17509066? ago

What's really funny is that the normies can't keep up with all the bs being pushed at them and are losing interest because springtime means fun time outside away from the fake news media.

17508846? ago

If it didn't wriggle on the hook, I wouldn't think we'd got the wyrm

17501466? ago

I like it.

17497301? ago

Memes of Q drops can help? Screenshots of Q drops can help? Will disinfo memes and disinfo screenshots be a reason to not bother with legit memes and screenshots? Too legit to Q uit.

17494898? ago

Used your post too make a meme

17497125? ago

Good work soldier

17494876? ago

Did you hear the twilight hour comment from potus today

17493874? ago

Agree to disagree, these evil cabals have been in charge for centuries. If you think this is a death blossom, you haven't read history much. They have things in place that will be earth changing/paradigm altering.

That said, God is in control and Satan is only the prince of this world. I'm torn between my conspiracy guy decades of concernfagging and my christian faith.

Instincts tell me it will get WAY worse.

17493630? ago

So basically, we are literally waiting for the Deep State to be done with False Flag so that Q team can go ahead. Well, good luck with that. DS will never run out of false flag. Here is a suggestion, do not date fag in a first place so that DS wont know when is [0]. it is that simple.

17493585? ago

"The global cabal are firing all their remaining ammunition at once." -- that's not how it works in the real world. Look at Russia 100 years ago, China right after WWII, Venz., etc etc. The fall is always episodic. It is more like concentrating U235 enough to create a critical mass. Beto eating children is only giving them more followers.

17493475? ago

Desperation is a stinky cologne - Stay sharp Goats.

17493437? ago

Naming events never gets old. Arjuna played an ancient game called "yamaka" 5000 years ago, a game in which he rotated counter-clockwise on his chariot shooting hundreds of arrows per second, resulting in hundreds of soldiers' heads and other body parts removed per second counter-clockwise and a lake of blood -- such a forgotten event.

17493262? ago

and it will all fail

17490335? ago

Get 'em locked & loaded.

17489127? ago

You were created to be ruled.

This is your natural state It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.

You people are weak minded key board warriors.

The only justice is ACTION. Until you are ready to die for what you believe in nothing will change you yellow bellied big mouth scum sucking key board warrior Q'tist's.

17493980? ago

You people are weak minded key board warriors.

Even if that were true, which it isn't, I would prefer that to being you!

17511534? ago

Have you ever served in the military? More than likely not.

Have you ever stared the enemy in the eye while plugging off rounds? Nope.

Have you ever stood a post? Nope.

I have been in places and in situations that would make you scream for your mommy pal.

17515561? ago

For someone who knows fuck all about me you sure seem to know a lot. Tell me what I've done all my life. What color is my hair? Where have I lived and worked? You just keep chest pounding bozo.

17515630? ago

Thanks for admitting you were not in the Military.

17515723? ago

Apparently you know things by just using your imagination. You're obviously easily triggered. I could do this all day but excitable dopes like you aren't worth my time.

17515769? ago

Again your response proves you were not in the Military.

17517141? ago

This seems to be very important to you. I owe you no proofs. Keep it up. I'm almost amused. What am I proving to you now genius?

17517525? ago

That you were never in the Military. It is self evident.

17518012? ago

You've yet to say how you've come to your conclusion. But, as long as you're convinced and triggered, I'm good.

17491315? ago

What are you - 14 years old?

17491345? ago

X 4.

17490412? ago

Why wouldn't we be 'ready to die'? Do you even know what kind of people you're talking to?🙄

17489627? ago



17490254? ago

Truth hurts, I know.

Swallow your pride. Get with the program and learn.

17497296? ago





17488948? ago

It feels like we're going to lose this.

We're losing on every front.

17489647? ago

What fronts would those be?

17489998? ago

House, ongoing investigations, censorship, extrajudicially crippling the electoral college, boder wall funding.

We don't have anything to hold up on our end

17497271? ago


17490488? ago

BECAUSE there are still MORE people to wake up, so quit complaining and get busy! Or are you a spineless beta that's waiting for Q to wipe your ass?🧐

17489870? ago

Dude must be on DS team. They ARE losing on every front. #MAGA

17490348? ago

No THEY really are not. Use your mind. That is what it's for.

17496742? ago


17488933? ago

Brexit scuttled? I missed this one.

17488880? ago

Q2461 comes to mind....

Why are we under heavy fire? Why are we so important to the FAKE NEWS media? Attacks coordinated? THE SWAMP IS EVERYWHERE. There is a reason some could no longer be trusted. YOU ARE WITNESSING THE SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD GUARD. Forced exposure. Standard deviation broken long ago. P—A—I—N Q

17488797? ago

This is bigger than you can imagine.

