17506434? ago

Somebody was arrested in my city in South Australia for commenting on social media re the attack. Australia doesn’t have free speech legislation like you guys do and I assume neither does NZ

17495202? ago

America is the only true home of freedom. And it is under attack like never before. NEVER NEVER GIVE UP THE CONSTITUTION!

17494457? ago

UK is a Monarchy (Land of Serfs) - Let FREEDOM Ring! End US EUR Alliances. They are NOT OUR FRIENDS!

17486704? ago

NZ is TRYING to make people riot. DS wants the world to burn.

17486210? ago

I tried to look him up under a fake FB profile. As soon as I typed the shooters first name it auto corrected the search to Live streamed shooting.

17486015? ago

I remember in my teens thinking it would be sooo cool to live abroad and leave the US. Hoooooo boy was I fucking wrong. Thank God for not answering those prayers (sounds like a lame country song lyric sorry) because this country is like the last bastion of defense now.

17485624? ago

Serves them right.

We are at war. Anyone who wants to think we're not, and not take how fucking serious the situation humanity and Earth is in, will be got.

We are all enemy combatants because we are all against human slavery, pedophilia, the ritual murder of men, women and children and more.

17485605? ago

Q was right. This will be world wide

17485487? ago

Yellow vest about to escalate. Any day a war in Europe could break out. Arrest escalation. 2019 has been fun, thanks for playing.

17485155? ago

The goyim will fall in line or go to prison

17485067? ago

The Illuminati marches on. You Q-tist's will never defeat the RULERS of this realm. Ever. Got it? Good.

17484632? ago

Welcome to 1984, Are you ready for the 3rd World War?

You too will meet the Secret Police, They'll draft you and you'll jail your niece.

She's found guilty of thought crime, through her posts on Twitter she dropped the dime.

She spoke ill of the official narrative, and for this she can no longer live!

Die by exposure to microwaves

North Korea then Iran

functionality testing of the 5g plan

Regaining control over free will

Die a slave to your bills!

California Uber alles

Uber alles California

17485243? ago

I don't remember Jello writing about Twitter. He does update that song now and then.... Jello hates Trump and haven't heard his opinion on Q, but I bet he's against that too, despite Jello Biafra being one of the guys that gave me the most red pills early on...

17486266? ago

Coincidentally, Jello bears some resemblance to Q on Star Trek.

17486480? ago

(((resemblance))) probably.

17485170? ago

THeres a live video of this song where jello punches one of the audience in the face for trying to steal the mic. its brutal and funny kek.

Good song. Many versions with diff lyrics, one about swartzenagger. (Black nigger)

17484769? ago

Hey, Dead Kenedys!! I loved that band when I was a lad!

17484486? ago

The English legal system is a fucking joke

17484134? ago

When is Zucker and his entire exec team due to be arrested for live streaming the shooting?

17483983? ago

God bless America and the 1st amendment.

17483870? ago

The DS is desperate, they tried a False Flag and its blowing up in their faces and they're trying to cover it up by blocking people from showing the video and talking about it on social media. Their P.A.N.I.C. will be their undoing.

P.A.N.I.C. = Patriots Are In Control

17485904? ago

You mean P.A.I.N= Patriots Are In Control - whereas P.A.N.I.C could mean Patriots Are Not In Control!

17495911? ago

Patriots Are Now In Control.

17508302? ago

You mean the La Li Lu Le Lo?

17483786? ago

So much for the ‘Police.’ As expected they are just a bunch of sold out cucks. Provably masons.

17485949? ago

They sure are, and it's right in your face! https://youtu.be/GYl8bIkzo2E

17483405? ago

Its imperative the Muslim invasion is completed across the west. Its goes back to Bush attacking Iraq to destabilize the middle east, Libya to fall and the planned invasion of western nations. Now all measures are being taken to stop any and all blow-back from the public. This should signify the importance the Muslims play in their plans. People should be wary of this above all else, the political unity between western nations leaders for the influx of Muslims and the protections they are being given. Why? They must be an integral part of their future plans. We sure as hell know they will never assimilate into western society, so its obvious they are being bought in to change western society. Unlike the societies they move too, there is no Red versus Blue. They vote as one block, as has been demonstrated in London which is now out of control.

Personally I see them as a disruptive force, a constant menace to society bought in so unity is never achieved. This allows political leaders to use the Problem/Reaction/Solution scenario to create laws and give themselves more power as is being demonstrated in New Zealand, the UK and other western nations as people are being arrested for crimes unheard of years ago. Where this leads I have no idea, but there is an agenda at play, its right across the western world and the unspoken unity between western leaders for this invasion scares me.

17489222? ago

I said it a long time ago and the truth is ever more obvious... the muzzies are a weaponized demographic. Bush2 and Bama especially made sure of that. Not sure if Bush1 had the idea but his actions certainly set it up.

17484744? ago

Yep, that’s the game plan. Their moves are obvious now. It is accelerating as people wake up.

