiatrist for the Parkland survivors was in New Zealand in 2016.

17505620? ago

Not parkland ,sandy hook.

17506505? ago

Thanks for the correction

17500735? ago

I posted a lot on Hot Copper but they banned me.

17500711? ago

Love you Aussies, hope more of you wake up.

We all have our hands full.

You get suppressed pretty fast if you speak out about Rothschilds down there. WWG1WGA

17500705? ago

you and your country are NOT alone!

17500469? ago

I feel your pain Aussie brother.

Our politicians are among the most cucked in the world.

I too pray for the fallout from the US swamp draining to have some effect here. Big tech and mass media being my primary wish to see brought to account.

With an unbiased press and social media platforms, we the people may have our voices heard.

You are not alone

17507309? ago

We should not deceive our Aussie friends. Q is a fraud. Other than that, Trump is great.. and REAL.

17508218? ago

Go fuck your self asshole

17510187? ago

It’s too bad reality upsets you. Either learn to deal with it or continue existing in your cult fantasy.

17506840? ago

Your ISPs are most probably using DNS to "redirect" the traffic, so DON'T use the ISP's DNS servers. You will not only avoid DNS spoofing but also they will not be able to track your movement based on your DNS requests. I strongly advice using DNSSEC.

Best way is to find some university network which have an open DNS and us it. Try something outside of your country.

Don't use google's DNS servers ( and because you are sending all the domain name resolution requests directly to the DS (GOOG).

Use VPN services such as:

  • AirVPN
  • NordVPN

AirVPN allows bitcoin payments. You can also use Revoult to create a one-time credit card number and remove it later (please note that e-payments are trackable, you can only make it harder to track).

You can also setup your own box somewhere in the EU and install OpenVPN server (it may be hard for non-tech Patriots).

If you have some technical skills research:

  • openvpn
  • dnscrypt-proxy.
  • iproute2
  • iptables

If you are not a techfag check following Firefox plugins to increase level of security and control over the web browsing:

  • uBlock (allows to disable elements on the page like ads, but also allows to disable WebRTC which reveals you internal IP to the server you are visiting)
  • Cookie Auto Delete (allows to control which site can store cookies in you browser, so sites can't track you)
  • NoScript (allows to control JavaScript and build a white list of sites which are allowed to run JS in your browser - painful but extremely useful)
  • HTTPS Everywhere (must have! it redirects HTTP - non-encrypted traffic to HTTPS version of the service or let you decide if encrypted connection is not allowed)
  • Canvas Fingerprint Defender (sends random info about your browser in order to make it hard to profiling of your system/browser)

If you want to know how much information your system is leaking try https://ipleak.net (even if you are using VPN you most probably are leaking through DNS).

Just one more thing... don't use Windows it's a fucking trojan horse. Take a Debian, Ubuntu or Centos Linux distribution and learn how to use it. They provide even better user experience than the broken Windows. Ubuntu - best choice to start with. Personally I don't trust Apple and any other company in that matter. If you provide so much meta data to the company and they are able to read it, they will and they will use it to make a profit and to spy on you.

We should have a tech thread here to support Patriots with tech issues.

You are not alone!

Good night and good luck.

17514161? ago

Thank you so much for the info...although I did not understand a single word (except that I prolly have no protection). Imma computer tard.

Somebody, PLEASE, since this is related to Q in every way possible, do a tech thread.

17510797? ago

Seriously though, can you recommend any more security websites/videos/subs/verses/etc.?

I checked out the linux verse here and nobody knew what they were talking about, were totally unhelpful and toxic.

I'm trying to get into netsec as a reintroduction into programming/networking after taking some programming/netsec classes a looong time ago and I'm starting with a Coursera Google Help Desk/I.T. type thing, HacktheBox.eu challenges and some CCNA/Kali courses on Udemy.

I'm probably going to be overwhelmed and not start anything, but we'll see.

17521314? ago

Udemy is a good direction if you want to learn more. I would start with some basic network training (TCP/IP overview, DNS, DHCP, some basic tools and terminology). Learn how the HTTP protocol is working and how the traffic is routed (ie. proxy, reverse proxy, load balancing, TLS termination, etc). If you want to analyze network traffic you can check some WireShark training. Kali (ethical hacker) on Udemy look good for start. But... if you already have a solid foundation I would pick a goal and pursuit it, ie. setup a Linux box with multiple VPN connections and balance traffic between them so each new connection will be routed through different tunnel with different public IP. I heard that people were banned from reddit for sharing this kind of knowledge. Anyway you will learn so much during the process that you will not need to buy any training any more ;) And don't give up I keep my finger crossed!