17488263? ago


My wife recently said “OMG, have you seen this NZ thing, it’s just awful.” To which I replied “it’s what we call the deep state death blossom.”

“Whatever, you’re impossible to talk to. I’m going to bed.”

17497076? ago

My not-awake-but-getting-there boyfriend: "have you heard about that shooting, and that Donald Trump caused it?" sarcastically, thankfully, and then went on about how they will do anything to make DJT look bad. He's starting to see how fucked the msm is, thank you Lord!!

17497180? ago

I hear ya gf- I think my wife will start thinking differently if Meuller raises DJTs hand in victory.

She’s only on the surface of this whole thing, happier there. Honestly, I’ve gone too deep. Id probably best be served putting down my phone for a week.

17488777? ago

Tell her no cuddling for a year. They don't care about sex.

17490096? ago

Lol, so true! Said the fagette

17488758? ago

Get rid of her and get someone who will love you.

17488027? ago

Finally got what death blossum means.

17487748? ago

Well, it's working.

The other half of the country who still hates Trump, hates Trump even more.

17489673? ago


17487458? ago

Father Creator, Son Exemplar, Mother Death, and Uncle Trickster- of the four, Mother is never more than a heart beat away, ready to embrace her children and bring them home.

17486422? ago

Death blossom? More like blooming onion.

17487158? ago

The ds onion, peel the layers

17486331? ago

I'm feeling more and more excited every day. I've personally been very happy that Beto is starting to go down in flames. I've hated that guy since day one. I knew he was a bought and paid for politician just by his looks and attitude. There's no way a guy like him should be anywhere near the levers of power.

The Beto hit piece of Beto's earlier high school connection to the hacker group CDC (Cult of Dead Cows) and his mug shot being spread around on St. Paddy's Day might also be included on this list. Beto was once a hot contender, and now he's playing a defensive game.

17493661? ago

Bob won't ever get to where he wants to be.

17490967? ago

Robert "Beto" must come from the "families". Wiki: His mother owned a furniture store, and is the stepdaughter of Fred Korth, Secretary of the Navy under President John F. Kennedy. His father, Pat O'Rourke, served in El Paso as County Commissioner and County Judge. Pat O'Rourke was an associate of Texas Governor Mark White,and served as the state chairman of Jesse Jackson's 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns,before switching parties in the early 1990s and running several unsuccessful bids for office as a Republican. Wife: Jewess billionaire real estate heiress. He basically is unelectable being a "privileged white male" in the identity politics party.

17493698? ago

Bob O'Rourke

17487132? ago

As is AOC

17488670? ago

AOC had me Twitter banned for saying she should have learned to code.

17488198? ago


17486383? ago

Manufactured like the Spice Girls, optics only.

17486421? ago

So fucking true.

17486288? ago

Seems like one Grand finale of a shit show bubs. And we've got front row seats.

17487147? ago

Hear that Bubs? The shit winds are a coming.

17487246? ago

There's gonna be a shitnado.

17496998? ago

You know what a shit-rope is, Randy?

17486260? ago

But wait, the shills are saying nothing is happening!?


17489728? ago


17485646? ago

Did someone say Death Blossom? https://imgoat.com/uploads/91d584fced/207008.png

17485127? ago

I wonder just how long the 'Kiwis' are going to put up with being censored?

17497118? ago

I only have one NZ friend, and he posts on kikebook about climate change and gun control, so there you go

17493812? ago

They're geographically isolated. They could easily be censored and never know it.

17485604? ago

never found there to be much spine to Kiwis

17510894? ago

My daughter worked with NZ soldiers on her second deployment to Afghanistan. Said they were good soldiers, had a crazy sense of humor and a lot of fun to be around.

17489637? ago

The kiwi settlers were self reliant, which worked well when establishing a sheep farm in the wilderness. Now they are just selfish. Zero civic qualities. Happy to ignore any sort of tyranny, corruption, or decadence as long as their white toast is buttered.

17486087? ago

New Zealand is a DS Shithole.

17485114? ago

No fear. The Illuminati is large and in charge. Q, Trump and the Q-tists's are losing. BIG TIME. When you play ball with Vipers, you get bit and die.

17487185? ago


17487424? ago

Operation Mongoose is controlled by the SWS ۞ – Works with CIA – Global Spy Grid – Right now as we speak the AI is being implemented for total global control and Trump, Q are the distraction. Players in the game of illusion.

