17487201? ago

what a cluster fuck

17487292? ago

even Alex jones types were starting to make sense again http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1233377/pg142

17487130? ago

Oy Vey! Shut It Down!! @EricKaliberhall @kestrel9 @Oglop @Vindicator there was another thread? creepy guy had a tv interview recently? Massive bannings across the internet and massive attacks on 4chan, liveleak, kiwifarms, zerohedge and voat? Why are there so many disinfo news broadcasts and vids so soon? don't worry I see a news item how a muslim guy ran up and tackled the shooter saving so many lives, they will give him a medal, I watched the live stream nobody tackles them a guy in panic ran into him and was shot dead btw

17487180? ago

He was in Eastern Europe & hung around with Shiites in Pakistan, the Aus back in NZ yrs later & soon he goes into a Sunni mosque and guns them all down with absolute hatred. They knew him the guy was well watched, the people at Turkey pulled out his travel video straight away.

17486552? ago

Whats been going on @squidicuz @TREDDITFIRST a few moves combined into one? trying to kill two birds with one stone @madmalloy @Pwning4Ever @Another_Lemming

17535091? ago


17486834? ago

He was overseas in Turkey, England, Bosnia, France, India, North Korea, Pakistan, the traveled a long time, who do you think funded it? New Zealand has been exposed a long time, corrupted lots of masonic and jews and saudi in a small small town, the mosque was weird. She connects to the Mormon Twin for such a small place its got a lot of abuse and pedo shit, the India Hare Krishna cult, weird Christian groups connecting with exploitation. Clinton and Podesta have been in town, or so the conspiracy says. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3101342 Now they want to shut the internet

17486430? ago

News is very strange now

17486621? ago

Mind fuck.... and that music ...So they knew the White Fascist or Iranian Sharia was going to attack? @version7 @InternationalGoy @angryspin @vastrightwing but they let it go ahead anyways?

17486446? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3105471/17486197 'Well, he's not wrong. As soon as we see some high-profile arrests of the Deep State, we'll know that Q is legit.'