17483970? ago

Well stated. The satanic globalists are finding it useful to overwhelm western countries with immigrants so the immigrants overwhelm western culture. It is coordinated. I thank God for Trump & Q-team, the satanists never saw them coming.

17483351? ago

What did they write and where did they share it ?

17483323? ago

NZ guy facing 14 years for sharing video that the WHOLE world has seen - are you kidding me?

NZ is officially a shithole country - I was planning a trip there one day, but fuck that - no way will I support super assholes.

17483284? ago

This is 1984 - the movie; Orwell was just off by 35 years. But he nailed it. I guess his socialIST beliefs knew this day would come.

Hey Millennials! This is the future you and those who follow are destined to have unless you rise up against the Left.

17483090? ago

I'm betting the U.K., Australia, and N.Z. citizens are wishing they had our constitution right now. If they want freedom they will have to fight long and hard for it.

17491853? ago

I dunno. As a New Zealander and regular voat user it's quite apparent your constitution isn't being upheld particularly well and those on one side of your government are doing their best to completely destroy it

17497046? ago

This thread is about one's individual right to access the information they see fit to view in any country. Question why N.Z., Australia, and the U.K. are desperately trying to stop the viewing of this massacre? We are all adults and can/should individually decide what, when, and where we choose this right. You're damn right the U.S. Constitution is under attack by the left. It stands in the way of their controlling of the greatest country in the world and systematically destroying it. The Democrats/far, far left will not get their greedy little paws on this country because Patriots will not allow it. Now we can have a great debate of wrong turns by individual countries that have to lead them to their current status including America or we can ask why do governments not want this and other videos viewed? My attack that your taking personally, has more to do with the people's rights in their respective countries and the overreach of N.Z. and Australia's Prime Ministers into my country. Yes, I viewed the short video and after, prayed for the souls of the victims. God bless.

17507321? ago

My point was really nothing more than a simple response to "I'm betting .... citizens are wishing they had our constitution right now." - No. We don't wish that.

This has been an unprecedented event and it's had been met with experimental and unprece response. our laws evolve over time to reflect need. We toughen what needs toughening but we also repeal what needs repealing. It's fluid. It's generally a good system and we don't just have a two parties running the show either so every 3 years things can change and mix and new ideas that better represent the will of the people actually get a chance to be heard and implemented

That said, it's easy for us. We are a country of just 4.5million inhabiting a landmass bigger than the UK. The constition suits the US and it's need and you patriots are very right, and responsible, to defend it

17496117? ago

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. That is the purpose of our right to bear arms.

17485844? ago

We may have to fall back on our Second Amendment...the Constitution is not being Honored these days, we are quite far removed from the Rule of Law.

I don't think we can go much longer as we are today, we'll know civil war before long if we don't get some major movement, too many things on our to-do lists....too many enemies crashing our Society.

17483038? ago

Dude u guys still have a fucking queen and sing songs about the bitch. It’s 2019 for fucks sake!! And u pay a fucking tv tax so they can indoctrinate u while making Richard Branson even richer. Why r u surprised with this?

17482938? ago

U r surprised?

17482702? ago

This should work both ways, if a Musl!m agrees with and shows support for any Musl!m attack, they should be treated the same

17495862? ago

It doesn't work both ways. The double standards are brutally evident. The muzz can get away with any 'malicious communication'.

17482565? ago

Yeah, gonna read that book again. Read it many years ago.... I'm sure it will read like today's news-fake and real! Thank God that our Founding Fathers codified in our Constitution and Bill of Rights not only the truths concerning this Republic, but also preserved the means to KEEP IT if we have the backbone to do so. "...so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to STAND." We aint "missed a meal", so it has not gotten really bad...yet.

17482494? ago

In my opinion NZ is fake. The recoil and the noise of the weapons is not like real weapons would act and sound.

17483159? ago

Well I agree with you, but this post is not about that

17482906? ago

Yeah. That noise should've been deafeningly loud where the mic would need time to refocus. As for recoil, looked pretty fair to me. Maybe too much recoil.

17495817? ago

That noise should've been deafeningly loud where the mic would need time to refocus.

If the video below is a fair audio comparison, the gunshots in the mosque shooting sounded about right. Modern digital limiting is very fast, so you get a metallic zipping noise instead of a recognizable gunshot.


17482339? ago

Why is this an OMG moment? UK has been cucked a long time ago...

17482194? ago

Insanity. The entire world has "jumped the shark".

17483726? ago

The "entire world" wants to kill you, rape your children and they think its funny. By entire world I mean (((those))) in charge. Its a war and they have been fighting it for centuries. Most governments are on their side and against the common people. Wake up

17489715? ago

Missed my point but you do you, man.

17483354? ago

Only, they don't even get the connection. Indeed, that may very well be the problem in a nutshell. (Not the 'jumped the shark' reference, but the fact that many actors today don't know truth and historical facts.) The MSM is a constant feed tube of lies and deceit. They are creating this mess we are witnessing unfold on the world stage. How come the killings of hundreds of Christians hasn't been on the news 24/7? It is all about their agenda. We may not like it, but the world really is now at war, again. Only this time, it is amongst ourselves created from the design of the Left trying to gain control world-wide. Only, people are waking up.