17488932? ago

Ok. But a Mongoose cam easily kill a Viper and I was commenting on that post. Whatever faggotnigger!

17489006? ago

You were created to be ruled.

This is your natural state It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.

The Illuminati rules and always will.

17489557? ago

Is this an excerpt from one of your Gestault sessions? You really need to think more of yourself....there is no Illuminati. You must be a bot, as you speak of yourself in the 3rd person. Awww, look at how pathetic the bot is. Tell your boss that you suck as a shill and need a time out.

17490183? ago

No Illuminati eh? Better re-think and do some more research. Here let me help ya. https://www.illuminatiofficial.org/#

At the top of the pyramid, The Swiss Octogon Templars ╬ (SWS), the Pharanonic bloodine families.

You Q'tist's aren't as intelligent as you might think.

17495054? ago

Know all about the bloodlines as I must. Intelligence? Try wisdom.

17511452? ago

I have plenty of wisdom. That is why I know Q is a CIA Psy-Op.

17486249? ago

Lmfao. Trump is most definitely not losing.

17486708? ago

Biggest catch and release operation of illegal immigrants in history. Border Security control broken and held up in the courts. End of the Electorate College.

You have witnessed all of Trump's associates scooped up while the Clinton's are attending parties laughing and living it up and out campaigning and giving speeches. Let alone the other freaking bad actors like Podesta, Comey, Yates, Brennan, Clapper, Stzrok, Page, Lynch, Obummer, Steele, Baker and the Ohr's all out and about giving speeches attending conferences, appearing on CNN and MSNBC and not to mention on some of the history channel programs.

They continue to walk free. No mass arrests. No Storm. No this or that the Q continues shoveling out.

You do see what is coming right? Investigations of 81 individuals involved with Trump let alone the investigations by the SDONY looking into the Trump organization for possible fraud and money laundering.

Kim Jong Un told U.S. Diplomats to kick mud. He isn't giving up his nukes.

China hacking U.S. Naval Intelligence.

Wars rage on.

Freedom of speech under attack.

Yeah ,, Trump is losing.

17488684? ago

It's called the art of war. Appear weak when you are strong. Theres list just as long that says the tide is changing. Dont be a doubter this late in the game my friend.

17488897? ago

Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.”


Drop #15 to predict that John Podesta would be indicted on Nov. 3, 17 and Clinton aide Huma Abedin indicted on Nov. 6, 17.


Drop #25 that proof of his predictions would “begin 11.3, 18.” Again, the only significant event of this day was the president leaving for Asia. Drop #32, Q claimed that the “initial wave [of arrests] will be fast and meaningful,” with many members of the media “jailed as deep cover agents.”

Q is a total FAIL.

17489015? ago

On the off chance that aren't a paid shill....nobody gives a single fuck that the plan isn't happening fast enough your impatient ass.

17489070? ago

Oh but you will give a fuck in the end pal. When you are hauled off to a FEMA reconditioning camp.

17489169? ago

So you've given up on Q. And your new plan is to convince other people to give up on Q?? It just doesn't make sense.

17489368? ago

Makes total sense. Time for Plan B.

17488931? ago

We get it. You gotta a paycheck to earn. Everybody has to make a living. You just dont have to betray your country to do it.

17489039? ago

I don't get paid for this.

America will fall. What is written shall be done.

I served this country punk. Been in places thet would make you scream for your momma.

17489082? ago

Well you dont sound like someone that understands military planning or precision. But thank you for your service.

17489153? ago

The military isn't involved. You have been brainwashed by the CIA Q to believe that though.

17489195? ago

You obviously haven't watched the inauguration ceremony. The military is so obviously backing up our President. They are plan B if these sick fucks try to impeach or assassinate

17489340? ago

Obviously you have never served. The military, all military serves under all Presidents command. It doesn't matter which party they represent. We serve at the Presidents pleasure. I served under two Republicans and one Democrat. How about you? Did you serve or ever stand a post. Ever been shot at? Ever stared the enemy in the eye?

President Trump will not be impeached. Assassinated? Do you realise how hard that is to do these days? This isn't the Reagan years pal. 911 has happened since then.

17489480? ago

You're getting sidetracked. And you just contradicted yourself. The military is involved. There have been attempts already on our Presidents life. I truly believe he is highly protected. And no. I haven't served. What does that have to do anything?

17490231? ago

And no. I haven't served. What does that have to do anything?

Because you don't understand that the Military is not involved and no there hasn't been any attempts on the President's life.

Oh, yeah that's right. Q said there was. LOL

Sessions – FAIL.