17535572? ago

I have Mint/Pear/Kali?Backtrack/Fedora/Redhat distros all set up on live VMs with a few installed and have run Ubuntu in the past on a computer dual booting and as a sole operating system.

My windows 7 is running out of updates/service in a year according to Linus Dick (tech) Tips, so I'll be dual booting a Linux system on my mac but I'll be doing some test runs in the mean time to see what suits me.

Linus recommended Mint, as it's supposed to be pretty close to windows and stable but VMs always seem to run slow for me so maybe Kali/Backtrack would be better, I'm not sure.

I don't know how tough it would be to download necessary repositories ("apps"/programs) for non-pen-testing linux distros.

17510764? ago


17514188? ago

What 17510764? said....

17535380? ago

What 17514188 said.

Oh wait, I made the original comment.

This is confusing.

17544490? ago


17510026? ago

Is there a free VPN for an iPad?

17516771? ago

Check app store for AirVPN or NordVPN client. It's much better than nothing and they are also provide a DNS servers for their users.

17507559? ago

OP:Tech Sub is an awesome idea. Many times I really wished that I could have thrown out a quick ? @Voat instead of wasting hours to find a site/answer that had no strings attached. Maybe some of our awesome autist anons will kek up...

17516653? ago

It would be great if someone could do it. I have not enough manna to create a sub and don't have time to gain it. I would prefer to use my time to provide some useful info.

17506216? ago

They are not that cucked... Switzerland is way worse with its politicians. They can’t even decide and do something

17507165? ago

Can confirm they are huge cucks- an Australian

17521895? ago

Yes, confirmed. Our cunts fucked politicians passed the Anti-encryption law last year. This is all part of their plan to block all 'real' news and target those who are seeking.

17504208? ago

Morrison is giving President Trump a big public middle finger. Tough guy Morrison.

17500379? ago

Texting to get prayer lines going throughout the country. Text memes and info through outside US coms to text messages pics or through email. Prayer continuous to clear dark spells. Find a way and make a way with your skills.

17500374? ago

Use a VPN. Opera offers one for free and there is always Tor

17501781? ago

Opera is run by the Chinese. Very bad!

Use Tor!

17502946? ago

Thanks for that. Didn't realise you could use Tor :)

17504113? ago

Brave browser also offers a Tor incognito mode.

17500324? ago

Trump will help. Q does not exist.

17500323? ago

stand up for yourselves

save me, save me!

Is your whole country damsel's in distress?

get the men together and fix the problems.

Dont rely on others. That what losers do

17500551? ago

You are pathetic. Yea, get together all our men in America and straighten things out. Where have you been in the last two years? Loser

17500631? ago

Op here. Put my ass on the line by completely organizing two Sydney Yellow Vest Protests - Police forms and all with all my details submitted to the Government. Ability to organize now severely hampered by lack of Chans and Voat!

17506874? ago

Get creative! Have a BBQ or go somewhere there is a lot of people. Pretend it's 1940 and ask how would they organize?

17500457? ago

OP here. I organized two Yellow Vest Rallies in Sydney mate! Doing my best as possible mate with very few resources!

17501419? ago

The problem here is to many are only interested in listening to Karl Sandilands and watching Married AFS, or the NRL.

As long as they can afford to skull a tinny over a bbq then no one cares.

Australia is about as far from a revolution as you can get. Not enough intelligence and certainly zero willing down here. NZ is just as bad.

This place has been completely cucked by the Fascist Satanist left. Noticed the volume of Indian “migrants” lately?

The SMH constantly trashes Trump and publishes anti-white articles. The TV/Radio couldn’t wait to jump all over the ‘white supremacist’ NZ shooter, but glosses over the attacks in Melbourne and Sydney as just radicalised fringe Muslims who aren’t understood or that have mental issues.

Oz is Lost. For now....

17500610? ago

great work Sir. Keep it up. Don't back down. Be proud of yourself

17500781? ago

OP - Thanks mate. Appreciated. Proud to have organized the first Rallies here. Sad that we are running out of options.

17500277? ago