17482035? ago

Well NN prevented liberals from doing this shit with banning sites and fucking conservatives and fucking republicans wanted NN gone so here you all go dumb asshole shit piss mother fuckers you stupid ass mother fuckers.

17481894? ago

This is why the 1st Amendment is 1st and the 2nd backs it up.

17481813? ago

What’s the saying? Anything you say before the word but means squat. We have to get united and never let this shit happen on this side of the pond. The globalist left are trying to turn America into Europe. Fuck them.

17483009? ago

The UK communists don't want the people to learn facts like this:



17481743? ago

Q was not kidding about 'Busy saving humanity'. Between things like this and Colorado being the 12th state to join the so-called 'Popular Vote Compact' if he doesn't we're done already. FVEYs don't want their people seeing the truth.

17481422? ago

In german MSM media all articles about the NZ Shooting disapeared from their starting pages. Too many people saw that the video was staged, now they want to hide it.

17481739? ago

link to video?

17483065? ago

That NZ 'shooting' was fake and gay.

That video is just more proof it was crisis actors 100%.

This is why the communist evil fucks are arresting people for talking about it.

17483729? ago

Hahaha... the stupidity of Qtards knows no bounds... everything is a fucking conspiracy etc etc... except from the random internet person who calls themselves Q... defo not a conspiracy and any investigation into it is shilling.

Attack was 100% legit... nothing in that video proves anything... apart from after the shooting at the 2nd mosque someone decided to pull out their camera phone.... deep bro

17481322? ago

October 19, 1781. Perhaps Patriots all around the world should stand up at the same time in response to this world tyranny.

17481295? ago

See my last comment that says it all i guess but ¯_(ツ)/¯ Well Slayers last show ever was cancelled and Phil Anselmo of Pantera and Down was not allowed to perform in NZ either so it's not about Nazisim and Slayer - Angel Of Death was never a pro Nazi song most the SLayer members are Jewish but like i said ¯_(ツ)

17485214? ago

No idea about that situation but people criticized Anselmo for sieg heliling and mouthing "white power" on stage a while back.

Could be something related to that?

17481290? ago

Quite frankly the police in the UK are a joke..

Maybe a mass campaign of offense is needed... can they lock up everyone?

17481751? ago

Yes actually. Look into internment in Northern Ireland in the 70s as an example of the large numbers they can imprison without trial. Then remember that the Northern Ireland conflict raged for 30 years. Then remember that the Brits had at least one man on the IRA army council (Denis Donaldson) and realise that the whole conflict was overseen on both sides by the British authorities. The Northern Ireland conflict was an organised dress rehearsal; people will understand that when the tan army is marching on British streets in the near future.

17481276? ago

“People are entitled to free speech, and this is always respected, however...”

Nope, once you add an “however” then you clearly do not believe in free speech. The only speech worthy of defence is speech that pisses you off; it is easy to defend speech with which you agree.

17485332? ago

Hence the reason it is a really good idea to say niggger and kike all the time to test it and make sure it works.

17484047? ago

Everything said before the but (or however in this case) is bullshit.

17483978? ago

Yes ... so much for free speech. Aust/NZ wen providers have now blocked access to 8chan/4chan, Voat and Zerohedge, for allegedly allowing distribution of the video from the shooting. Thankfully just a temporary measure so they say, but shows how draconian the political correctness has got over here.

Funny how no blocking of facebook or twitter, given both of these sites were extremely complicit in their dealing with taking no action about manifesto or weapon pic posted before the shooting.

17483291? ago

Everything after the word "but" it's always bullshit Ned

17481812? ago

The UK people need to learn from the Irish who fought for their freedom, and proved you can win against oppressive empire.

17483798? ago

UK is truly a KINGdom, serfs!

17481840? ago

Fuck all to learn from us these days. The fall of the Church in Ireland has left us with a spiritual deficit that people are filling with liberal, globalist nonsense. We’re governed by a half pajeet faggot, we have mass immigration on a scale that would make even the Germans blush, and our supposedly nationalist party, the political wing of the IRA, want to remove all restrictions on immigration should they win power democratically. Romantic Ireland is dead and gone, it’s with O’Leary in the grave.

17484568? ago

Don't forget all the dugs. Many people in Ireland have replaced religion with heroin.

17482950? ago

U guys need to eliminate George soros and all his organizations. He’s ruining your country just like he’s doing to America.

17485271? ago

Soro's is on a push for more censorship in Europe...which means he's dumping money in big chunks.

17481873? ago

I'm saying the tactics were effective, and that's a fact.

17481269? ago

Thank GOD for the constitution and the bill of rights. You could learn a thing or two from burgers aside from fighting wars for kikes you beef wellington mofuckas