Mattis - FAIL.

Kelly - FAIL.

Better get in the KNOW.

17490378? ago

And yet you're still here. Trying to discredit the movement. Move along shill.

17490402? ago

Then do not shill.

17487403? ago

No matter how much you want this to be true, it ain't...buckle up, buttercup!

17487713? ago

It is what it is. You people are suffering from ad nauseam Anosognosia.

17487395? ago

Biggest catch and release operation of illegal immigrants in history. Border Security control broken and held up in the courts.

A system overwhelmed by design and laws designed to allow this. Not Trump's fault. Congress needs to fix the laws.

End of the Electorate College.

This will get shot down in SCOTUS as states are forbidden to enter into compacts with each other. Again, not Trump's fault.

You have witnessed all of ...

This is playing out now. Give it time. Trump's "associates" were all indicted on process crimes or crimes not involving Trump. Fake, phony and false, again.

Investigations of 81 individuals involved with Trump...

This will go no where. Remember I said this when it doesn't.

Kim Jong Un told U.S. Diplomats to kick mud.

Proper dissemination of MSM crap. Good job! Actually, the US proposed an establishment of a U.S. diplomatic liaison office in North Korea to continue negotiations. Also, it was Trump who walked away from negotiations. "The Art of the Deal" https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/03/12/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/go-big-go-home-top-u-s-envoy-north-korea-talks-rules-incremental-approach/

China hacking U.S. Naval Intelligence.

Yeah, the Clinton's sold that info.

Freedom of speech under attack.

Trump did this? Watch him resolve it though.

17487664? ago

You people are unbearably naive.

If Trump wanted to stop the Catch and Release Program he can. Anytime. Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama all deported more illegals than Trump has at this point in his Presidency.

Read the Constitution. Yes States can vote to end the Electorate College.

Nothing is playing out now.

9 Trump Campaign associates indicted.

0 Shillary Clinton Campaign associate indictments.


Podesta, Shillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Stzrok, Page, Yates, Lynch, Obummer, Steele, Baker and the Ohr's all walk free.

Kim Jong Un announced he is not going to give up his nuke program. Period. Gen. Robert Abrams, the four-star commander in charge of U.S., U.N., and South Korean forces, said in Senate testimony last Tuesday that Kim is building a new facility and has snubbed further negotiations.

China hacking the U.S. Naval Intelligence is now Trump's fault. He is C & C of the Armed Forces. Shillary Shiton is gone.

Didn't say Trump was at fault for attack on Freedom of Speech however he has done nothing to secure it.

Anymore ad nauseam bullshit you have to spew?

17487585? ago


17485675? ago

LOL! Even the shill rhetoric is in Death Blossom mode :-)

17486142? ago

Without results it’s hard to argue.

17485398? ago

How big is your cock?

17485734? ago

The one that was removed during transition?

17485879? ago

Sure, if that's what you're into.

17486104? ago

It's obvious the illuminati fag had some kind of hormone therapy.

No real men would be anti-Q.

17487171? ago

N Illinois St & W 16th St, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Come get some punk assed bitch.

17488633? ago

I don't travel for fake front holes.

Come to midtown manhatten, puss n boobs.

17488679? ago

I knew it. I called it. Another Yellow Bellied shit for brains idiot on the web.

17488723? ago

Whatever you say, anti-q front hole soyboy.

If this whole thing turns sour and civil war, we will see who gets wrecked.

17488981? ago

There isn't going to be a civil war. Too late.

You people are too Yellow Bellied and docile.

Pacified by the chemicals in the air, food, medicines and water.

You were created to be ruled.

This is your natural state It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.

17489287? ago

You think about kneeling a lot?

17484984? ago

Death Blossom, yes!!

17484839? ago

May God bless all patriots working selflessly to tighten the net around the evil cabal. May justice find the evil ones where ever they try to hide. WWG1WGA

17495259? ago

From 4chan - Background info on NZ Shooter https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098487/17402926 'The chanons can know anything they want to.'

17484827? ago

Not much for shills here on QRV today -- typically they are scattered throughout every thread... BIG DAY ?

17484809? ago

Crazy days & nights! I pray the madness is over soon. God bless President Trump, Q team, United States of America, Patriots Worldwide. WWG1WGA

17484446? ago

U forgot the chorus. “We didn’t start the fire, it was always burnin, since the worlds been turnin”.

17491409? ago

From the album Storm Front.

17486502? ago

You are so right! They did start the fire. But it will not always burn, freedom is coming.

17486054? ago

Billy Joel death blow. BOOM

17484053? ago

Good post op.

