Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Adern. Seems like New Zealand has their own version of Michelle Obama. (
submitted 5.9 years ago by 3105201?
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17483806? 5.9 years ago
Has a mans face too. I noticed that from the first picture I saw.
17491129? 5.9 years ago
Transvesigation? @mralexson @bdmthrfkr @tendiesonfloor @Windmill_of_Peace internet shut down? Canada might ban, Trudeau is showing his communist dictator faggot self
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17483806? ago
Has a mans face too. I noticed that from the first picture I saw.
17491129? ago
Transvesigation? @mralexson @bdmthrfkr @tendiesonfloor @Windmill_of_Peace internet shut down? Canada might ban, Trudeau is showing his communist dictator faggot self