17484018? ago

In God We Trust.

17483945? ago

Death Blossom, more like Death Throws, we're witnesses the final feeble attempts of the DS to stay alive.

17485376? ago


17485531? ago

No dude you throw death

17485841? ago

It's ok fren. It's a doggy dog world out there, and mistakes are a diamond dozen. I know it seems unfair when people put proper speech on a pedal stool, but sooner or later you'll learn.

17508856? ago

My eyes... they bleed

17504662? ago

Ricky is that you? kek

17496849? ago

I mean, worst case Ontarios this gave them a laugh

17493218? ago

For all intensive purposes, please don't take this for granite.

17491100? ago

"doggy dog"


dog "EAT" dog

17496814? ago


17581789? ago

I just find it so punny

17487588? ago

I’m dying. 😝

17487231? ago

This is no time for ped antics.

17486261? ago


17485713? ago


ALESTORM begs to differ, sir!

17485678? ago

throw death? wtf does that even mean, moron?
Definition of death throes

the violent movements and noises that are sometimes made by a person who is about to die

17508863? ago


17489696? ago


17483775? ago

Is qmap.pub for certain blocked?

Notch has it in his bio, a link to qmap.pub.

Maybe just in tweets.

17497417? ago


Had to do a double take. You're right. Interesting. Someone with as big a following would not link to a "larp" unless they were sure of it.

17486311? ago

Why are they scared of a larp website?

17483584? ago

And it will be all over for the Satanic fucks soon.

They know this.

17508850? ago

Exactly how i think.

17488257? ago

Just say "jew". It's ok. This is a safe space.

17489781? ago

You're obviously a jew.

17489916? ago

A kike? A heeb? A yid? A kosher? A kiddy diddler? A baby dick sucker? A hook nose? A witch or warlock? A blood sucking vampire? A goblin? A troll? A Zionist? Part of the ZOG? An elite? A globalist? One of god's chosen people? With my (((echoes)))? An Ikey? A Mokey? A shylock? A Red Sea pedestrian?

Nah mate. You're a nigger.

17496778? ago



17498994? ago


17500360? ago


Low-impact naive commentary, targetting low hanging fruit, using insults found on middle school campuses all over the south, side-stepping logic, & promoting distractions.


17502979? ago

targeting low hanging fruit

You said it. Not me.

Good work.

17504610? ago


Considering that's how any law enforcement group takes down organized crime, I'd say a lot has been done clearing the world of FASCIST FUCKS in these last 2 years.





17504653? ago


17504739? ago

Now you're just repeating shit you've heard others say as an insult.


Sarcasm, bitch.

17496767? ago

Shylock is my favorite Jew word. It's insulting AND elitist... The Shakespeare-lover's word of choice

17488774? ago


17487369? ago

I want this to be true so much. I'm just worried that what's happening is one faction taking power from another. I hate what the evil ones are doing - and why -, but I'd still hate for the good (if they are good) ones to employ the same psyops to achieve "benevolent" goals instead of finally being open with the world about how the world is being ran. I don't want to see people being controlled and programmed anymore.

17492977? ago

We woke. And can never go back to sleep. It will end, this generation, or the next, but it will end.

17488521? ago

Same here. Still possibly within the 13 bloodlines but the Christian side instead of the satanic side? I also agree I would rather have that than what we were on course for but worry we will still be slaves nonetheless.

17487034? ago

"Extinction Burst" is another term for whats happening.

17508815? ago

Trying to tie the Gambino boss' murder to Q somehow made me wonder how desperate they really are. I'm sure they have better tricks up their sleeve. That was just ridiculous.

17484791? ago

Obama worshipers are destined for a reckoning when they discover he's raped children with his tranny 'wife'.

17496201? ago

Tortured killed and eaten them.

17483247? ago

I agree patriot; and it seems they not only fear, they know they are in a kill-box and they don't have the high ground anymore (DOJ/Pres) and have no real escape as the other 4 eyes are certainly being monitored. I'll bet if one tracks Skippy's arrival in NZ before the [FF] and Q posts, there will be a corollary somewhere.

Operators are obviously in the field. Bet they are pushing a Alpha Whiskey Romeo, and then the call goes out.... BOOM. Wonder how the #MSM will try and spin that?

Never a better time to keep

17486755? ago

for those of us that don't speak in acronyms...WTF is AWR?

17491772? ago

Allah’s Waiting Room. When engaged, (insurgents) have a tendency to flee to the same building (the AWR) at which point the troops radio in an air strike.


17488467? ago

Alpha Whiskey Romeo